USA Banners 4 Freedom


 USD $600,000


 USD $544,041

Campaign created by 

Campaign funds will be received by Jaime Agee

USA Banners 4 Freedom

Banners 4 Freedom Ministries is a 508(c)(1)(a) Non profit. All gifts/donations can be tax deductible. Check with your tax advisor. Visit our website at to learn more! 

Psalm 20:5
"And in the NAME of OUR GOD we will raise OUR BANNERS"

The donations for this campaign will go towards billboards all across the USA!

“Vaccine” Injury Report:
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Hello Fellow Patriots!

Due to a totally corrupt and inept media, people are taking the experimental gene therapy shot without knowledge of the enormous number of adverse effects, permanent injuries and deaths that are occurring as a result of receiving it. We want to share the "reported" numbers with everyone contemplating taking the “vaccine”, so that they may make an informed decision. Since the media won’t tell the truth about the adverse reactions due to the COVID-19 “vaccines” we are bringing this data, along with other messages and promoting organizations of truth, to our fellow Americans through a nation wide billboard and media campaign by raising funds from We The People!

The first banner was displayed in Bonham, TX on November 1st with the donations from our local community. We first interviewed with Clay Clark on his Thrive Time Show Nov. 2nd, which resulted in LT at picking up that interview and featuring us on his video from Nov. 5th where we raised over 30k. Stew Peters then interviewed us on Nov 8th helping us raise another 25k! On Nov. 12th, Clay Clark had us speak at the San Antonio ReAwaken America Tour Conference where we raised another $100,000 in one day. God is good! So far, as of May. 19th 2022, the great patriots of this nation have donated over $376,000!

We have begun to put these Banners of Truth up all across the US, starting in the North Texas region. As of May. 16th, 2022, we have raised over 170 outdoor billboards in 30+ states, 500+ indoor billboards in over 400 venues, bus benches and mobile digital trucks. The Lord also provided us a huge corner billboard in New York City on the side of the ABC building right in the middle of Times Square. Our goal is to Raise a Banner in every state throughout our country!

We have entered the time of a Great Spiritual Awakening where the Lord Jesus is establishing His Kingdom here on earth. We are taking authority over the tools the enemy has used to propagate his lies and are Raising a Banner of Truth in its place. With Him nothing is impossible! To God be the Glory!

Each banner will be added to the website interactive map.

Take a moment and watch the speech made at the San Antonio ReAwaken America Tour to understand this mission God has put forth as soldiers in this battle for truth:

REAWAKEN AMERICA TOUR- Day 2- San Antonio Texas Nov 12th: Robert Agee | Patriots Team Up to Raise $100,000 to Launch Fear-Killing and Truth-Spreading Billboards

Always remember, God Wins! WWG1WGA

Robert & Jaime Agee
Roman's 8:28


Check out some of the interviews below that have really helped get this campaign moving:

(57min – Apr. 14th, 2022) LT AndWeKnow & Banners 4 Freedom interview:

AWK interview: 4.14.22: TWO wonderful LIVES put together for SUCH A TIME AS THIS! PRAY!

(15min – Jan. 26th, 2022) INFOWARS War Room with Owen Shroyer interview:

Billboards Going Up Across America Warning Of Vaccine Deaths

(25min – Jan. 26th, 2022) Clay Clark's Thrivetime Show interview starting a the 1:10:20 min mark:
General Flynn, Lance Wallnau & Emerald Robinson | The Great Reset Vs. The Great ReAwakening

(6min – Jan. 15th, 2022) Phoenix ReAwaken America Tour Conference Quick Update – Day 2
Robert Agee | The Founder of

(7min – Jan. 1st, 2022) Banners4Freedom AndWeKnow exposure during intro and around the 16:45 minute mark:
The ENEMY SPIRITS on New Year's EVE! Dr. Malone continued...for the CHILDREN!

(4min – Dec. 11th, 2021) Dallas ReAwaken America Tour Conference Quick Update – Day 3
Robert Agee | How God Is Using This Man to ReAwaken America Using Billboards

(8min – Dec 11th, 2021)  Update Interview with His Glory Ministries at the Dallas Conference
Robert Agee | ReAwaken America Tour Dallas

(25min - Nov. 29th, 2021) His Glory interview starting a the 5:30 min mark:
Take FiVe Nov. 29, 2021 - Robert Agee & John Redenbo

(6:30 min - Nov 16th, 2021) Clay Clark's Thrivetime Show interview:
Breaking!!! Patriot Raises $100,000 to Launch Billboards Promoting the Truth

(7 min - Nov 8th, 2021) The Stew Peter’s Show interview:
Billboards Expose Dishonest Media: "Banners for Freedom” Reveal suppressed Vaxx Dangers

(Nov. 5th, 2021) Banners4Freedom AndWeKnow exposure during intro and around the 24:45 minute mark:
11.5.21: SOONER or LATER God will cut the DEEP STATE DOWN! Huge victories! BATTLES continue! PRAY!

(14 min - Nov 2nd, 2021) Clay Clark's Thrivetime Show interview:
SHOCKING!!! Man Spends His Hard Earned Money Posting Truth-Sharing Billboards

Recent Donations
$ 10.00 USD
13 days ago

The Remnant Ministry
$ 2000.00 USD
27 days ago

$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

God bless the Republic of Texas!

Emilee Hecksel
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

Emilee Hecksel
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

LeighAnn Hight
$ 40.00 USD
4 months ago

It was awesome to meet you on 12/2/23 in Nashville area!! :) Keep up what God is calling you to do!

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
4 months ago

Robert & Jaime, Please use this however you need it. Blessings, Steve & Amy

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
4 months ago

Psalms 20:5

Emilee Hecksel
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Joseph Flores
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

LeighAnn Hight
$ 40.00 USD
5 months ago

It was awesome to meet you on 12/2/23 in Nashville area!! :) Keep up what God is calling you to do!

