Vax Injured & Disabled Spouse needs help


 USD $20,000


 USD $1,904

Campaign created by Brenda Van Ackeren

Campaign funds will be received by Daniel Van Ackeren

Vax Injured & Disabled Spouse needs help

My once healthy and physically active husband is now dying slowly thanks to a Pfizer "bio-weapon" injected into him in 2021.  Photos attached before and after.

He is now permanently disabled and unable to work.  His disability company NYL, cut him off from benefits this past May.  He had to file for Bankfuptcy, and my income alone is not enough to keep us afloat, much less pay for his medical care.

Here is Dan's story:

It’s been over 3 years since Dan rolled up his sleeve to take the "safe & effective" Pfizer vaccine. 2 months later, the day after Thanksgiving, I found him unresponsive, he was rushed to the ICU, and intubated in the Trauma unit in Fort Worth, TX.

The past 3+ years have been a living nightmare.  Initially doctors either: gaslit him, dismissed him, thought he needed to see a psychiatrist, or flat-out refused to see him in the first place.  He was even put into a Psych floor after coming out of the ICU as the doctors said his injuries couldn't have come from the vax he must have been trying to kill himself.  Unbelievable trauma from that entire experience, and unfortunately to this day.

It’s been a series of disappointments to say the least. His body has been failing him, more each day. Somedays he can’t even get out of bed at all. Other days he’s up for 1-2 hours, can barely sit in a chair and has a difficult time holding things to eat and drink, but does his very best. Intense vomiting multiple times per week and has extreme pain where he’s moaning or sleeping most of the day.

The pain is beyond what most can imagine. The dysfunction is horrific at best. I’ve been living in fight/flight mode while husband has been fighting for his very life.

His body is failing and we have been screaming this at doctors for so long now, most of who have not believed us (up until recently).

Many people, including some close to us, questioned every diagnosis Dan received and questioned how he could be that sick from a vac*** if they or their families didn’t get sick from it. Others told me in private of people they know who died or are permanently disabled from it.

The good news: He finally has doctors (in the past year) who do not gaslight, they dig deeper with tests that most doctors don’t yet do (or maybe they don’t know about these tests yet). They are on the cutting edge. They are knowledgeable of studies and the latest data/research around what was in this what we now know was a "bio-weapon".

His diagnoses are severe and terrifying:

Multi-System Degeneration of the Autonomic Nervous System (G90.3)

Dysautonomia (G90.1)

Amyloid- Fibrinogen Microclots (Widespread & Severe: 4/4 rating)

Vomiting, Unspecified (R11.10)

Ataxic Gait (R26.0)

Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry (R79.89)

Neuropathic pain (M79.2)

Tremor (R25.1)

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Q79.60)

Stiffness in Joint (M25.60)

Adverse effect of COVID-19 vaccine (T50.B95A)

His body is failing him, each day he gets progressively worse, and we are extremely concerned that his time is limited.

The spike proteins in his body are replicating and are changing his DNA, attacking other cells. In simple terms, his body is attacking itself.

He had a Alpha-synuclein (α-syn) test that came back abnormal in his neck, shoulder area (close to where he received the shot) but not in his knee - having this protein can lead to Parkinsons and Lewy-Body Dementia). 

His body has been jerking uncontrollably (about every 10 seconds or so) for the past few months.  He had a brain MRI recently and a few things were found:

1. Increased T2 and FLAIR signal intensity in the subcortical white matter of both frontal lobes.  Differential includes early smalll vessel ischemic disease.

2. 1.6 mm  vascular enhancement within the left internal auditory canal

- In lamens terms it's a tumor and small vessels not getting enough oxygen in his frontal lobe.  This is terrifying.

- The Ischemic disease could mean he has Parkinson's or Lewy Body Dementia.  Waiting to see the Neurologist to get the next steps and what can be done (if anything).  

I am personally worried about Lewy Body Dementia.  Last week he woke up and didn't know where he was (he was at home in his own bed).

His blood pressure gets dangerously high (even on medication), then drops dangerously low.  He has blacked out and fallen 3 times in the past few days (this is a new symptom).  

When laying in the bed his body tempature is either freezing cold or so hot that he sweats through the sheets.  

His autonomic nervous system is failing - this affects his heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and digestion. 

