Support Health Blogger Ann Marie Michaels


 USD $5,000


 USD $1,385

Campaign created by Ann Marie Michaels

Campaign funds will be received by Ann Marie Michaels

Support Health Blogger Ann Marie Michaels

CHRISTMAS 2024 UPDATE: I am being thrown out of my home again, for the third year in a row, on Christmas.

One week before Christmas, my immigrant landlord told me we had to be out by Dec. 31 when my lease ends. I told him he did not give me adequate notice and he has to let us stay until the end of January, since the lease automatically defaults to month-to-month unless you give the tenant 30 days notice before the expiration.

We have been poisoned by the water supply in this rental home since we moved in in January 2024. I didn't know why we were getting so sick -- even the dog. I had heartburn and was vomiting during meals, and had chronic fatigue and excess mucus and phlegm. I filter my water with a Berkey, so it wasn't the drinking water, but the water we were using for showers and to wash our clothes and dishes was very contaminated. It got so bad that this summer, the sinks and showers smelled like rotten eggs. I prayed about it and God showed me the hot water heater.

Called the plumber, and he said our water heater was not getting hot enough and there was a buildup of Legionella bacteria. Not only that, but the garbage disposal was broken and the dishwasher had never been cleaned and there was standing water that was recirculating.

The truth is, I should have never been forced out of our family home in 2022. My ex-husband used what I know realize is an invalid, unenforceable postnuptial agreement against me in the mediation. There were no marital assets listed on it and neither of us has legal representation. This renders a marital property agreement unenforceable. My lawyer should have known that -- but he said nothing.

My ex and his mother coerced me to sign the postnuptial agreement back in 2015 after the blog network I started went under. My ex cut me off from the joint bank account and I had no access to money from that point on. He and his mother also coerced me to cut off contact with my mother, sister and brother, making me even more dependent on them for support. He physically abused me on 2 separate occasions in 2020, once shoving me across a room, and another time, he pushed me down a stairway.

By using the postnuptial agreement against me in the divorce, he was able to take the home and I was forced to live in rental homes. Last year, my landlords (an immigrant gay couple from Mexico) threw me out of my rental home, again right before Christmas, because they wanted to move back in less than a year later.

My ex is paying child support, but it is not enough to pay my rent.  And I'm still banned everywhere (see my story below of Big Tech censorship since 2019.) My ex also left me with over a quarter of a million dollars in debt to the IRS.

Since the divorce, my ex-husband has kept my 17-year-old daughter from me for over a year and a half, using parental alienation tactics. In 2023, he left her for 3 weeks with a live-in-girlfriend who he told me was "just a roommate" while he was in Amsterdam. The lawyers told me there was nothing I could do because she was over 12 years of age. My ex has also neglected taking her to get her hearing aid checkups and didn't take her to the orthodontist for over a year.

He also took my then 9-year-old son to London last summer, and did drugs in the hotel room on 2 separate occasions. My ex was hallucinating and acting crazy, saying he wanted to talk to Taylor Swift, and the hotel staff said they needed to go home early -- that it wasn't save for my son. I had to call an ambulance to revive him. I went to the police here in Austin, and filed a report with CPS, but they did nothing.

I am now going to sue my ex-husband, on my own, to try to get my children and my home back. Please pray for me.

Read on to hear how I was censored by Big Tech...

How I lost Everything to Big Tech Censorship 

I have always told the truth about health and never stayed quiet in order to protect my reputation and income. I am now paying the price – I have lost 99% of my income due to Big Tech censorship. 

I have supported my family as an independent natural health blogger for 15 years. I used to run the largest health blog network in the world. 

Within 5 years of founding the company, we had over one thousand blogs in our network and we were grossing over $1 million per year. 

The year we hit $1 million in revenue, our company was targeted by 3-letter agencies (IRS & FTC) and we went out of business. I was able to avoid personal bankruptcy but am still in debt to the tune of almost $500,000. 

I also lost my life savings, but I am not allowed to talk about that due to a gag order.

I lost 99% of my income from my blog back in the summer of 2019, when Google buried my blog (along with all the health bloggers I know) in the search results. 

Things went from bad to worse: Pinterest, Facebook & Instagram marked my blog links as spam, and then I started getting shadow-banned, censored and suspended on every platform. 

I lost 250,000 followers on Facebook alone. I have been banned on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and even Amazon and Patreon.

I am now device-banned which means I am banned on the device level. I cannot even get on these platforms, use my real name, or show my face. They can see my computer and phone, they use recognition to see my face, and they have me on a very special list for those who they want to silence and erase.

The worst part is these Big Tech companies leave my pages up so it looks like I haven't been banned – but that I just haven't been posting. So I have had people contact me via email or on my Telegram page and tell me that they have been trying to contact me on Facebook Messenger, because it looks like I'm still on Facebook.

But I cannot login to Facebook. I am completely banned. I am a pariah. An outcast. It's impossible to run a business this day and age without an online presence. And it's especially difficult for a blogger, because social media is the way that we get traffic to our blogs. Nobody can find me anymore.

I believe that I got this extra special device-ban is due to the fact that I ran the largest health blog network in the world. I have learned from others who told similar stories, when you make over $1 million in a year, that's when they target you. That was when I got put on a special "social credit score" list, and I was deplatformed in 2019 before COVID even started.

I have since gone through divorce last fall and am now a single mother raising 2 children. I am working to rebuild my business but am having a hard time due to constant social media bans. I lost my YouTube channel last year and I was just banned again this summer on Twitter and Instagram. 

I created a free online class to help people recover from the bioweapon (quackzine) attacking us right now. I have the proof to show you that anyone can recover from vax injuries – yes, even this latest one. I myself am a vax injury survivor from when I was in my 20s and I completely healed.

Your donation will help me stay afloat, support my children, and support my legal fund.

Thank you for any financial contribution you can make and thank you for prayers.

If you can share this, it would really help me since I am banned and cannot get the word out about this fundraiser.

Recent Donations
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Bruce Coary
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

I feel for you! On my 4th move in less than 2 years. It is very stressful! Thank God I do not have children at home anymore to uproot. I've been following you since the days of Facebook, I don't know how long ago? You opened my eyes to many things. This time of suffering for you will be a blessing in the long run. Stay strong and may God bless you and lead the way forward for you in all things.

$ 30.00 USD
3 months ago

Just read your post on Substack. Heart wrenching but inspiring to see such strength.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

May God restore what the locusts have eaten!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
8 months ago

Richard Gill
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Deepest appreciation & highest regards for who you choose to show up as and what you do in this world.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

God Bless and protect you!!

Helen Leonard
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Doing yeomans work. Don't forget God, you must have his help and protection l.

$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Mike Johnson
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Maria S
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

I am so sorry this is happening to you. I hope things get better for yo quickly! ❤️


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