Amy Sever
$ 500.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Funds for #HurricaneHelene Blessings, FPN

Joe Chavez
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Deb and Jim B
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Thank you for all you do to help those in need. We the People

David and Blair Shaw
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago


Update #17

December 22nd, 2022

Howdy Folks!

Major Announcement: We are pleased to announce that we recently transitioned to a Private Ministerial Association. We are now, Banners 4 Freedom Ministries, a faith based Non-Profit Ministry in accordance with Title 26 USC section 508c1a. Therefore, all donations made may be tax-deductible, contact your tax advisor.  

Folks, have almost made it to $500,000 in donations! Please help us meet our goal before years end. We will be choosing one of the donors who takes us over the mark to receive a FREE, signed by the Agee family, 6' or 10' banner of their choice! 

In just little over a year, here is what we have been able to do all because of your generous donations to Banners 4 Freedom. No doubt that you have affected this country in a huge way. We could have not done any of this without your help, prayers & the Lord guiding us along the way.  

-190+ outdoor billboards
-2 mobile digital trucks
-500+ indoor tvs
-kept a billboard going for 10 months in Times Square (be on the lookout for a book coming out about this billboard!!!)
-30 bus benches 

-Printed products have been sent all over the country totaling: 

            -37,000+ Truth Flyers 

            -1,600+ Yard Signs 

            -1,100+ Truth Posters 

            -690+ Yard Signs 

            -150+ Vinyl Banners 

            -79+ Sets of Car Magnets 

            -72+ T-Shirts 

            -58+ Window Decals 

-You’ve allowed us to go into 22+ cities in 12+ different states, as we traveled over 19,000+ miles to share the message of Truth, most times with our boys. We appreciate this more than words could ever express to be able to do this as a family. We have been able to touch others’ lives face to face & they have all touched our lives as well.

Y'all have been with us, by our side, thru the thick & thin of all of this. We will be forever grateful. ❤️ We thank those that have been praying for our protection, our health and guidance. We feel those prayers daily. We pray for many blessings over each of you & your families as well.

The prayer of 2 Chronicles 7:14 & Numbers 6 over this country and earth thru His Holy Name, Jesus'. Amen! 

Update #16

October 6th, 2022

Howdy Folks! 

Thank you all for your tremendous support! To think we would have almost reached $500,000 in less than 1 year is mind blowing to us. You are the salt of the earth!

We have a very exciting event coming up tomorrow Oct. 6th at 3pm ET your not going to want to miss! It the "5 Small Stones" Military Medical Martial Law Free Online Symposium hosted by Todd Calendar from, Ann Vandersteel and many other doctors, lawyers and generals! It will last for approximately 1 hour then there will be 30 breakout rooms for you to jump around to for more personable, interactive experience. Several others will join us like Atty. Tom Renz, Dr. Brian Ardis, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Marty Grisham with Loud Mouth Prayer, Mel K and many, many more!

Go to to see an outline of this event and a link to attend. It will also be recorded if you cant make it live.  

In addition, this group has sent up a fundraiser for Banners 4 Freedom to put up a special message across the nation leading up to the Nov. 8th election. Check out the fundraiser promo video in the below link to see what this emergency initiative to save our country, from the tyranny that wants to steal it, is all about!

Hope you can all attend! Stop by the Banners 4 freedom breakout room and say hello! Sheila Holm will be my co-host and LT from AndWeKnow will be stopping in too!

God bless you all and God bless the United States of America! 

Update #15

September 7th, 2022

Howdy all you fine Patriots! Much is happening across the earth today in Biblical portions as you all know. I pray Numbers 6:22-27 over each one of you that have helped in taking down the media giants. Many of you have generously given money, some your time & energy, connected us with the right people, given advice, been an ear to listen, been a voice of encouragement, done manual labor, helped organize or just helped by sharing the message. But above all else, the prayers from you all are valued far above anything else, we humbly appreciate them all. This is a time in history that we are all in need of continual prayer, because our nation will be healed through prayer it is His promise. Psalm 20:5 As of today, together we have raised over 180+ banners in 30 states, are the in process of contracting several more. We also have had a spot in Times Square since January. Each week there is a new message that goes up on this Times Square board featuring different Patriots in the movement or timely messages of importance to help awaken The People with Truth. You can follow us on Telegram or Truth Social to view the new Times Square board each week. You can also find images of the new road boards here as well. We have secured the Times Square board again through the end of October. We are trying to raise funds to cover this expense. Robert & I personally covered the payment so that we would not lose this slot. If you can help in any way, we would be grateful for it. By the way, check out the great message last week featuring ole’ Joe: Telegram FLYER: VIDEO: Truth Social FLYER: VIDEO: I came across this bit of encouragement this morning and would like to share with y’all. Freedom is a Fragile Thing (The Founder’s Bible) “Perhaps (We) have lived with this miracle too long to be properly appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must by fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” Ronald Reagan, Jan 5, 1967 When our Pilgrim Forefathers first stepped onto these shores, they were not carrying with them empty platitudes and mere lofty ideals; they were armed with a firm belief worth dying for and sacrificing all they had – that freedom, true freedom, was only possible, not if one believed in the idea of self-government, but rather if a community was committed to the practice of it. Freedom begins inside the heart of man. It comes as gift from God, both as an incredible privilege as well as a weighty responsibility. It cannot be coerced, but with courage must voluntarily be embraced and extended to all, but above all, for FREEDOM to be enjoyed, it must be lived out. The question is then put to each one of us: What will you do with this precious gift of freedom that has been entrusted to you? Blessing from the Agee family!
Update #14

May 26th, 2022

Hello all you fine Patriots!

Been so busy keeping up with raising banners, social media, the website and the tent revival coming up I haven't posted an update recently. So many incredible opportunities have happened, God just keeps opening doors. To date we have now raised over 170 digital billboards, some of which ran for more that a month, 30 bus benches, 3 mobile digital trucks, 500+ indoor billboards and we extended the contract through July in Times Square!

