Support Traditional Catholic Convent


 USD $30,000


 USD $7,595

Campaign created by Alexandra Clark

Campaign funds will be received by Alexandra Clark

Support Traditional Catholic Convent

Dear Faithful Friends,

The Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary were founded for the Love and Reparation of the two Hearts of Love: Jesus and Mary. Now more than ever we need to make reparation for our offenses and the offenses of others. 

And Jesus opening His Divine Heart said: ‘Behold this Heart which has so loved men that It spared nothing, even going so far as to exhaust and consume Itself, to prove to them Its love. And in return, I receive from the greater part of men nothing but ingratitude, by the contempt, irreverence, sacrileges and coldness with which they treat Me in this Sacrament of Love. But what is still more painful to Me is that even souls consecrated to Me are acting in this way." Thus, the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary's goal is to make this reparation to the Heart of Christ in a direct response to His aching Heart calling for Love! And the reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the sister's answering Our Lady of Fatima's plea for reparation to her Immaculate Heart.

This convent is a new Traditional Catholic Convent that was founded on the 27th of August, 2020, by Fr. Abah Sam-Maria in response to the increasing crises of Faith and Morals going on in the Church. There are many young ladies looking for a Traditional Catholic Convent and since we have none in Nigeria, Fr. Abah Sam-Maria began this foundation.  They only attend the One True Sacrifice in the Holy Mass of the Ages, also known as the Tridentine Mass. Currently, we are eleven (11) nuns in the community and we are expecting three (3) by August to begin the Aspirancy. The sisters pray the Divine Office in Latin and follow the rule of an SSPX Congregation of Jesus and Mary.

The convent intends to have an Orphanage to take care of orphans, abandoned and unwanted babies, an elderly people's home, and provide Traditional Catholic Education for the Orphans and other children. We intend to go into pure wheat Communion host making, as well as making chord Rosaries and Scapulars. Currently, we only have a land, two old buildings with four (4) rooms, which we divided into eleven (11) cells with no beds nor furniture. There are many more young ladies indicating interest to join us, but we are struggling to make ends meet and thus are truly grateful for any help you can provide to us. Every penny counts, but first of all we need your prayers and then if there is any way you could help the sisters financially, this would enable them set up cells, facilities and provide for the environment for the sisters in formation and their sustainability, set up structures for the Apostolate, and the purchase of the host making Machine.

In the Immaculata and Victorious Heart of Jesus,
Alexandra Clark
USA Contact for the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata!
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 210.00 USD
8 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless each of you. You are very special to Him.

Anne Jacenko
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Thank you so much for all your prayers. May our merciful Savior shower you with graces, blessings, and all that you need. Please keep praying for Damian.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Merry Christmas precious servants of the Lord!

Anonymous Giver
$ 400.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 60.00 USD
3 months ago

Anne Jacenko
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Please pray for my son, Damian. He is being tried for a wrong he did when he was 14 yrs old. He is a practicing traditional Catholic, and has long ago been absolved by Our Merciful God. My Jesus, mercy. Mary, our hope, please help Damian.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Thank you for your unsolicited yet very powerful prayers! The cardiologist told me yesterday than an "angel" must be on my shoulder as the test results are far better than expected. You all came to my mind as to how this could happen as I realized you were praying for me🪽❤️⛪. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you dearest sisters.

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

A Catholic Life Blog
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
7 months ago

Our faithful brothers and sisters in Africa will reevangelize the world!

Alex Wurzer Family
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Praying for the increased success of your wonderful mission! God bless!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

John Proctor
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

Please pray for my broken family. I trust in your prayers, dear Sisters!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 160.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
10 months ago

God bless you all.


Update #20: Progress Report of the SSIH Novitiate Building

February 27th, 2025

We are so so grateful and promise our continuous Prayers, Penances and Sacrifices for all that you have helped us accomplish for the salvation of souls!If you may wish to equip; construct or build the Chapel, Grotto, Garden, Station of the Cross Walkway, the Borehole, the Nuns' Cells, the Vestibule and Altar Vessels and Monstrance, the Statues of our Sacred and Immaculate Hearts; the Altar, the Kitchen, the Standby Generating Plant, the Seats and Pews and many others that would befits our Novitiate, we could name these places/items after your favorite Saints, Archangel or Holy Titles or Names you desire.  Your name and your family names will ever be in the Hearts of the Two Greatest Hearts of Love, be assured. A single picture is included here, it is of the Sisters teaching the Children Catechism in the Asukunya SSIH NOVITIATE. There is lots of work to be done for these poor souls. Find more pictures on our updates posted at, see Updates Page. Thank you all for all the sacrifices and prayers and donations we are extremely grateful and pray you continue these good works for God loves a cheerful giver which we know you are in a very unique way unto the Restoration of our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Roman Catholic Church.Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Update Update #20: Progress Report of the SSIH Novitiate Building Image
Update #19: Pray, Work and Eat

