USD $34,153
Campaign funds will be received by GiveSendGo Charities
*Please be sure to supply us with your mailing address during your donation process so that we may be able to send out the cards effectively. Cards will be sent out in batches quarterly or more regularly as demand increases.
They put the emphasis on "Go", at GiveSendGo.com, that’s why they double your donation! We are shipping business sized Share the Truth Cards for free to anyone in the United States that wants them. One side of the card leads people to TrueLife.org, where there are free video answers to life's hard questions so they can find hope, peace and unconditional love. The other side provides people a link to www.ShareTheTruthNow.com to order their own cards to hand out for free.
God is a God of multiplication and this card allows our revival effort to multiply on its own. For example, someone could hand out a Share the Truth Now Card to someone else who hands them something first and say, “I also wanted to give you this, it proves Jesus loves you.” The person who takes the card may want to see the free video answers that direct them to Christ as their Lord and Savior. While others may be Christians and want to have their own cards to hand out. So imagine if 100 Share the Truth Now Cards were handed out and two recipients ordered their own cards, then the revival effort has more than doubled in size! This multiplying effect will reach millions of people and your donation will sustain this revival effort.
Join us in starting a revival that is already spreading rapidly across the country. Double your donation and click on the “Give” button and help us ship these Share the Truth Now Cards for free!
Share The Truth Now is a Sponsored Project of GiveSendGo Charities making YOUR donation completely Tax-Deductible to the full extent of the law. GiveSendGo Charities is dedicated to increasing cause awareness globally for a number of crowdfunded charitable projects, causes, and campaigns. For more information visit our website.
TruthNetwork, a much needed ministry, an oasis in the dessert of a dry & thirsty land in a dearth of preaching of The Lord Jesus Christ, & His Word Who willingly laid down His life for our sin that whosoever believes in Him would have Everlasting Life, bc He is The Way, The Truth, & The Life. No one comes to The Father but by Him. Thanks be to God for TruthNetwork & thanks be to Lord Jesus Christ
TruthNetwork, a much needed ministry, an oasis in the dessert of a dry & thirsty land in a dearth of preaching of The Lord Jesus Christ, & His Word Who willingly laid down His life for our sin that whosoever believes in Him would have Everlasting Life, bc He is The Way, The Truth, & The Life. No one comes to The Father but by Him. Thanks be to God for TruthNetwork & thanks be to Lord Jesus Christ
TruthNetwork, a much needed ministry, an oasis in the dessert of a dry & thirsty land in a dearth of preaching of The Lord Jesus Christ, & His Word Who willingly laid down His life for our sin that whosoever believes in Him would have Everlasting Life, bc He is The Way, The Truth, & The Life. No one comes to The Father but by Him. Thanks be to God for TruthNetwork & thanks be to Lord Jesus Christ
TruthNetwork, a much needed ministry, an oasis in the dessert of a dry & thirsty land in a dearth of preaching of The Lord Jesus Christ, & His Word Who willingly laid down His life for our sin that whosoever believes in Him would have Everlasting Life, bc He is The Way, The Truth, & The Life. No one comes to The Father but by Him. Thanks be to God for TruthNetwork & thanks be to Lord Jesus Christ
Thank all of you for being a light to the world! You are making Jesus happy
TruthNetwork, a much needed ministry, an oasis in the dessert of a dry & thirsty land in a dearth of preaching of The Lord Jesus Christ, & His Word Who willingly laid down His life for our sin that whosoever believes in Him would have Everlasting Life, bc He is The Way, The Truth, & The Life. No one comes to The Father but by Him. Thanks be to God for TruthNetwork & thanks be to Lord Jesus Christ
We all need god in our lives now more than ever
Thank all of you for being a light to the world! You are making Jesus happy
TruthNetwork, a much needed ministry, an oasis in the dessert of a dry & thirsty land in a dearth of preaching of The Lord Jesus Christ, & His Word Who willingly laid down His life for our sin that whosoever believes in Him would have Everlasting Life, bc He is The Way, The Truth, & The Life. No one comes to The Father but by Him. Thanks be to God for TruthNetwork & thanks be to Lord Jesus Christ
Thank all of you for being a light to the world! You are making Jesus happy
TruthNetwork, a much needed ministry, an oasis in the dessert of a dry & thirsty land in a dearth of preaching of The Lord Jesus Christ, & His Word Who willingly laid down His life for our sin that whosoever believes in Him would have Everlasting Life, bc He is The Way, The Truth, & The Life. No one comes to The Father but by Him. Thanks be to God for TruthNetwork & thanks be to Lord Jesus Christ
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