We just got approval to run this message in 4 states we have not been able to get in, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming & Minnesota.  Stay tuned for those to go live!

Check out the new look of our printed banners you can raise on your own!

Thank you all for your support, this would not all be possible without you! Please share with everyone you know to help us raise the funds we need to raise more banners. We have a opportunity to extend the Times Square board through October for the same 65% discount! I must make a $30,000 payment for this opportunity by July 1st or we loose the slot. Help us keep this Banner Raised in the heart of the beast!

Follow us now on TRUTH Social @Banners4Freedom !

God bless all of you! Psalm 20:5
Robert & Jaime Agee

Other ways to help:

-Share any of our social media pages on the platforms that you are on:
Truth Social

-Raise a Banner of your own with any of our printed materials that you can find at:

Update #13

March 28th, 2022

Y'all are on FIRE!!! You should see what your $305,998 have lit in just 5 short months. No matter how big or small your donations, they have been used to spread the Truth to millions of people. We, The People, have set up to share the truth to our country, and other countries have received it too. We have received thank you’s from Australia, England and a few from Canada. All the prayers that are sent to us, I send them right back to all of you for helping make this happen.  Have hope, people are awakening & the message is being heard! So hold on, things are about to get really GOOD! As one of our great friends’ recently shared, Jesus is saying "Hold my wine & watch this!"-Patriot Prophet

So, here is what y'all have managed to accomplish so far between November 1st, 2021 - March 28th, 2022:
-Put up messages of Truth on 152 digital outdoor billboards across the US in 30 states!
-Over 500 indoor billboards in Iowa and Minnesota!
-30 bus benches & a digital mobile billboard in Nebraska! 
-A giant banner of truth in the heart of the beast, TIMES SQUARE!
-Plus, hundreds of yards signs, vinyl banners, car magnets & bumper stickers!!!

None of this could have been done without the support and prayers of you fine folks & of course, the Lord. To HIM be all the GLORY!!!

You may have noticed along with trying to get the message out about the jab injuries that we have been promoting those exposing the Truth about the vaxs, the hospital protocols, the religious persecution, the war on our children, the media censorship, elections integrity, etc. Most of these organizations that are fighting for our rights do not have big, deep, pockets like those of the NWO to pull from for advertising. With the censorship of tv & social media it makes it difficult to get their message out. So as you are supporting us putting out the jab injury numbers you are also helping these other organizations to do the frontline battle work to save this country!

Financial help is still needed though to keep this campaign going. We currently have 400+ digital billboard locations where the jab injury data message can be displayed and several static/printed billboard locations. In addition, the Times Square billboard is also up for renewal where we will need to raise $30k by April 10th in order to keep this location going for 3 more months. We could contract every single location we have for a total of $500k. We realize that this is a huge chunk of change and don't expect any one person to try to fork this bill, but if all of us continue to chip in a little bit until this battle is won, we can make this happen one Banner of Truth at a time. Please spread the word with other Patriots & groups.

Other ways to help:

-Share any of our social media pages on the platforms that you are on:

-Raise a Banner of your own with any of our printed materials that you can find at: (these donations go right back into putting up more billboard locations).

We appreciate each one of you and what you are doing for this country. Our prayers are with you!

Thank you & God bless!

Robert & Jaime Agee

Update #12

February 20th, 2022

Hello Beautiful Patriots!

A huge nation wide movement is happening right now!

National Prayer & Fasting Feb. 20-22, 2022

(Billboards up across the nation and Times Square!)

Lots of action with this call at the ReAwaken America conference in Ohio this weekend and many big prophetic voices calling for it too!

If it resonates with you please share! Just happens to be the truckers are pulling out the day after this prayer event Feb 20-22 now! Wasn\\\\'t planned this way, but its just how God works!
(Link to our blog post calling for this National Prayer & fasting Event: )

Story of King Jehoshaphat\\\\'s Victory: *Think Trucker Convoy*
(2 Chronicles 20: 1-30)

"While Ahab and Jezebel were ruling the kingdom of Israel, King Jehoshaphat (4th king of Judah) was trying to be a good king over the country of Judah. He tried to teach his people how to follow God. When a huge army was about to attack Judah, everyone was very afraid. King Jehoshaphat called all of the people together to fast and pray. The Lord spoke through a prophet and told the people not to worry because this battle belonged to the Lord. Jehoshaphat sent the army into battle but he put a group of men in front to praise the Lord in song. While the army of Judah was approaching the battlefield praising the Lord, the Lord set the enemy armies against each other. By the time Judah’s army arrived at the battle, it was already over. The enemy armies had killed each other!"

Full Jehoshaphat story here:

Let’s pray Gods Spirit will fall on our truckers as they head to DC, that they will praise the Lord in song and by the blowing of their horns. Let pray that when they get there the Lord will turn the enemy armies against one another and that battle will have already been won!

**It would be amazing if we can coordinated songs of praise to be played on CB radios, in unison, on the way to DC. Are you able to help coordinate? If so, please reach out to your contacts!

Thank you all for your support! The People are winning and through Him we will be victorious!

Howdy Folks! Update #11

February 2nd, 2022

Ready for a update? We are live in Time Square!! 1500 Broadway, New York, NY! Here is a street view of the location. Its the corner "block" screen just above the "Clickbate".

Also, we now have over 500 Indoor Digital ads in over 400 venues throughout Minnesota & Iowa!

Iowa: Indoor Venues 150+, 200+ screens, 31 Cities, 851,858 Avg. Monthly Foot Traffic 

Minnesota: Indoor Venues 250+, 300+ screens, 47 Cities, 1,267,000 Avg. Monthly Foot Traffic

In addition we were able to get 30 Bus Benches scattered all around downtown Omaha Nebraska! The locations and photos coming soon.


