A Shepherd's Heart


 USD $3,200


 USD $210

Campaign created by Randolph Koch

Campaign funds will be received by Randolph Koch

A Shepherd's Heart

Please help me reach, serve, and help people through my small discipleship & encouragement ministry / mission, A Shepherd's Heart! 

Who Am I?: My name is Randolph Koch and I'm a nobody who knows and serves The Somebody, Jesus. I'm a servant-shepherd and I've served for many years as a "tent maker" minister / missionary working a regular job to support my family and give to God's Kingdom Work.

A Shepherd's Heart exists and our mission is to be an additional resource to encourage God’s people to grow in maturity in Christ as they live life on purpose for His kingdom and glory. (Please Read: Colossians 1:28-29, Matthew 28:16-20. John 15:4-5, John 8:31-32).

To this end, I create and communicate biblical and practical encouragement on a regular basis via social media, websites, apps, YouTube, YouVersion (Currently have 6 Devotionals published in the app and prayerfully more in the future), and through other free resources I create to help you in your walk.

I'm seeking to cover ongoing basic and much needed tech and other resource needs to serve you and others better with. 

Please pray and if led, help me reach and help people through this fundraiser. 🙏🏼 

Thank you for your prayerful consideration and know your prayers really make a difference. 🙏🏼 

A Shepherd's Heart is a "tent maker" ministry and is not a non profit organization so, your gift would be to bless a friend to in turn help others. 🙏🏼 

NEW as of 08/29/2024: For any gifts of $75 or more, you will receive a free resource from this ministry that will be mailed to you via the address you provide!

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Thank you for being a disciple for Christ's Kingdom. God Bless you!

$ 20.00 USD
10 months ago

God bless and prosper you praying for you all

Don and Cheryl
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 70.00 USD
2 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 years ago

May God bless your ministry abundantly and open the windows of heaven upon it!!


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