February 9th, 2025

The SSIH NUNS are extremely grateful to you all as the prepare to pack into the Novitiate House though not yet completed but in the Spirit of "the Son of Man has no place to lay is head" they are determined to ensure that the grassroots evangelization of the Faithful who turned to them for Authentic Catholic Life experience the joy of Tradition as of Old.

Kindly keep supporting them even as they are constantly storming the Heavens for all your graces as you need from our Benevolent God.

Remember a drop of water consistently can fill an ocean that is how your contributions can go a long to enhance the Reign and the Triumph of the Greatest Hearts of Love!

Thank you very very much and we look forward to see you all visit us one day for appraisal and joy for the many souls you are bringing to the True Mass and Sacraments!

Each of your souls we are remembering in our daily prayers and sacrifices, any particular intentions you ever would like us to prayer for please just send us a message on the website.

Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria!

Update Update #19: Pray, Work and Eat Image
Update #18: Need to Purchase the Building for the Carmelites of the Holy Cross & Pierced Hearts of Jesus & Mary

January 26th, 2025

Newsletter from the


We are must grateful for all your supports and prayer wishes since our establishment in 2023 Anno Domini and we thank God for all His Love and Benevolence even as we intend to increase our farming this Year both Livestock and Crops and it will involve large space of land to carry it out.

Our Turkeys (Birds) have started laying eggs now and they need a larger space to enable them produce well since it is part of our sustainable venture. We also intend starting Candle Productions; Equipping our Library and presently we have one  new Aspirant and more are aspiring.

We appealing for those who wish to contribute to the development of The Holy Cross and Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary Monastery, to help us purchase this current house and premises which is close to a water font and conducive for Prayer as the Birds of the air normally come around the font to take water as they praise their Maker with lovely lullaby.

The Property is currently going for $15,000. May Heaven be your reward as we assure you of our persistent Prayers and Penances for your intentions and the intentions of your loved ones as we beckon on you all to send us your petitions and intentions.

May the good Lord continually bless you all as you build for God and for His glory and restoration of the True Mass and Traditions.

Laudate Iesu Christi ...Find more pictures and videos of our activities on the SSIH Website here under the Updates Tab.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Carmelite Sisters of the Holy Cross and Pierced Heart of Jesus and Mary

Update Update #18: Need to Purchase the Building for the Carmelites of the Holy Cross & Pierced Hearts of Jesus & Mary Image
Update #17: SSIH Sisters & Carmelites Collecting your Prayer Intentions for Christmas Novena!

November 30th, 2024

Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Update:

We wish to appreciate all our benefactors and benefactresses for helping us to carry out this mission for the salvation of souls, our earnest Prayer is for the good Lord to continue to bless you all in your good works Amen , and may our Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us all Amen.

As we approach to start the Novena for Christmas, we await your intentions and request that you send them in ASAP so that we can put them down in our intention booklet, and pray for them. Send them in by clicking here for the contact page, or you can send an email to

We are now entering into the dry season and as we continue this mission, we need help to assist the sisters, to fix a running water system. The water is scarce now, and we currently have to go for a distance to fetch the water, yet, with each step we take, we offer it for the souls who God sends to us to pray for or do penance for. See some images below. We are also working on completing the novitiate house.

Your help will be of great value and we pray God reward you greatly in your generosity to us! What you have helped us accomplish thus far is tremendous, thank you dearly! Remember you helped us replace our roof and be able to get some mattresses for the sisters. See below some of the scapulars and Holy Rosaries we are now making for the Mission in the pictures below. You can also see the recent purchase of the big bags of rice and beans for the sisters. The sewing machine you helped us get is also being put to so much use and we are now working on sewing some priest vestments, getting ready for when the Sons of the SSIH Mission are ready to be ordained to the priesthood. Deo gratias et Mariae! 

Viva Christo Rey et Immaculata Maria!

 Veni Domini Jesu!

SSIH Sisters

(There are fourteen of us now! Deo gratias et Mariae!)

