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Legal Defense Fund for Surgeon Whistleblower


 USD $1,500,000


 USD $1,130,971

Campaign created by Eithan Haim

Campaign funds will be received by Eithan Haim

Legal Defense Fund for Surgeon Whistleblower

My name is Eithan Haim. I am a 33-year-old general surgeon who was the anonymous whistleblower in a story released May 16, 2023 by Christopher Rufo. We exposed the fact that Texas Children's Hospital - the largest children's hospital in the world - was lying to the public about the existence of their transgender program. In part due to the story's release, the very next day, the Texas Legislature voted, with bipartisan support, to ban transgender medical interventions on minors. The conduct we exposed became illegal in the State of Texas within 24 hours of our story.

Just over a month later, on June 23rd, 2023, a few hours before my graduation from surgical training, two federal agents showed up to my apartment in a highly atypical, unexpected, and aggressive show of force. Despite their best attempt at launching a surprise interview, I insisted on having an attorney present. Before leaving, however, I was given a target letter signed by a federal prosecutor that stated I was being criminally investigated for a case regarding "medical records."

Since no laws had been violated (no personally identifiable patient health information was disclosed), this was nothing more than a blatant attempt at political intimidation. We believe this case is being driven by a highly ideological division within the Department of Health and Human Services that aims to silence whistleblowers who expose institutionalized medical corruption and the dangers of these hormone-based interventions for confused, adolescent children.

Between then and our decision to take this story public, the path forward was unclear. I knew that speaking out would necessarily put myself and my family at great risk, but after experiencing the extent of the corruption first-hand, it became clear that silence would never be an option.

We paid (and are paying) an enormous price. We spent the entirety of our retirement, investments, savings, and almost all of our disposable income to pay the legal bills to keep the case alive. My name was also leaked to left-wing activists who have viciously defamed me online and threatened my reputation as a physician. Although we have given this case all we have, there simply isn't enough to keep up with the hundreds of thousands we currently owe in legal bills or the potential million(s) it would cost to fight this case through trial. 

I do not bring this up to cast myself as the victim or grift for sympathy - because at the end of the day self-pity does nothing for you. We see this as the exact opposite - a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stand up for what is right and against those who abuse their authority to silence those who speak the truth. In this way the costs are miniscule. Whatever we have paid - whether financial, emotional, or career-wise - has been well worth it.

All money raised goes directly to our attorneys at Burke Law Group. Like us, our attorneys are all-in for this fight. Owing to their faith in this cause, they have sacrificed countless hours of their own time on my legal defense and the defense of laws banning transgender procedures on minors.

This fund supports my legal defense in order to establish a precedent for other whistleblowers to speak out without fear of government persecution. It will also help support our efforts to fight against the unsubstantiated challenges to state laws banning these procedures (with my assistance, we have already filed multiple legal briefs defending the laws with organizations like Do No Harm). Additionally, this fund will support offensive legal action against those who have abused their professional responsibility in service of radical transgender ideology. Every dollar will work towards dismantling the legal and political regime attempting to keep medical professionals like me silent.

To read more about who we are and what we believe, please follow the links below: 

If you have any questions, or want to learn more, my personal email is I would love to hear from you. Thank you for your support. 

Recent Donations
Lisanne E Weinberg
$ 34.00 USD
1 hour ago

Elizabeth Black
$ 50.00 USD
1 hour ago

You are a brave man. Praying for you and your family.

Holly Howe
$ 25.00 USD
2 hours ago

Courage is contagious. Thank you for being courageous in telling the truth and standing against evil.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
10 hours ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
12 hours ago

I would love to an add a few zeros but we’re pretty tight right now. Still, I could not do nothing after I saw you on Dr Phil. Good job!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
12 hours ago

$ 10.00 USD
12 hours ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
12 hours ago

Doreen Palmieri
$ 25.00 USD
13 hours ago

May God bless you on your difficult and righteous journey.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
22 hours ago

You are a good man, standing up for what is right,,, you and your family are not alone,

Dave Lemen
$ 100.00 USD
22 hours ago

Stay strong.

Carrie and Ben Delaney
$ 25.00 USD
23 hours ago

Thank you for your courage! I will be praying the prayer of Esther for you as you proceed. Esther 4 "O Lord, do not let our foes gloat, but turn their counsel against them and make an example of the one who began this against us. Lord, make yourself known in the time of our distress and give us courage! Put in our mouth persuasive words in the presence of the lion. Only you, O Lord, can save us!"

Elizabeth Cantini
$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

God bless you for standing up for righteousness. God will honor your decision to sacrifice all you hold dear. He will provide a ram in the thicket for your family to recover all. They lied about Christ and now they are lying about you. Heb 6:10 “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shown toward His name,..” Stand strong endure like soldier.

Clementine Keough
$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 day ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 day ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 day ago

Thank you for taking the chances with your personal life to stand up for the kids of TEXAS!