Check out the new feature on our website where you can raise your own banner with yard signs, stickers, flyers, vinyl banners and more!

If you haven\'t already please subscribe to our telegram channel at or our Gab channel at for daily updates. Help us to make an awareness and share our post! The only way we can keep these going is by the donations of you fine Patriots!


God is doing amazing things right now and opening doors we never had imagined. Thank you all for your support to help Raise a Banner of Truth against the enemy of lies!

Robert & Jaime Agee

Psalm 20:5 "And in the Name of Our God we will Raise Our Banners"

Here are a few recent interview you may enjoy ;)

(15min – Jan. 26th, 2022) INFOWARS War Room with Owen Shroyer interview:

Billboards Going Up Across America Warning Of Vaccine Deaths

(25min – Jan. 26th, 2022) Clay Clark\\'s Thrivetime Show interview starting a the 1:10:20 min mark:

General Flynn, Lance Wallnau & Emerald Robinson | The Great Reset Vs. The Great ReAwakening

(6min – Jan. 15th, 2022) Phoenix ReAwaken America Tour Conference Quick Update – Day 2

Robert Agee | The Founder of


Update #10

January 7th, 2022

Folks, we made it to 100 Banners Raised across the USA! Way to go Patriots! 💯

The number as it stands right now is actually 107 boards in 25 states. If you want to download the full list go to our telegram page, subscribe, and the PDF is attached to a recent post . You can also see the full list on our website under "FULL LOCATION LIST" by the map at

This has truly been an amazing feat to spread this message, and we couldn't have done it without the support of all of you. YOU made this possible! 👏

Stay tuned, we have 30 bus benches going up all around downtown Omaha Nebraska and up to 500 indoor billboards going in venues across Iowa and Minnesota!

Also, please pray that this billboard company in Colorado will approve to run our graphic. They have some amazing boards all around Grand Junction! 🙏

God Bless you all!

"And in the NAME of OUR GOD we will RAISE OUR BANNERS" -Psalm 20:5

Update #9

December 28th, 2021

Hello Patriots!

Proud to announce, due to your generosity, we have been able to put up 92 billboards in over 20 states! The message on these banners are combating the lies of the enemy, and folks are waking up. Check out the latest new coverage in South Dakota. Even though it was meant to try and discredit, truth was told and now the people can make up their own minds.


Hold the line and spread the word far and wide that together, we are Raising a Banner of Truth against the enemy of lies!

(2min – Dec. 24th) FOX/ABC Dakota News Now interview in Sioux Falls, South Dakota:

New COVID-19 vaccine information billboard raises concerns

1. TX San Antonio, 1013 Northwest Loop 410, Castle Hills 78213 - Live 11/17–11/24
2. TX Gainesville, (Hwy 82) 1540 N Dixon St, 76240 (Side A - Facing East) - Live 11/24–12/24
3. TX Gainesville, (Hwy 82) 1540 N Dixon St, 76240 (Side B - Facing West) - Live 12/24–1/20
4. TX Paris, TX 3855 NE Loop 286, 75460 (Facing South) - Live 11/08–2/08
5. TX Bonham, 1735 Highway 121 North, 75418 (Facing North) - Live 11/01–2/01
6. TX Wichita Falls, 4001 Taft Blvd, 76308 (Facing West) - Live 11/19–2/19
7. TX Lubbock, 7901 82ND, Wolfforth TX 79382 (Facing West) - Live 11/19–2/19
8. TX Odessa, 2000 E 8TH ST, 79761 (Facing West) - Live 11/19–2/19
9. TX Midland, 2210 W. Front St. 79701 (Facing East) - Live 11/19–2/19
10. TX Waco, 704 N Hewitt DR, 76712 (Facing South) - Live 11/19–2/19
11. TX Frisco, 1660 FM 423, 75034 (Facing West) - Live 12/5–12/30

12. NC Mooresville, East side of I‐77, 1500’ s/o Exit 31 (Langtree Rd - Facing South) - Live 11/19–1/17
13. NC Sylva, 125 Asheville Hwy, 28779 (Facing North) - Live 12/6–1/02
14. NC Murphy, 1145 US-64, 28906 (Facing SW) - Live 12/6–1/02
15. NC Goldsboro, 2026 US-117 N, 27530 (Facing South) - Live 12/8–1/04
16. NC Winterville, NC 11 - 1/2 Mile S/O Firetower Road, 28590 (Facing North) - Live 12/8–1/04
17. NC Goldsboro, 2000 Wayne Memorial Drive, 27534 (Facing North) - Live 12/8–1/04
18. NC Jacksonville, 1476 Piney Green Rd., 28546 (Facing East) - Live 12/28–1/24

19. KY Elizabethtown, 1101 N Mulberry St, 42701 (Side A - Facing East) - Live 11/18–1/17
20. KY Elizabethtown, 1101 N Mulberry St, 42701 (Side B - Facing West) - Live 11/18–1/17

21. GA Augusta, 2306 Milledgeville Rd., 30909 (Side A - Facing SW) - Live 11/19–1/19
22. GA Augusta, 2306 Milledgeville Rd., 30909 (Side B - Facing NE) - Live 11/19–1/19
23. GA Savannah, 2350 E President St, 31404 (Facing West) - Live 11/30–1/23
24. GA Pooler, 1008 US-80 W, 31322 (Facing East) - Live 11/30–1/23
25. GA Richmond Hill, 2235 US-17 N, 31324 (Facing North) - Live 11/30–1/23
26. GA Atlanta, (I-75/85 connector) 1200 W Peachtree St NW, 30309 (Facing North) - Live 12/20–1/16
27. GA Warner Robins, 601 S Houston Lake Rd., 31088 (Facing North) - Live 12/28–1/24
28. GA Hinesville, 113 E General Screven Way, 31313 (Side A - Facing NW) - Live 12/28–1/24
29. GA Hinesville, 113 E General Screven Way, 31313 (Side B - Facing SE) - Live 12/28–1/24
30. GA Macon, 4451 Mercer University and Columbus Rd., 31210 (Facing East) - Live 12/28–1/24
31. GA Macon, 1652 Bass Road SS @ Bass Pro Blvd, 31210 (Facing SW) - Live 12/28–1/24