SSIH Carmelite Sisters Update:


The Carmelite Nuns of the Pierced Heart of Jesus and Mary, congratulate all of our benefactors, the great Heroes of Tradition in Holy Mother Church in America, and pray you had a successful Thanksgiving yesterday in the USA. Though our write up is coming late to those there, know that we never stop from our vital responsibility which is our unceasing prayers for each you and your families. We pray the good Lord continue to do that which He sees most best for the country of America and her citizens. We beg for more mercy and love of God in the country.

In the photo, you can see in that in our monastery, we are raising a small turkey bird farm. That is sister Mary Jacintha of the Holy Trinity with them feeding them ,she is in charge of the birds. As you can see where they are, presently, is not enough for them and the female ones will soon be laying eggs. Your continued support dearest Friends will help us to expand the farm and if you can also help us share our donation page to get more benefactors who will help us, we would be forever grateful!

We assure you all for our continued prayers, sacrifices and penances. We love you all and know that Jesus & Mary love you more! Thanks a lot for all your support to us for the sake of the spread of the true Faith, salvation of souls and the restoration of the Mother Church, Heaven shall be your reward.

And we also wanting to inform you that we are about to start our Christmas novena, and we wish each of you all to drop your petitions in a comment or email us at with your prayer intentions for our Christmas Novena.

Love you all, Jesus and Mary Loves you more.

Laudetur Jesu Christi et Maria Immaculata,

Carmelite Sisters of the Pierced Heart of Jesus and Mary

Update Update #17: SSIH Sisters & Carmelites Collecting your Prayer Intentions for Christmas Novena! Image
Update #16: Carmelite Sisters of the SSIH are growing!

October 12th, 2024

On the 15th of September,2024 Anno Domini, Feast of our Lady of Sorrows, two Carmelite postulants of the Holy Cross and the pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary Monastery received the habit .The novitiate marks the beginning of the Religious life, properly speaking, it allows the sister to enter the Carmelite experience of a life lived in the desert in a small community of sisters. In this way, the authenticity of the vocation of the novice is tested in daily life over a prolonged period and her capacity to commit herself by the profession of the Evangelical counsels to the consecration of her entire being to Almighty God.

This is the time to lay deep foundations by the living in experience and spiritual teachings the Carmelite life .It is also the time to weave existential bond between the life of deep prayer and the imitation of the saints of Carmel, so that each on their own way become for her, models and companions along her journey to Heaven by prayer and self knowledge.  

Our vocation is love in the heart of the Church, our Mother, thus many prayers and reparations is the work destined to save our modern world society and at this time of great crisis it is needed more than ever. With our love for the Holy Cross, we shall help lead many souls to imitate Him who by His death appeased God's justice and manifested His love for all men.  We are also the prayer-house for the apostolic work of our active SSIH sisters.  Just as Carmelite St. Theresa the Little Flower was the patron saint of the Missions, it was because of her prayers that many missions were successful. 

Thus, by offering our lives entirely in solitude we give the fullest expression of our love and desire unto martyrdom, to offer ourselves as victims in order to hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to obtain the salvation of souls and secure the end of the godless reign of the Anti-Christ.

For the love of God we are appealing for support, we need a more permanent place because where we are living currently is a rented apartment.  God willing we would like to move to another place to avoid distraction as cloistered nuns.  We need a secured environment and a large space to carryout sustainable ventures like poultry, farming and having a work house to bake altar bread and a sewing room to make altar lines and clerical vestments. We are also in need of more Traditional Carmelite Breviaries.

We greatly appreciate any and all help, especially your prayers as we continue to persevere in God's Holy Will and work for the salvation of souls!  For all our benefactors and benefactresses, we never relented praying for you and your families.   Thank you and may the Grace and Love of Our Lord be with you!


Carmelite Sisters of the SSIH Mission

P.S. More photos can be found on the website here:

Update Update #16:  Carmelite Sisters of the SSIH are growing! Image
Update #15 Vows and Habit Taking on the Feast of the IHM!

August 30th, 2024


Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria!

Dear Faithful Friends and Supporters,

🙏🏿We Thank God for you all in supporting the SSIH Mission of Traditional Catholic Sisters & Sons of the Sacred Hearts!

On the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, August 22nd we had the great blessing of 3 ladies entered the Novitiate:

Sr. Febronia of Holy Cross;

Sr. Cleopatra of Child Jesus

Sr. Imelda of the Blessed Sacrament.

