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VFW Resolution 419 Honduras '2023'


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Campaign created by Richard Grell

VFW Resolution 419 Honduras '2023'


Please donate to our cause so we have the funds needed to lobby Congress to introduce legislation correcting history regarding the Central America War (1979 - 1992), better known as the Iran-Contra Affair, which will help the families of the six Missing in Action, the Veterans, the families of the U.S. Service Members wounded and killed.  

Currently, the Department of Defense (DoD) has these military deployments to Honduras from 1981 to 1992 listed as training and war games, however, research has concluded that at least:

-forty-three Purple Hearts were awarded to U.S. military members while serving in Honduras,

-seventy-two service members were killed in Honduras or were stationed in Honduras,

-one U.S. military member was Killed In Action in Honduras,

-twenty-eight DoD recognized combat operations have zero hostile deaths,

-three-hundred terrorist and Nicaraguan military attacks occurred in Honduras,

-one Honduran based insurgent group known as the United Revolutionary Coordinating Board declared war on the U.S,

-a Phase I Insurgency was ongoing in Honduras,

-six U.S. Service Members are Missing In Action, and

-two POW Medals were awarded to U.S. military personnel.

“Americans have lost their lives in some 85 wars and assorted military actions in the past 234 years. Most of the casualties occurred in a dozen or so major wars. But that does not lessen the sacrifice of those killed in the numerous and mostly forgotten minor expeditions in the far-flung corners of the globe. Whenever any American in uniform is killed by hostile enemy action it is meaningful, and that loss must be remembered and forever recognized (VFW Magazine, June 2009 p.21).”

In July, 2023, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) voted and adopted VFW Resolution 419 - Honduras.  This Resolution is currently being submitted by the VFW to various U.S. Congressional Representatives with the hopes that at least one will introduce legislation in Congress supporting it. Here is the text:

"WHEREAS, the vision of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) of the United States is to, 'Ensure that veterans are respected for their service, always receive their earned entitlements, and are recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country;' and

WHEREAS, the VFW believes all military members and veterans who serve or have served in hostile environments should be appropriately recognized; and

WHEREAS, the United States (U.S.) military maintained a presence in Honduras throughout and beyond the 1980s providing training to and conducting military exercises with the host nation military; and

WHEREAS, the buildup and presence of U.S. troops served as a deterrent to Nicaraguan aggression in the region and also a means of building support for democratic values via civil action in Honduran communities; and

WHEREAS, U.S. troops were equipped with live ammunition and assisted the Honduran military in training and combat support capacities; and

WHEREAS, U.S. troops reported experiencing hostile fire and imminent danger; and

WHEREAS, at least one U.S. service member received a Purple Heart because of terrorist activity; and

WHEREAS, U.S. troops lost their lives while conducting various duties due to terrorist activity and other hazardous circumstances; now, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, that we strongly urge Congress to issue an Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, or similar recognition of having served in an area of hostility, to all U.S. troops who served in Honduras from 1981 to 1992."

WITH YOUR HELP, WE CAN KEEP PRESSURE ON CONGRESS TO ACT NOW!  Donations will be used to hire attorneys, keep online, pay for travel to Washington D.C. to met delegates, design and install memorials honoring the Killed, Missing and wounded; and continue research helping to piece this puzzle together.

Please visit for detailed information supporting our mission.  THANK YOU for your support!

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