32. SC Charleston, 2569 Clements Ferry Rd, 29492 (Facing South) - Live 11/30–1/23
33. SC North Charleston, 3272 Ashley Phosphate Rd, 29418 (Facing West) - Live 11/30–1/23
34. SC Summerville, 1725 N Main St, 29486 (Side A - Facing West) - Live 11/30–1/23
35. SC Summerville, 1725 N Main St, 29486 (Side B - Facing East) - Live 11/30–1/23
36. SC Columbia, 1218 Elmwood Ave, 29201 (Facing East) - Live 12/6–01/02
37. SC Columbia, 10042 Two Notch Rd., 29223 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–01/02
38. SC Lexington, 4250 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy. 378), 29072 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–01/02
39. SC Greenville, 307 E. McBee Ave., 29601 (Facing North) - Live 12/6–01/02

40. TN Bristol, 2520 West State St, 37620 (Facing SW) - Live 12/6–1/02
41. TN Elizabethton, 2281 W. Elk Ave, 37643 (Facing South) - Live 12/6–1/02
42. TN Kingsport, 1750 East Stone Dr, 37660 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–1/02
43. TN Gallatin, 1280 S Water Ave, 37066 (Facing North) - Live 12/6–1/02
44. TN Madison, 461 Myatt Dr, 37115 (Facing South) - Live 12/6–1/02
45. TN Antioch, 2724 Murfreesboro Pike, 37013 (Facing East) - Live 12/6–1/02
46. TN Nashville, 5002 Harding Pl, 37211 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–1/02
47. TN La Vergne, 1263 Heil Quaker Blvd, 37086 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–1/02

48. AL Gallion, 1325 US-80 W, 36732 (Facing East) - Live 12/6–1/02
49. AL Chelsea, 48 Chesser/Crane Rd, 35043 (Facing North) - Live 12/6–1/02
50. AL Clanton, 1206 Seventh St S, 35045 (Facing South) - Live 12/6–1/02
51. AL Selma, 704 Highland Ave, 36701 (Facing East) - Live 12/6–1/02
52. AL Childersburg, 32522 US-280, 35044 (Facing North) - Live 12/6–1/02
53. AL Prattville, 921 E Main St, 36066 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–1/02
54. AL Sylacauga, 40760 US-280, 35150 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–1/02
55. AL Pelham, (I 65) 113 Cahaba Valley Pkwy E, 35124 (Facing South) - Live 12/6–1/02

56. IN Auburn, 1718 IN-8, 46706 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–1/02
57. IN Angola, 140 Eyster Dr, 46703 (Facing South) - Live 12/6–1/02
58. IN Pendleton, I-69 at Mile Marker 213.45, 46064 (Facing South) - Live 12/23–1/19

59. PA Irwin, 9725 State Route 30, 15642 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–1/02
60. PA McKeesport, Smithfield St, 15135 (Facing SE) - Live 12/6–1/02
61. PA Ellwood City, 1766 Mercer Rd, 16117 (Facing West) - Live 12/6–1/02
62. PA Kittanning, 313 Northern Ave, 16201 (Facing South) - Live 12/6–1/02
63. PA Chester, 1617 Concord Ave (I-95), 19013 (Facing North) - Live 12/10–1/06

64. MO Springfield, 1518 E Battlefield Rd, 65804 (Side A - Facing West) - Live 12/7–1/03
65. MO Springfield, 1518 E Battlefield Rd, 65804 (Side B - Facing East) - Live 12/7–1/03
66. MO Springfield, 1355 E Sunshine St, 65804 (Side A - Facing West) - Live 12/7–1/03
67. MO Springfield, 1355 E Sunshine St, 65804 (Side B - Facing East) - Live 12/7–1/03

68. OK Ardmore, 1600 N Commerce St, 73401 (Facing South) - Live 12/8–3/01
69. OK Ardmore, 2605 W Broadway St, 73401 (Side A - Facing West) - Live 12/8–3/01
70. OK Ardmore, 2605 W Broadway St, 73401 (Side B - Facing East) - Live 12/8–3/01
71. OK Ardmore, 1036 W Broadway St, 73401 (Facing North) - Live 12/8–3/01
72. OK Ardmore, 1500 W Broadway St, 73401 (Facing West) - Live 12/8–3/01
73. OK Oklahoma City, 6620 S I-35 Service Rd, 73149 (Facing South) - Live 12/23–1/19

74. NJ Pleasantville, 400 W Black Horse Pike, 08232 (Facing West) - Live 12/8–1/04

75. SD Sioux Falls, 333 S Minnesota Ave, 57104 (Facing South) - Live 12/8–1/04
76. SD Sioux Falls, 5800 E Arrowhead Pkwy, 57110 (Side A - Facing East) - Live 12/8–1/04
77. SD Sioux Falls, 5800 E Arrowhead Pkwy, 57110 (Side B - Facing West) - Live 12/21–1/17

78. ID Lewiston, 411 D St, 83501 (Side A - Facing East) - Live 12/25–1/21
79. ID Lewiston, 411 D St, 83501 (Side B - Facing West) - Live 12/25–1/21
80. ID Lewiston, 1110 21st St, 83501 (Side A - Facing North) - Live 12/25–1/21
81. ID Lewiston, 1110 21st St, 83501 (Side A - Facing South) - Live 12/25–1/21
82. ID Lewiston, 324 Thain Rd, 83501 (Side A - Facing North) - Live 12/25–1/21
83. ID Lewiston, 324 Thain Rd, 83501 (Side B - Facing South) - Live 12/25–1/21

