Campaign funds will be received by David Cooper
Your payment gives you access to the BibleScribe App (, where you can study the Bible and other texts deeply to understand more about who God is. You will find tools here that exist nowhere else, period. This includes cross-referencing of the Bible with other ancient texts that you can look up as you read through the Scriptures. It also gives you the ability to take notes on any Bible verse, or any other ancient text that you want, and see it in context.
For every $10 USD you pay, you get a month of full membership access to the BibleScribe App.
BibleScribe's teaching content is freely available. Hundreds of videos with thousands of hours of Bible teaching, and hundreds of pages of accompanying Bible Study on my website.
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I have spent many years studying the Scriptures and supporting texts from all over the world, and all different time periods and cultures. This application, site and its supporting media are for helping people study the Holy Scriptures of the Most High God, and supporting ancient texts.
God bless you in your studies, if you truly seek Him.
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