Janet Levatin
$ 50.00 USD
2 days ago

Heather Houston
$ 50.00 USD
2 days ago

Thank you Dr Haim for following your conscience & doing the morally ethically right thing by exposing this criminal enterprise of atrocities against children & their parents. Medical practitioners at large are failing patients by promoting & perpetuating this LIE that a person can change their biological sex. This gender dysphoria psychological disorder is propagated by Cult Ideology based on LIES

$ 100.00 USD
3 days ago

We are blessed by your commitment. May God bless and keep you.


Early morning June 4th, I woke up to three heavily armed US Marshalls at my door. I've been indicted with four federal felonies for blowing the whistle.

June 8th, 2024

At 7AM on the morning of June 4th, I woke up to three heavily armed US Marshalls at my door. They made no effort to conceal the show of force. I was being indicted by the United States Department of Justice with four federal felonies

For telling the truth, I am the one being charged. For believing that doctors should never lie to their patients and hospitals - especially children's hospitals - have a responsibility for maintaining the trust necessary in the doctor-patient relationship, I will be the defendant in the federal court room. 

I believe the reason they are doing this is clear. They want to send a message to any potential whistleblower - the punishment for telling the truth, for challenging the dominant political ideology, will be the heavy hand of the most powerful federal leviathan in human history. 

But the path forward is clear. We must go to court and win! We need to establish the precedent that the justice system cannot be weaponized against those who tell the truth in order to protect children. We have the best attorneys for this case with Burke Law Group, including Marcella Burke, Jeff Hall, and even Mark Lytle, who is representing Gary Shapley in the IRS whistleblower case with Hunter Biden. We estimate that the cost of trial is at least $500,000 and up to $1,000,000 - we will aim for the stars and hopefully land somewhere close. 

After the agents left Tuesday morning and finding out how much the trial was going to be, we were crushed. We are just average people, living in small-town Texas, and my wife Andrea is 22 weeks pregnant with our first daughter (her name is Talia!). But since Christopher Rufo released this story June 6th, the outpouring of support has been unbelievable.

The depth of our gratitude cannot be expressed by words. Therefore, I must express it in action. I will never give up. I will never dishonor the sacrifices for all of those who have given a part of themselves for this fight. We will face down those who target whistleblowers and we will win. 


We said we would go on the offensive and that is exactly what we've done!

February 28th, 2024

We want to express of deepest gratitude for everyone who has supported us so far. It is because of all of you that we have been able to carry on this fight. But I would like to update everyone on exactly how we intend to do that.

On January 24th, my attorneys sent a letter to Texas Representative Chip Roy and The Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan, outlining their discussions with the federal prosecutor who is responsible for this investigation. The letter can be found here.

Read it for yourself but what should be clear is that this investigation is a politically driven effort to silence me as a whistleblower. If they can prevent regular doctors and nurses from blowing the whistle on misconduct being perpetuated by the transgender industry in their hospitals, they will set a dangerous precedent that will reverberate across the entire healthcare system. The message will be clear - challenge the dominant transgender ideology and you will be targeted by the leviathan.

This is why we're taking the fight to Congress. We are working through whatever channels we can to ensure this issue is not forgotten, that this misconduct is pursued, and that accountability will be achieved. And it is only because of your donations is all that possible. If we want to deliver a better country for our children, it is fights like these that we cannot give up on. 

So, thank you again for all of your support! It means more than words can express. I also included a few recent articles and interviews that help tell story. 



Tucker Carlson Interview 

CPAC Panel 

A Wider Lens Podcast

Josh and Artemis Show 

The Christian Post 

The Dallas Express 

Every Donation Is An Act Of Faith. We Intend To Repay That Faith With Action.

January 21st, 2024

The outpouring of support has been beyond what we could have ever imagined. My wife and I have read every single comment left by every single person who donated. The strength we get from these messages is what keeps us going. The way we see it, every donation represents a discrete act of faith. Since all of you have placed your faith in us, we promise that we will never give up this fight. 

But we have to remember that everything is on the line. If we allow this precedent to be set - if we allow whistleblowers to be targeted in this way - one of the primary mechanisms for accountability within the medical system will be lost. And the irreversible harm perpetrated under the guise of "gender affirming care" will continue to occur behind closed doors. This is why all the support from those who have donated is so important. If we don't stand up now, what future will we be delivering our children into? 

I am also so thankful for all of those who have helped tell this story. Included below are a few of the people I have spoken with over the last two weeks. 




Laura Ingraham on Fox News

Michael Berry Show 

John Papola 

The Blaze 

City Journal 

Dallas Express 

Three Days, Over $100,000!

January 14th, 2024

Every donation represents a small act of resistance against those who want to abuse their authority and silence those who speak out. And the stakes are high. If we don't win, there will be no chance for regular doctors and nurses to the whistle without being crushed by corrupt federal agencies. For this reason, we will never bend the knee. 

No words are possible to describe the depth of our gratitude.

January 10th, 2024

The outpouring of support is more than we would have ever thought possible. It means more than we can express in words. Thank you all for everything!!!

I also wanted to share a few updated links regarding the story:

Christopher Rufo Interview

Daily Wire Article

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