Supporting The Kasper Family


 USD $60,000


 USD $555

Campaign created by Isabella Hacker

Campaign funds will be received by Isabella Hacker

Supporting The Kasper Family

Hello my name is Isabella Hacker and I am engaged to Riley Kasper(J6) . We have one daughter together that is 5 years old, a 8 year old great Pyrenees, and a bunny. On October 24, 2024 it will be our 9 year anniversary! I am asking for some support to help my daughter and I while Riley is incarcerated. Riley was the breadwinner of the family and now that he is gone, me being a server is making it hard to get by. I'm looking into getting a better paying job but most of them are second or third shift which I can not do because of our daughter. I only make so much and could use any help or words of wisdom. This is Riley's Story..  

Please please take the time to click on the link above. I couldn't put the whole story on here since it is to long. So the link will bring you to a document where his story is. It is long but worth the read to fully understand what we have been through. 

It breaks my heart that we are all going through this! The letters back and forth, 15 minutes a day is not enough! Our daughter needs to see her dad, I need to see him. The facility Riley is at is very Liberal. Or at least the counselors are , I'm not sure but it's been 3 months and I still haven’t been able to see Riley! I push through everyday with a smile for my daughter but sometimes it's hard and I break down. Since Riley was the breadwinner of the family he was the one dealt with the finances mostly, and now that he is gone it’s my turn to take over everything. This is definitely different and kind of hard! The last day we were in Washington DC from Riley’s Sentencing. Some Guy hit our vehicle and unfortunately our car insurance expired like a couple weeks before that and with everything going on like we got a bit distracted from that. So now that we didn’t have insurance at that time the other guy's insurance is trying to come after me for $13,324.58 for a flat tire and maybe some front fender damage. But the guy HIT us and our car is totaled and the front driver door is all smashed in, mirror broken, windshield cracked etc. We had to drive back home to Wisconsin from Washington DC like that. Since Riley is gone and I don't make that much and have to save everything that I make at work I can't afford to buy a new car. So unfortunately I am still driving this banged up minivan. I get nasty looks but I just have to stay positive for my daughter and my mental health! I can not let them get to me! Life is so hard with Riley gone! I met Riley at a wedding, he asked me to dance and I said yes. We exchanged snapchats and the following weekend we hung out and he asked me to be his girlfriend. Young and dumb I said yes right away for only seeing him once and then snapchatting him all week until the weekend. Well almost 9 years later and we have a daughter together and we were never really apart from each other ever since I moved into the Howard house with him at 16 years old. So him being gone is so tough for me! I have to remember that God has a plan.

If you read all of this from top to bottom, both Riley and I thank you so very much! Just for taking the time to read some of our story that we have written to share.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

May the Lord bless this gift. Let it be multiplied like the widow’s oil. May your finances always be sufficient!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

God bless you in these troubled times.

Janet Hennessey
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Hang in there

Anonymous Giver
$ 35.00 USD
5 months ago

Wishing it was more. God Bless

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

I wish I could give more. Or situations are eerily very similar. We have been blessed by some good people around us swore the hate and alienation from those closest to us. I hope everyone can configure a little. It really does add up. If I could give me I would. I'm trying to pay forward what I can. Prayers to you and your kiddo.

Karen Blakeman
$ 15.00 USD
5 months ago

May the Lord strengthen you and sustain you during this time.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

$ 10.00 USD
7 months ago

The Kasper family are heroes and survivors. "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten." ~Joel 2:25

Angie B
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

You have our support family. Ask for help if you need anything. Stay strong this will pass soon. God Bless you.

Dianne K
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Stay Strong Isabella. This is a hard road to travel but there are many folks wanting to help. Please reach out and let us know how we can support you. Going to see Riley is important. God bless you!


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