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Support for Brian & Annette


 USD $100,000


 USD $56,001

Campaign created by Polly Deardorff

Campaign funds will be received by Annette Licitra

Support for Brian & Annette

This fund is set up to support Brian Winkelman and his wife Annette for medical bills and the inability to work for the upcoming weeks. Brian runs a permaculture business in our suburban Chicago community. He is a local leader in this domain. All who know him agree that he is an exceptional man in his mission-driven work, his strong faith, intelligence, and deep love for his family and friends. On April 10 Brian suffered a devastating accident while cutting down a tree branch. His fall off a ladder resulted in a broken neck and a lengthy surgery at Loyola. He is expected to be in intensive care for about a week, and will go through an extended recovery period.

Brian’s wife Annette is also self employed. She has the same strong values of her husband for her work, faith and family and community connections. Her ongoing work as a chef, health coach and a healthy eating expert inspires, educates and assists people to live healthier lives.

These two individuals are beloved for their big and generous hearts, values, leadership qualities, and their dedication to improving lives, communities and the environment. They now face large medical bills and extended time off work. Please join us in showing our appreciation and love for this couple by giving what you can to lessen the financial burden, and allow them to focus on Brian’s healing that is required now. These crises do indeed remind us how much we love and value our family and friends. We are all so very grateful for Brian & Annette and all the joy they bring to us. Let’s lend a hand to them now.

Thank you,
Brian & Annette’s family and friends

Recent Donations
$ 50.00 USD
5 days ago

Daily prayers for Brian and Annette. Wish it could be so much more

The Moores
$ 220.00 USD
6 days ago

Love and prayers

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
16 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
17 days ago

Sending healing vibes.

$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago

We love you both, and will continue to pray for breakthrough!

Tom and Annie
$ 220.00 USD
20 days ago

Praise the Lord for healing!

Just us
$ 220.00 USD
27 days ago

Love you both! Brian is healed by His stripes!

Ramiro Marin
$ 100.00 USD
29 days ago

Best wishes

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
30 days ago

Praying , God will do it

Paula and Jerry Meister
$ 200.00 USD
30 days ago

Sending $$ and prayers! When we look at our beautiful garden that Brian put in will send prayers. We are just learning of this now...

Trisha Rosado
$ 300.00 USD
1 month ago

For Healing

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying daily for healing & strength.

Harsheel Kothari
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Get well soon.

The Moores
$ 220.00 USD
1 month ago

Love and prayers.

Cottingham Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Sending get well wishes for your recovery from the Cottinghams. Ty & Erica

Beth McGowan Welch
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you in your recovery.

The Geraghtys
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Diane Lynch
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for full recovery. God bless!

Gary B
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Hard to believe you’ve been battling this long. Hang in & don’t give up!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

hi I'm friends with Carol Wille, I'm so sorry for what you are experiencing. Praying for Gods healing hand over your husband and comfort and strength for you


Update #3

June 25th, 2024

Apologies for the delay in updates!

As a family, we've been extremely busy spending our days, nights and overnights with Brian.

Our core group - Annette, Brian's parents (Gerry and Sandy) and Annette's parents (Frank and Jadz) - have been putting in countless hours around the clock to support our main guy!

He's making great progress, and is currently at RML Hospital in Hinsdale, which is called an LTAC, long-term acute care. This LTAC is specifically designed for people to wean off of ventilators. Since Brian is still utilizing a ventilator to help support his breathing, he was transferred to RML to help him learn how to breathe on his own again.

As a birthday gift (his birthday is May 14th), he was medically cleared from Loyola Hospital ICU to transfer to RML, and the transfer happened on May 16th - this was an answered prayer! As soon as he's able to wean from the ventilator, he will be advancing to a rehab facility to broaden his physical, speech, and occupational therapies. He's doing well - with a few steps forward, and a few steps back - but all in all, more steps forward than not, so we'll take it! All of your continued prayers and healing energy are working and so very appreciated. Thank you for your blessings, and we pray for God to continue blessing you always!
Love, Brian's family :)

Update #2

May 11th, 2024

Just a quick update as of May 11, 2024: Brian is stable and has had pretty steady vitals for the past 10 days, Praise God! He's still in ICU and on the ventilator, so prayers for him to breathe 100% on his own, get weaned off the ventilator soon, a fully functioning nervous system, and also for strength to get through this emotionally and physically, in Jesus' mighty and victorious name. He is in pretty good spirits considering the circumstances. Trying to get him transferred to an LTAC (long term acute care) to get weaned off the ventilator, then transferred to rehab. This is a process, and we so appreciate all of your prayers and other means of support. We pray that you're blessed over and above the ways you're blessing us. Love all of you!   -Annette

Update #1

April 21st, 2024

Thank you from the family.

Your generosity is beyond gracious and we love every single one of you.

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