Monthly Goal:
USD $4,000
Total Raised:
USD $13,897
Raised this month:
USD $521
Campaign funds will be received by Stephen Poikonen
Thank you for supporting independent media! AM WakeUp operates on the Value4Value system, keeping the content free for everyone & us free from advertiser, sponsor, or any other influences and free to broadcast what we want, when we want to, regardless of what corporate or political entity it might upset! We love you and we can't do this without you!
Gift Donation for a very valuable show to my life.
Thanks for giving a shoutout to our show on Odysee!
Thanks, Steve keep on keepin' on mang!
Thanks guys. Here is my monthly contribution to show. Wish I could do more… you DESERVE IT! God bless!!
Pleased to support the best morning show on the interwebs. Our AM Wakeup.
This s less about the dono, more therapy service bill payment! Thanks
Much Love and respect steve. hope your computer issue resolved soon
Merry New Year!
This is way more than i give to Whitney! ; ) I wish i could do better, i wish i could help everybody!!! Times is hard and it sucks!! But you Steve, are totally awesome - Peace!
Times are hard my friend
Merry Christmas!
Gift Donation for a very valuable show to my life.
Hi Steve and company. This give send go website is really weird, but I want to make sure you and crew get the most dollars or whatever. What are your favorite subversive/ alt Christmas songs? I usually have to go with "i've got a for christmas" by Nerf Herder or "Fairy tale of New York" by The Pogues. is a fun holiday clip from the onion
Trying to keep it weekly, Steve. Badly wish I could go for $50 each time, but I'm just grateful there are so many routes through which to keep this train rolling. Thank you, man; be well!
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