There are several treatments recommended by his doctors including an infusion that can cost up to $80K, and other treatments, medications, and supplements. Some are outrageously expensive and most not covered by insurance.  With my income alone, we don't have the funds to get any extra treatments.

His lot number from Pfizer was the 16th worst in the US (out of thousands of batches according to the data, many died from this batch and thousands injured).

My goal is to first get my husband the help he needs, and second be open to speaking our truth. 

We have recently begun sharing Dan's story on X. 

His X Handle is: @DanVanAckeren1 and mine is: @AckerenBrenda

Dan and I both agree that nothing happens by accident and there is a bigger purpose behind everything. I can say that my husband is the strongest human I've met. The physical and mental ability to survive these symptoms and keep hope in his heart that there will be relief at some point, inspires me to keep fighting for him every second of every day. I hope and pray, that we can start to heal his body. We are all in uncharted territory, fighting a new enemy. Praying we can win.

We have started to speak out against the crimes of humanity placed upon all of us who were unsuspecting and have done multiple podcasts so far, It feels good to speak our truth. I'm hoping Dan lives long enough to see that we can make a difference and help others in the process.  

Thank you everyone for taking time to read this/praying and/or donating. 


Recent Donations
$ 20.00 USD
5 days ago

Hi Brenda and Dan, So very sorry to hear about horrific vaxx injuries on last weeks VRSF show. I was also injured from one shot and know about ongoing adverse effecte. I have been helped by EDTA IV chelation and a low cost high quality source if ivermectin. I'm in Northern CA. Edta will chelated highly toxic heavy metals in Dan's blood. I can provide a source to slash your ivermectin cost 50% .

$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Hi Brenda and Dan, So very sorry to hear about horrific vaxx injuries on last weeks VRSF show. I was also injured from one shot and know about ongoing adverse effecte. I have been helped by EDTA IV chelation and a low cost high quality source if ivermectin. I'm in Northern CA. Edta will chelated highly toxic heavy metals in Dan's blood. I can provide a source to slash your ivermectin cost 50% .

$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

I just watched your video on CHD. Neither my husband nor I took the covid shots, for which I am very thankful. I have immersed myself in the stories of the many like your husband who have been harmed and I have spoken out quite a bit. I know of many people whom I feel are injured or dead as a result of the covid shots. I want justice for all of you! I pray for God's continued sustenance for you.

Lori Inman
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Your story broke my heart. Sending prayers and good wishes.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for the donation and prayers. It's good to know there are people out there who care (as we lost most of our friends). God Bless U!" By Brenda Van Ackeren

$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Hi Brenda and Dan, So very sorry to hear about horrific vaxx injuries on last weeks VRSF show. I was also injured from one shot and know about ongoing adverse effecte. I have been helped by EDTA IV chelation and a low cost high quality source if ivermectin. I'm in Northern CA. Edta will chelated highly toxic heavy metals in Dan's blood. I can provide a source to slash your ivermectin cost 50% .

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Hello and thank you for the offer. I'm open to anything that will help Dan. Never heard of EDTA IV. Where do you get that? We are in the DFW area." By Brenda Van Ackeren

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

I listened to your story via VSRF today while I was at the grocery store here in the Pacific Northwest. Your story is getting out to the far corners of the country! As someone once told me when I was going through a particularly rough period in my life: as long as there's God, there's hope. You'll be in my prayers this week.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Glad to hear it's getting out! Thank you for your sweet thoughts and donation. God Bless You!!" By Brenda Van Ackeren

Mindy Spina
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
2 months ago

Duane Switzer
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Nothing to say (that can be said here)...I'm gob smacked. I'm still in the last portion of VSRF.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Hi Duane - Thank you for watching and your donation. We are just living a nightmare. Dan was in the ER this week. It's never ending...... God Bless" By Brenda Van Ackeren

Lisa DeTunno
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

I saw you on VSRF on Jan.2,2025. I was lucky to have mild symptoms that went away after 5 months(so far) and never gave a thought to getting any shots. I attempted to enter into VAERS but timed out on my report. You only get 30 minutes enter your report. I will never get another shot for anything again.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for your donation, & your note. I agree we will never get another "vaccine" again. CVS asked if Dan wants a Shingles vax - LMAO NO" By Brenda Van Ackeren