84. VA Richmond, 1500 Sherwood Ave (I-95), 23220 (Facing North) - Live 12/9–1/05

85. UT Salt Lake, (I-15) 548 N Main St, 84054 (Facing North) - Live 12/28–1/XX
86. UT Draper, (I-15) 14177 Minuteman Dr, 84020 (Facing South) - Live 12/28–1/XX

87. MD Westminster, 1041 Baltimore Blvd, 21157 (Facing West) - Live 12/24–1/20

88. CA Stockton, 3251 Ad Art Rd, 95215 (Facing South) - Live 12/21–1/17

89. KS Wichita, 9045 E Kellogg Dr, 67207 (Facing West) - Live 1/04–2/XX

90. LA Shreveport, 525 E Kings Hwy, 71105 (Facing South) - Live 12/17–1/13

91. NM Clovis, 3018 N Prince St, 88101 (Facing North) - Live 12/20–1/16

92. NE Valley, 6301 Twin Rivers Cir, 68064 (Facing West) - Live 12/24–1/20
Update #8

December 8th, 2021

Howdy folks,

Huge news...we have 75 billboards up and going!!! 

Hope to see a lot of you this weekend at the ReAwaken America Tour in Frisco TX. 
If you can't make it to the actual event, tune in online. They will be doing live streaming on the Rumble app on the Thrivetime Show and His Glory Ministries TV channels. 

You won't want to miss out on any of this great info that they will sharing about the vax mess, medical fraud, election fraud, political fraud, not to meantion the Spirit of the Lord is going to fill the House!!! 

God bless y'all & have a fantastic rest of the week!

1. San Antonio, TX - 1013 Northwest Loop 410, Castle Hills 78213 - Live 11/17 - 11/24
2. Gainesville, TX - (Hwy 82) 1540 N Dixon St, 76240 - Live 11/24 - 12/24
3. Paris, TX - 3855 NE Loop 286, 75460 - Live 11/08 - 1/08
4. Bonham, TX - 1735 Highway 121 North, 75418 - Live 11/01 - 1/01
5. Wichita Falls, TX - 4001 TAFT BLVD, 76308 - Live 11/19 - 2/19
6. Lubbock, TX - 7901 82ND, WOLFFORTH TX 79382 - Live 11/19 - 2/19
7. Odessa, TX - 2000 E 8TH ST, 79761 - Live 11/19 - 2/19
8. Midland, TX - 2210 W. Front St. 79701 - Live 11/19 - 2/19
9. Waco, TX - 704 N HEWITT DR, 76712 - Live 11/19 - 2/19
10. Frisco TX - 1660 FM 423, Frisco TX - Live 12/5 – 12/30

11. Mooresville, NC - East side of I‐77, 1500’ s/o Exit 31 (Langtree Rd) - Live 11/19 - 12/17
12. Sylva, NC - 125 Asheville Hwy – 28779 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
13. Murphy, NC - 1145 US-64 – 28906 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
14. Goldsboro, NC - 2026 US-117 N, 27530 - Live 12/8 – 1/04
15. Winterville, NC - NC 11 - 1/2 Mile S/O Firetower Road, 28590 Lat/Lon- 35.5417/-77.4046 - Live 12/8 – 1/04
16. Goldsboro, NC - 2000 Wayne Memorial Drive, 27534 - Live 12/8 – 1/04

17. Elizabethtown, KY - 1101 N Mulberry St, 42701 - Live 11/18 - 12/17

18. Augusta, GA - 2306 Milledgeville Rd., 30909 (Side A) - Live 11/19 - 12/16
19. Augusta, GA - 2306 Milledgeville Rd., 30909 (Side B) - Live 11/19 - 12/16
20. Savannah, GA - 2350 E President St, 31404 - Live 11/30 - 12/26
21. Pooler, GA - 1008 US-80 W, 31322 - Live 11/30 - 12/26
22. Richmond Hill, GA - 2235 US-17 N, 31324 - Live 11/30 - 12/26

23. Charleston, SC - 2569 Clements Ferry Rd, 29492 - Live 11/30 - 12/26
24. North Charleston, SC - 3272 Ashley Phosphate Rd, 29418 - Live 11/30 - 12/26
25. Summerville, SC - 1725 N Main St, 29486 (facing east) - Live 11/30 - 12/26
26. Summerville, SC - 1725 N Main St, 29486 (facing west)  - Live 11/30 - 12/26
27. Columbia, SC  - 1218 Elmwood Ave, 29201 (Facing East) - Live 12/6 – 01/02
28. Columbia, SC - 10042 Two Notch Rd., 29223 (Facing West) - Live 12/6 – 01/02
29. Lexington, SC - 4250 Sunset Blvd. (Hwy. 378), 29072 (Facing West) - Live 12/6 – 01/02
30. Greenville, SC - 307 E. McBee Ave., 29601 (Facing North) - Live 12/6 – 01/02

31. Bristol, TN - 2520 West State St, 37620 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
32. Elizabethton, TN - 2281 W. Elk Ave, 37643 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
33. Kingsport, TN - 1750 East Stone Dr, 37660 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
34. Gallatin, TN - 1280 S Water Ave, 37066 - Live 12/6 – 1/02 
35. Madison, TN – 461 Myatt Dr, 37115 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
36. Antioch, TN – 2724 Murfreesboro Pike, 37013 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
37. Nashville, TN – 5002 Harding Pl, 37211 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
38. La Vergne, TN - 1263 Heil Quaker Blvd, 37086 - Live 12/6 – 1/02

39. Gallion, AL - 1325 US-80 W, 36732 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
40. Chelsea, AL - 48 Chesser/Crane Rd, 35043 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
41. Clanton, AL - 1206 Seventh St S, 35045 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
42. Selma, AL - 704 Highland Ave, 36701 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
43. Childersburg, AL - 32522 US-280, 35044 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
44. Prattville, AL - 921 E Main St, 36066 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
45. Sylacauga, AL - 40760 US-280, 35150 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
46. Pelham, AL  - (I 65)113 Cahaba Valley Pkwy E, 35124 - Live 12/6 – 1/02

