Biblical Worldview Summits in Africa


 ZAR R200,000



Campaign created by Frontline Fellowship

Campaign funds will be received by Peter Hammond

Biblical Worldview Summits in Africa

Please help Frontline Fellowship raise support to sponsor or subsidies deserving participants, who would like to attend The Biblical World Summits and Seminars, but are unable to afford it. Sponsorship to the Biblical Worldview Summit is an ideal gift for any young person

The Biblical Worldview Summit practically prepares participants to deal with the issues, temptations and pressures of life. Young people are equipped with the facts and skills they need to deal with humanism, Hollywood and evolutionism. The Summit is primarily aimed at young adults, but all ages are welcome.

 "They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount on wings like eagles." Isaiah 40:31

Is Revival the Prayer of your Heart?

For over 32 years we have been organising Biblical Worldview Summits in Africa, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life.

Those who understand the ideas that rule the world will have the opportunity to influence the world of ideas.

The Biblical Worldview Summit focuses on life changing ideas.

Everyone has a “worldview”, a way of interpreting everything that happens in the world. The Bible has an explanation for the universe, but so do Secular Humanists, Marxists, Evolutionists and New Agers. Each of these different worldviews are founded on ideas. Ideas have far-reaching consequences.

We see much of the world becoming worse because most of the Church are not practically involved. We need to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We need to show the world that the Christian Faith makes a positive difference in every area of life.

It is time to reclaim our Christian heritage and to demonstrate to the world that the Bible has the best answers to society’s most pressing problems: economic, social, ethical and moral.

To do this, we need to understand the times in which we live and learn to effectively defend and clearly communicate, the Gospel to a needy world.

This Summit aims to give:

Confidence in abilities.

Great Christian friendships.

An understanding of the forces shaping the world.

A positive defence of their Faith.

Motivation to make a difference.

Biblical direction in their lives.

The Programme

This Summit could be the best investment you have ever made.

The subjects covered in a Summit course include:

Understanding the Ideas that Rule the World.

Exposing Lies We Have Believed.

Creation vs. Evolution.

Surviving and Thriving at University.

Christian Apologetics and Effective Evangelism.

Dealing with Guilt Manipulation.

The Battle for the Mind in the News Media.

Leadership and Conflict Resolution Skills.

Free Market Economics vs. Socialism.

Public Speaking and Debating Skills.

The Message in the Music.

Love, Courtship and Marriage.


The Ark and The Flood.

Reformation and Revival.

Heroes of the Faith.

Hunger for Reality.

Effective Evangelism.

“Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

Outdoor Activities and Sports

There are also daily opportunities for team building, problem-solving, obstacle courses, outreaches and Physical Exercise.

For over thirty-two years, Frontline Fellowship has been organising Biblical Worldview Summits throughout South Africa, Zambia, Namibia, Malawi, Nigeria, Romania, Congo, Sudan, Zimbabwe and the USA. Our Biblical Worldview Manual has gone through eight revisions and is in demand on five continents. The Biblical Worldview Summit applies the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life.

The Biblical Worldview Summit helps youth realise your God-given potential to take positive action to change your world for Christ. This is accomplished through a unique programme of: guest lecturers, international speakers, authors and key leaders in their fields, special film presentations from all over the world, discussion groups, practical’s, outreaches, outdoor activities, projects and interaction with others determined to make an impact on the world for Christ. Detailed manuals, textbooks and lecture notes are provided as part of the course.

“The Summit provides a solid spiritual foundation to help keep your child’s Faith secure when the storms of godlessness and unbelief confront him.” Dr. D. James Kennedy, Evangelism Explosion

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