Monthly Goal:
CAD $5,000
Total Raised:
CAD $2,784
Raised this month:
CAD $0
Campaign funds will be received by Ted Kuntz
Introducing World Council for Health Canada
In June of 2024 the World Council For Health Canada was established. Canada is now one of 37 nations with a WCH country council. The WCH vision is the antithesis of the top down authoritarian model of the WHO which has been used to violate the rights and health of people around the world. We maintain that your rights are inalienable, and include bodily sovereignty. Each individual is the top authority over their own health. No one should be coerced or forcibly injected with any “vaccine”, drug or device.
The global community of WCH country councils are working together to share knowledge and support each other. Each country council takes responsibility for its country, and looks out for the best interests of our citizens.
All WCH country councils support the seven Better Way Principles of the World Council For Health:
1. We act in honour and do no harm
2. We are free beings with free will
3. We are part of nature
4. We are spiritual and thrive when life has meaning and purpose
5. We thrive together and value our diverse community
6. We value different perspectives
7. We use technology with discernment
WCH Canada is raising funds to cover technical costs and expand our team to take on the challenges listed above. Your contributions, big and small, go towards making a big difference. By donating today, you help us build for Canada´s better tomorrow.
Behind you 100%!
WCH Canada is creating a better health care system that supports collaboration rather than control.
Thankyou Heroes!! We love your courage and determination! You have rewards in Heaven!
Thank you all for your work and dedication to truth and justice.
Deus Aderit
Great initiative , best wishes to WCH Canada!
I hope that this organization will replace the WHO and spread throughout the world.
Let’s support each other
Thank you to Dr. Mark Trozzi, Ted Kunz and all those at World Council for Health and WCH Canada for pursuing and standing up for truth, freedom, Justice and the Rule of Just Laws!
Thank you Ted Kuntz and Mark Trozzi for calling us up to support this most important work you are doing to recover Health and Freedom of Choice in our country today. Thanks be to God!
Thank you Ted Kuntz for all the work that you do supporting medical freedom and speaking the truth about those horrible experimental gene therapy injections.
Thank you and God bless you all.
With hearfelt gratitude for all you are doing on behalf of humanity. Ottawa, Ontario
Thank you to WCH Canada for leading the way on developing an alternative to the WHO. We need local and national guidance, not centralized global dictates that are not about health, and not accountable to the citizens or nation.
July 31st, 2024
The team at WCH Canada have identified our Current Actionable Priorities as follows:
1. Educate Canadians on how to best stand our ground, and maintain our rights in the face of medical tyranny.
2. Assign highest standard covid era science and ethic awards to the rare doctors and scientists who upheld scientific and ethical standards, and carried out strong activism despite being persecuted and suffering losses for doing the right things.
3. Create an alternative healthcare association to restore Canadian’s access to ethical and scientific experts and treatments. Utilize our trusted experts, as identified above, to steer this new system.
4. Participate in the global community of WCH country councils. We are part of a global community that is sharing information and joined in solidarity for the defense of human rights and health.
5. Educate Canadians regarding important health matters including C-19 injections’ detoxification; optimizing immune system health, and the prevention and reversal of many chronic diseases.
6. Support Canadian and international projects to establish both civil and criminal justice regarding the last four years of crimes against humanity that were carried out in the name of “health”; and to prevent future medical crimes against humanity.
7. Support projects to place citizens back in control of our governments. Active participation of citizens in all levels of government.
Next Steps
In the following weeks we will reveal more about WCH Canada, including our excellent Steering Committee which is composed of well trusted leaders in the medical truth and freedom movement.
Please consider donating to help finance WCH Canada. We are here to serve and protect Canadians, and hold our position in a global team committed to health, freedom and human rights for all good people, everywhere.
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