47. Auburn, IN - 1718 IN-8, 46706 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
48. Angola, IN - 140 Eyster Dr, 46703 - Live 12/6 – 1/02

49. Irwin, PA - 9725 State Route 30, 15642 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
50. McKeesport, PA - Smithfield St, 15135 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
51. Ellwood City, PA - 1766 Mercer Rd, 16117 - Live 12/6 – 1/02
52. Kittanning, PA - 313 Northern Ave, 16201 - Live 12/6 – 1/02

53. Springfield, MO - 1518 E Battlefield Rd, 65804 (Side A) - Live 12/7 – 1/03
54. Springfield, MO - 1518 E Battlefield Rd, 65804 (Side B) - Live 12/7 – 1/03
55. Springfield, MO - 1355 E Sunshine St, 65804 (Side A) - Live 12/7 – 1/03
56. Springfield, MO - 1355 E Sunshine St, 65804 (Side B) - Live 12/7 – 1/03

57. Ardmore, OK - 1600 N Commerce St, 73401 - Live 12/8 – 3/01
58. Ardmore, OK - 2605 W Broadway St, 73401 (Side A) - Live 12/8 – 3/01
59. Ardmore, OK - 2605 W Broadway St, 73401 (Side B) - Live 12/8 – 3/01
60. Ardmore, OK - 1036 W Broadway St, 73401 - Live 12/8 – 3/01
61. Ardmore, OK - 1500 W Broadway St, 73401 - Live 12/8 – 3/01

62. Pleasantville, NJ - 1904 400 W Black Horse Pike, 08232 - Live 12/8 – 1/04

63. Sioux Falls, SD - 201 S Minnesota Ave, 57104 - Live 12/8 – 1/04
64. Sioux Falls, SD - 5800 E Arrowhead Pkwy, 57110 SIDE A - Live 12/8 – 1/04
65. Sioux Falls, SD - 5800 E Arrowhead Pkwy, 57110 SIDE B - Live 12/21 – 1/17

66. Lewiston, ID - 411 D St, 83501 Side A - Live 12/25 – 1/21
67. Lewiston, ID - 411 D St, 83501 Side B - Live 12/25 – 1/21
68. Lewiston, ID - 1110 21st St, 83501 Side A - Live 12/25 – 1/21
69. Lewiston, ID - 1110 21st St, 83501 Side B - Live 12/25 – 1/21
70. Lewiston, ID - 324 Thain Rd, 83501 Side A - Live 12/25 – 1/21
71. Lewiston, ID - 324 Thain Rd, 83501 Side B - Live 12/25 – 1/21

72. Chester, PA - I-95-1 North Facing 1617 Concord Ave, 19013 - Live 12/10 – 1/06
Update: December 1st, 2021

December 1st, 2021

Good morning y’all!!! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with lots of love & fellowship. We had a great weekend with lots of family and friends all around. Thankful for all of you awesome people as well this season. We have many people that have stepped up to help us out this month. Overwhelmed at how quickly the Lord is bringing us together in unity for this mission.

We need photos of these if your in the area. Please take one of the bilboard and one as a selfie! We will post on our website your selfie photo!

Here are the current locations for the billboards that are up & running:

San Antonio, Texas - 1013 Northwest Loop 410, Castle Hills 78213 - Live 11/17 - 12/6

Gainesville, Texas - (Hwy 82) 1540 N Dixon St, 76240 - Live 11/24 - 12/24

Paris, Texas - 3855 NE Loop 286, 75460 - Live 11/08 - 1/08

Bonham, Texas - 1735 Highway 121 North, 75418 - Live 11/01 - 1/01

Wichita Falls, Texas - 4001 TAFT BLVD, 76308 - Live 11/19 - 2/19

Lubbock, Texas - 7901 82ND, WOLFFORTH TX 79382 - Live 11/19 - 2/19

Odessa, Texas - 2000 E 8TH ST, 79761 - Live 11/19 - 2/19

Midland, Texas - 2210 W. Front St. 79701 - Live 11/19 - 2/19

Waco, Texas - 704 N HEWITT DR, 76712 - Live 11/19 - 2/19

Mooresville, North Carolina - East side of I‐77, 1500’ s/o Exit 31 (Langtree Rd) - Live 11/19 - 12/17

Augusta, Georgia - 2306 Milledgeville Rd., 30909 - Live 11/19 - 12/16

Elizabethtown, Kentucky - 1101 N Mulberry St, 42701 - Live 11/18 - 12/17

Charleston, SC - 2569 Clements Ferry Rd, 29492 - Live 11/30 - 12/26

North Charleston, SC - 3272 Ashley Phosphate Rd, 29418 - Live 11/30 - 12/26

Summerville, SC - 1725 N Main St, 29486 (facing east) - Live 11/30 - 12/26

Summerville, SC - 1725 N Main St, 29486 (facing west)  - Live 11/30 - 12/26

Savannah, GA - 2350 E President St, 31404 - Live 11/30 - 12/26

Pooler, GA - 1008 US-80 W, 31322 - Live 11/30 - 12/26

Richmond Hill, GA - 2235 US-17 N, 31324 - Live 11/30 - 12/26

Also, the website is up, but under construction. However, it won’t be long now for you all to see, and utilize! We have an AWESOME guy, Gary from GA, that has been burning the wick on this endeavor.
For now, send people to Also, if you are in Virginia we have a rep there, Kathryn, that will be handling all the billboards in Virginia. You can contact her thru that campaign at

There are a couple different designers that are working on new designs for the billboard ads and different designs for all kinds of print materials. Looking forward to sharing these new ideas with you all!

