USD $63,733
Campaign funds will be received by Timothy Holmseth
I am an investigative journalist and award-winning news reporter who belongs to Jesus Christ.
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Will I grow old? How will they hear? When will they learn? How will they know...?
Hope I live to tell the secret I have learned till then it will burn inside of me...
- Live to Tell / Madonna
We appreciate you sacrifice and dedication to searching out the truth!
Things are really starting to come into the LIGHT and I'm just so glad we have you to help us- use our discernment- and connect the dots!! Sometimes I feel like this "evil" train is so far off the tracks that its not worth even trying- but then I read your posts and I remember God chose you to help expose the evil- so as long as you're in the fight-so am I ! May the Full Armor of God protect you!
Timothy, I’ve been watching your bitchute videos and I always listen to Jessie as well as infiltrated by truth…you are awesome and I look forward to the day the world finds out who you are and the truth is exposed. I pray for you all the time!! May God continue to bless and protect you.
Praying for you brother! Thank you!
Thanks always…keep going!
Thank you Timothy keeping you in my prayers!
For to whom much is given, of him much shall be required. And from him to whom much was entrusted, much will be asked. Luke 12:48 Timothy, may your message and drive for truth and justice deliver many children out of bondage and captivity! The day of reckoning is NOW! Protection and Blessings over you, your family, and those helping you!
Let this be God's car, and may His holy presence protect this car and all it's occupants.
Timothy -Thank You for keeping us posted on what is “actually” happening in Trump’s Circus 🤡 of Director’s !! The fact that you are able to do a video in person shows me the world is becoming a safer place- I know -only by a little bit -but at least we are going in the right direction! Your hard work is paying off! God in Heaven please continue to protect Timothy !!
Thank you so much for the detailed and truthful information you are presenting.
We appreciate you sacrifice and dedication to searching out the truth!
Happy Valentines Timothy! So many love you for your bravery and tenacity for the Truth. God Bless You
Happy Valentines Day Timothy. You are in my prayers daily. May God continue to bless you and keep you.
Happy Valentine's Day, Timothy!!!
Someone asked me - Why do you donate to Timothy faithfully when you could be investing that money? Because- there is not one single 501c3 Church, NGO, Stock, or Person- doing more than he and his group - to break the chains of child trafficking- not one!! The wolf pack posted a picture online of Timothy's donation page and how it ticks them off- Lets take it up a notch and burn their _____!!!!
God Bless you dear brother! Thank you for everything you do!!
Praying for you, Randi Lynn Erickson, Jessie, Alex and all involved in bringing out the truth. GOD BLESS YOU
God bless you .
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