USD $100,000
USD $23,492
Campaign funds will be received by Julie DeVuono
Wild Child Pediatric Healthcare is an integrative pediatric primary care practice that has been an ardent defender of parents rights and medical freedom for over ten years. This activism has made Julie DeVuono, the primary care provider of the practice, and her staff targets of legal prosecution by the weaponized judicial system of New York. Medical providers are being targeted if they stand for medical freedom and parents’ rights. There are so few allies in the medical field as it is. Please support one of the few good ones left so they can continue fighting for YOUR rights.
Prayers and love.
Always praying for you
Prayers and love 💕
Prayers and funds xo
Praying for you every day
May God Bless you and protect you from all who wish to dim your light.
Praying for you Julie
In the end everything will be okay, if it’s not okay it’s not the end! You’ll be past this one day!
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