May you all have a blessed week and go be the Light in this dark world.

Prayers for all of us this month for strength, love, wisdom and understanding. Stand firm, strong and unmovable during this time soldiers.

Praise God!

Check out the latest interview regarding the campaign with Dave Scarlett from His Glory Ministries:
(25min - Nov. 29th) His Glory interview starting a the 5:30 min mark:
Take FiVe Nov. 29, 2021 - Robert Agee & John Redenbo

Jaime' Agee
Psalms 20:5 - "And in the NAME of OUR GOD we will raise OUR BANNERS"
Billboards are UP in KY & GA!!!

November 18th, 2021

Howdy Y'all!

Good evening! We have a mission for you Georgia & Kentucky Patriots!!!

We need someone to take photos of BOTH sides of the billboard at 2306 Milledgeville Rd, Augusta GA 30909. Campaign starts 11/19 through 12/16 from 6am to 11:30pm

We also need a few photos of BOTH sides of this board located at N. Mulberry St and Dolphin Dr, Elizabethtown KY. Live 11/17 through 12/17 from 6am to 11:30pm.

Please take several from different distances, preferably at dusk. At least one with you in it if you would like to be in the gallery of Patriots who made this possible and let us know if you want your name to be posted with the picture. :) 

Please email them to us at 

Now off to Raise some more Banners!

Thanks y'all!!!
Jaime' Agee

PS. Contact us if you are having trouble locating the billboard. 
Update: November 16th

November 17th, 2021

Hello Patriots!

Great news, we reached out 1st goal of $100,000! We actually surpassed it by $50,000 and now have enough funds to do 40-50 billboards. We are in contact with billboard companies all over the US and should have several up later this week going into next week. We will update the gallery once the photos come in.

Check out the latest interview we did on the Clay Clark Thrive Time Show where we provided an update on our progress and shared a little bit of what took place at the San Antonio ReAwaken America Tour Conference last week.

Blast it all over social media and help us keep the momentum going! We must RAISE our BANNERS for Truth!

Breaking!!! Patriot Raises $100,000 to Launch Billboards Promoting the Truth

Thank you all for making this idea a reality!

God bless,
Robert & Jaime' Agee

Psalms 20:5 - "And in the NAME of OUR GOD we will raise OUR BANNERS"
The Banner has been Raised!!!

November 16th, 2021

November 15th, 2021

Our hearts & minds are on the verge of exploding from the abundance of love & support we received over these last two weeks. The San Antonio Clay Clark's ReAwaken America Tour 3 day Conference was incredible! We were able, due to Clay's request, to give a message to the people on what God has laid on our hearts to do, awaken the people of our land by Raising a Banner. The Christian Patriots really displayed their generosity and support by donating $22,000 in cash and $25,000 on the GiveSendGo platform during the fundraising event. And a wonderful couple from Nebraska matched it all! God is crazy good & we have reached the first goal of $100k!!! Thank you so much Soldiers!

Below is a capture of Day 2 of the conference on Nov 12th. Banners4Freedom is present at the 4h:47min mark. Give it about 30second to load before the video starts playing, due to the large 11hr file size.


Now it is time to really get to work…our goals for this week are:

-Communicating with several digital marketing contacts that we made this past week. Currently, we are working directly with several people on getting the digital banners up in the following states: Texas, Virginia, Nebraska, Minnesota, Georgia, Montana, North & South Carolina, Ohio, Connecticut, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and many more to come.

-We are also working on launching a website. The site will have an interactive map showing where the billboards are located, along with details about the particular ad campaign. Plus, links to many Christian Patriot sites where you can obtain info from reputable healthcare workers, politicians, military personnel, defense groups, ministries, news journalists, businesses, and much more. We must get out to support these fine groups that are fighting for the freedom of this country.  

Excited to see what the Lord has in store for this week. God bless each and every one of you! May God fill your cup & overflow it!

This song keeps running continuously thru my head. Enjoy!!!
ReAwaken America Tour!!!

November 10th, 2021

Good afternoon! We are headed to San Antonio for the ReAwaken American Tour. If you're headed to conference be sure to find us. We would love to connect with all you fine folks!!

Keep your eyes out there are 7 billboards going up all around San Antonio starting tomorrow. Two on Loop 1604, next to Cornerstone Church, where the conference will be held and 5 going up 281 in Hollywood Park.

One went up in Paris, TX today!!! Picture coming soon!

God bless y'all!!!
His Banner Over Me is Love

November 9th, 2021

Good evening, y'all!
Just wanted to say thank you again so much. We are working with a couple of companies today and hope to get more put up asap. We will keep you updated!

If anyone knows of a great Patriot owned digital billboard company in your state please send us their info:

For now, thought I'd just share a beautiful song that I came across today.
Hannah Layne, has a great southern voice. Enjoy!

God Bless!
Robert & Jaime' Agee
November 7th, 2021

November 8th, 2021

Good evening y’all from the Great State of Texas!!!

We have been overwhelmed with the amount of responses! We will be working on getting back to everyone this week. Honestly, we weren’t quite prepared for the number of inquiries. But that just goes to show that when God breathes on something it will trigger major chain reactions. One small idea to reach out to those around us can have a drastic impact, and with the help of others like yourselves, we can stir the pot with a larger spoon.

During my reading time today, I came across Psalms 20 & 21. It really spoke straight to my heart & I hope it does to yours as well.

Psalm 20:5 "And in the name of our God we will set up our banners"

Your love and support has been great fuel for this wildfire that is spreading. May we be His Lights ( billboards light up :)) that flood the streets with Truth, out of the true Love we have for our fellow humans, to be Free from the chains of the enemy. We WILL have Victory through Love!

All praise, glory & honor goes to God. Y'all have an amazingly blessed week. Banners4Freedom, is praying Ephesians 6 over y’all today!

Ephesians 6:22-27
The Priestly Blessing
The Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:
“The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’
“So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.