$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

I'm so sorry for your suffering and pain. I can't even imagine what you're going thru beside a living nightmare. I didn't get the shot bc I was very non-trusting of our gov't and I thank God everyday for that guidance. My sister was a nurse and had to and ended up losing her memory and getting cancer of the lungs and brain and died in Nov...she had just retired a year after getting it. God bless.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much Karen for your kind words and your donation. I am so sorry about the loss of your sister. God Bless you for a Healthy 2025" By Brenda Van Ackeren

$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

May God Bless you both in this horrible journey you find yourselves in, thru no fault of your own.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you Tara for your donation and kind words. It's our biggest regret, getting this bio-weapon thinking it was safe :-(. Bless you in 2025" By Brenda Van Ackeren

Laura Kasner
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for you both Dan and Brenda

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much Laura and God Bless you!" By Brenda Van Ackeren

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

My heart goes out to you.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for your donation and your concern. It makes us feel we are not alone in the suffering." By Brenda Van Ackeren

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

joe makovics
$ 75.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

In the absence of funds for cutting edge and experimental treatments, I’d suggest you look into long term fasting as a treatment to reset the body systems and kickstart its defenses. I believe Steve Kirsch went to a clinic for this when he lost his vision in one eye. Also consider carnivore diet. It has indescribable benefits for a myriad of issues. Wish you the best.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for the advice and donations. We will look into this." By Brenda Van Ackeren

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

My heart goes out to you both. Take care and God bless.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for your kind words and donation. It feels good to know people care. God Bless you!" By Brenda Van Ackeren

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

I watched your story on VSRF. You may benefit from protocols developed by doctors at and which include IVM and intermittent fasting (ie. Autophagy). Also, I found sources of IVM outside of the US - MUCH CHEAPER! Praying for your recovery. You and your wife are an inspiration. Peace and Love.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for your recommendations and donation. We will look into all of this. God Bless!" By Brenda Van Ackeren

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago


Update #1 - January 11, 2025

January 11th, 2025

I thought I would make an update on Dan.  #1 I want to thank everyone who has listened to our VSRF podcast, who donated and who send prayers and well wishes.  It feels so amazing to know there are people out there with big hearts who truly care about others.  I cried reading some of the comments they were so heartfelt.

I believe we may have mentioned on the podcast that one of his diagnoses was POTS.  He has fallen multiple times (after blacking out) over the past month.  This past Wednesday I tried to check his blood pressure and the monitor we have sent an error that his pressure was too low to read.  He said his vision kept going dark.  I gave him a salt pill (to increase his blood pressure) & gave him a ton of water to drink.  I went to try to read the blood pressure again.  The reading was 60/42 and his pulse was 153.  His pulse started to go down a bit and blood pressure started going up.  I went in the other room to cook some dinner and I heard him calling for me (faintly).  I ran into the bedroom and he was on the bed and told me he fell and hit his head on the floor.  He sat up and before I knew it he said "things are going black" and he leaned over to the left and started shaking with his eyes rolling back in his head.  I started to scream at him to wake up and started yelling for my son (who is home from college).  I can only explain it as if he was having a seizure (but I'm not sure that's what it was).  It was so scary.  After a few seconds of that he jumped to his feet and said "What happened?", he had no recollection.  I told him and he laid down.  We couldn't get his blood pressure up so I called 911.  He didn't want to go to the hospital but he knew he needed to.  They hydrated him with IV saline and ran some basic tests (which all came back normal).  They did a CT of his brain to ensure he didn't have bleeding with the blood thinners he's on, thank goodness that came back okay.  He was sent home the next day.

Dan had a scheduled appointment with a Movement Specialist Neurologist the next day to go over the brain tumor and Ischemic MRI results.  We told her he was in the ER the day before. 

She wants him to get a more specialized MRI to rule in or out Parkinsons or other movement disorders, is referring him to a Dysautonomia and POTS specialist and is referring him to a Cardiologist.  She also wants him to have Saline IV's and wear compression stockings.  

He's been so tired lately, sleeping 20+ hours a day (off an on but mostly on).  Sweats and Chills many times a day and so much pain.  It's so difficult to know how to manage something that has literally ravaged his body.  A Bio-Weapon hit him and so many others.  I'm wondering when our Government will do something to help....

I'll try to maintain regular updates.  Thanks for taking the time to read this.

God Bless,


Update Update #1  - January 11, 2025 Image

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