Building Christian Nations


 USD $100,000


 USD $700

Campaign created by Fritz Berggren

Building Christian Nations

I seek the resurrection of Christendom -- explicitly European and Christian nation-states

I have been writing and podcasting since 2017 with the goal of awakening the Church to the commandment to build explicitly Christian Nation-States with a focus on reaching the European peoples.  Either we return to the concept of Christian nations -- the heart of Christendom -- or we shall continue on the path of the Genocide of our race and faith. Building Christian Nations IS the Great Commission.  I invite you to peruse the content I have created at, and to join me in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Mission Statement:

  • Awaken the Church to the reality of the Ten Commandments and the fact that they were given to a nation-state, and that they remain the core ideology of godly nation-states.
  • Awaken the Church and the European race to the fact that Europe — Christendom — is the historical repository of the Christian faith and, therefore, they are hated by the Seed of the Serpent (Genesis 3:15), the Synagogue of Satan (Rev 3:9, Rev 2:9), and the children of the devil (John 8:44). Nothing will ever change this.
  • Awaken the Church to the First Commandment — which points directly to Jesus Christ as the sovereign over distinct nations.
  • Awaken the Church to the eternally valid Fifth Commandment, which demands loyalty to one’s ancestors and kin.
  • Awaken the Church to the truth of distinct and homogenous nation/states as prescribed by Genesis 10 (the Table of Nations) and Genesis 11 (the Destruction of earthly one-world government).
  • Awaken the Church to the fact that a “one world government” is simply a new iteration of the original Babel (Genesis 11) which is eternally at odds with God’s plan. Nationalism is the natural anti-body to global tyranny and should be encouraged, not crushed.
  • Awaken the Church to the fact that just as Jesus Christ has His Body of Christ (the Church), so Satan has his synagogue and children that carry out his plans on this earth. These people are called Jews (John 8:44, 1 Thes 2:14-16, Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9, Matthew 23:15). Every apostle, led by Christ Himself, defied the Jews. It is no less our duty today.

Legitimize resistance to the evil people, institutions, and ideas as listed above and the re-establishment of explicitly Christian Ethno-States. This IS the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

Method of Evangelism

Podcasts, Vlogs, blogs, and videos on social media, terrestrial and satellite radio, and books.

Why Fritz Berggren?

I’ve been doing the work since 2017 (and earlier) 

  • Seventy-five Congressmen signed letters demanding my termination for advancing the goals stated above.
  • U.S. Senator Grassley (R) has called for my termination. 
  • Two labor unions demanded my termination. 
  • Seventy Jews in the Department of State demanded my termination. 

“For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race.”

Roman 9:3

Fritz Berggren, PhD

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Keep up the good work. God bless you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Thank you Fritz for speaking truth to power and your impressive stamina in doing so!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

You put my beliefs into eloquent words. Thanks.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Bless you!


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