BRAD SINGER Funeral and Expenses


 CAD $40,000


 CAD $290

Campaign created by Hartley Singer

BRAD SINGER Funeral and Expenses

On Tuesday morning, February 13, 2024, Winnipeg Police received an order to apprehend our brother, detain him, and take him to the hospital for a "NON-VOLUNTARY PHYSICAL EXAMINATION" under the Province of Manitoba's Mental Health Act.

My brother Bradley (Brad) Singer was NOT a threat to himself nor to his community. After several attempts (according to the Police Announcement), when Brad did not want to go to his doctor appointment, the Winnipeg Police contacted their Tactical Support Team (TST) to come in. They did - with an armored vehicle and a squad of officers, forced their way into our brother's home with a battering ram through the doors and front window. During the confrontation with the Police, Brad was shot multiple times, taken to the Health Sciences Center Hospital in critical condition, and was pronounced dead early that afternoon.

This incident was now in control of the "Investigative Investigation Unit (IIU) of Manitoba" whose mandate is to investigate serious incidents involving the police and RCMP in Manitoba. The IIU only becomes involved after being notified by the Police. Once involved, they required a detailed autopsy of our brother's body by the Medical Examiner, among other investigations, to determine what happened and if anybody is to blame. Our family was unable to see Brad's body since the incident, as it was sent directly to the funeral home after the autopsy. The family was blessed to obtain a funeral and burial site for Brad on short notice, He was buried February 18, 2024 with a graveside ceremony.

About 40 years ago, Brad developed a mental illness and was diagnosed with schizophrenia, a mental disorder. He lived alone, in a house owned by our elderly mother who had just turned 88 and living on a meager OAS/CPP pension. Brad believed he had been given a duty to bring happiness to people. But he was a simple man, living alone in his home - on welfare - unable to work or hold on to any steady job.

The family is truly grateful for any donations received to help cover the funeral expenses, plus the basic costs for repairs and clean-up from what the Winnipeg Police had caused (as can visibly seen in the video above). The doors and front window were smashed and multiple damages are seen throughout the house and Crime Scene. Your support will go a long way.

Thank you so much!

In Loving memory of Bradley (Brad) Singer

 - Shot and Killed by Winnipeg Police

Organized by Brad's Family

- Bette Singer (Mother)

- Gerry Singer (Brother)

- Hartley Singer (Brother)

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
9 months ago

Rest in Peace Brad.

Anonymous Giver
$ 170.00 CAD
10 months ago

RIP Brad

cheryl mitchell
$ 100.00 CAD
10 months ago

This just breaks my heart. My mom after menopause was diagnosed as bi-polar and this has hit me hard because of the family ties. My love and support go out to you all. Love to you, Cheryl


Update #4

February 13th, 2025

Today is February 13, 2025 - one year since the Winnipeg Police shot and killed our brother Brad Singer on February 13, 2024. The Independent Investigative Unit of Manitoba (IIU) had finally concluded their investigation and published their documents here on their website.

Our next steps is to await for the required (and requested) public inquest to this death by the Chief Medical Examiner and review our options. 

We thank everybody in advance, still interested in knowing what happened and inquiring about our next steps, and we will keep you updated here on this campaign.

Update #3

December 6th, 2024

The family is still awaiting information about, and conclusions and final report from the Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba (IIU) - from postponed decisions and conclusions (as told to the family) by September 29, 2024, October 23, 2024, October 31, 2024 and then "we'll tell you when it's finished". Meanwhile, there brings light to the reasons why when CBC asked to interview the family on November 19, 2024 about our thoughts - for IIU -  on legislation that was supposed to strengthen its investigative powers has not been passed.

Here is a full video recording of the RAW INTERVIEW WITH CBC held November 19, 2024 with Kristin Annable, Gerry Singer and Martin Glazer about the death of our 59 year old brother Bradley Singer shot and killed on February 13, 2024. 

November 19, 2024 CBC interview - raw - backgrounder for CBC Article

Here is the published CBC Store on the web Monday November 25, 2024

Update #2

August 2nd, 2024

Thank-you for following this story.

We contacted The Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba (IIU) August 1, 2024 asking if there has been any updates they can share - as it has now been 169 days (5-1/2 months, 24 week,. etc) later since our Brother Bradley was shot and killed by the Winnipeg Police February 13, 2024 at his residence. They have provided us with the following response:

"IIU: I can inform you that our investigation is now complete and is schedule for a final review by our Civilian Director on September 29, 2024. We have yet to receive the autopsy report from the office of the Medical Examiner. It is not uncommon to wait approximately one year for the report to be completed and sent to our office. The toxicology report was received and sent to the office of the medical examiner for it’s inclusion in their report.

Once the Civilian Director completes her review of the incident and comes to a conclusion, we will meet in person to explain her decision."

So, we shall provide a new update on September 30, 2024. 


The Singers

Update #1 - Joint Press Conference - April 5, 2024

April 6th, 2024

Joint Press Conference - Full - April 5, 2024 - Bradley Singer & Afolabi Stephen Opaso

Here is a full video recording of the first joint press conference held April 5, 2024 demanding a public inquest to the murder of our 59 year old brother Bradley Singer shot and killed on February 13, 2024, as well as the 19 year old Nigerian student Afolabi Stephen Opaso shot and killed December 31, 2023 - both occurring under similar circumstances.

Included in the text section are public news reports that covered the press conference.

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