Deo gratias et Mariae! See here a short video of part of the ceremony:

Then we had,

Sr. Modesta of the Two Hearts of Love;

Sr. Zita of the Holy Souls;

Sr. Seraphina of the Holy Trinity;

Sr. Bernadette of the Holy Trinity

 made their first Profession of Vows!

And finally, as seen above, we had,

Sr. Mary Agnes of the Immaculate Heart;

Sr. Mary Alexandra of the Divine Love;

Sr. Maria Dymphna of Sacred Heart;

Sr. Maria Gertrude of the Cross and

Sr. Maria Goretti of the Seven Sorrows of Mary

renewed their vows for one Year.

Thanks to all of you who made this a success! See more images on our website here:

Currently we are having Seven Aspirants hoping to become postulants in the nearest future.

The Sister will continue on their studies and missionary work to the villages.

 Construction work continues on at the Seminary and we just successfully put the roof on.

We will keep you posted on the progress but God willing we are hoping to move in by the end of October.

With all our love and prayers (See us praying Compline for you on the eve on the Immaculate Heart of Mary :

Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria!

Fr. Abah Samuel-Maria , Rector of SSIH Mission

P.S. I prayerfully ask you to please consider even just a $20 donation to continue supporting at our website here:

Update Update #15 Vows and Habit Taking on the Feast of the IHM! Image
Update #14: May the Precious Blood of Jesus Our Savior be Praised, Loved & Adored!

July 13th, 2024


My Dear Faithful,

May the Precious Blood of Jesus Our Savior be Praised, Loved and Adored!

With gratitude to God and for the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we continue the processes of establishing a Standard Traditional Catholic Seminary in the Heart of the Giant of Africa, Nigeria, for the Provision of Traditional Catholic Priests for our teeming population of souls and whole villages responding to our Authentic Faith and Morals.

Thanks to your support, we recently were able to get a much needed Monstrance for the seminarians, as well as some other items for the altar including the statue of the Blessed Mother. As we pray before the Sacred Heart in the Blessed Eucharist, know that you are especially remembered!

The sisters received the Bibles that were sent by donors from the US, their names are written on the inside so that they will be specially remembered in thanksgiving! The sisters were also able to buy a sewing machine to be able to make vestments and habits more easily. See pictures of this on our website here.

We also obtained some much needed land, so we can do more farming. And God willing in the near future we can have a better school set up and an orphanage established.

For Pentecost we had many Baptisms, and Confirmations! Deo gratias et Mariae!

Our inspiration is from God and His Beloved Mother and the "Great Confessor of Catholic Tradition of our Time "Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre of sweetest memories since Africa preserved his Faith we deem it fit to call the Seminary after him - Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre Seminary Gbem-Vendeikya Benue State of Nigeria, West Africa.

As prophesied by Our Lady that Africa will be the hope of Catholic Faith and Morals that we are hopeful that we will succeed despite our many hardships.

The picture of the Nigerian banknote below is called a Naria, and thanks to the rising inflation and government corruption it is worth less than a penny!

The average Nigerian makes about 300 Naria a day.
That comes to about 43 cents in America.

Therefore, as you can see, every dollar you support us with goes a long way! With each $1 you send I can get about 1,512 Nigerian Nairas!

Like Crusaders conquering the Holy Lands for Christ you are helping us get started with:

The Land in Gbem -Vandeikya has been chosen for these massive project for it's conducive air for studies, access to the major roads, good water supply all year round, land mass, proximity to our Chapels and possibilities for future expansion and crisis free environment amidst the hospitality of the host communities.
Currently we have acquired some land after the donation of Mr. Valentine and we can still get more and have gone ahead to lay the foundation and pillars of the Chapel of a thousand capacity with Sacristy and rest rooms and a two bedroom quarter on the property.

 We call on you God Fearing souls to trust in God to pray for this work of God as we plan to truly take over our Churches like the Crusaders in Jerusalem and reinstate Tradition back to our villages and towns as we work to produce saintly priests after the Heart of Christ and sisters to the catechizing of souls.

Currently the prices of things in our country are fluctuating and these estimates are subject to change but currently this is what your dollars could do to help:
$25 = Can feed 10 people for 1 week.
$50 = Can purchase 10 Bags of Cement for 183 blocks for building.
$100 = Can purchase a Bed and a Mattress and Reading Table and Chair for each Room in the Dormitory. Currently, each seminarian and sister sleep on matts on the bare floor.
$300 = can purchase some basic books for the seven year programme and assist in some basics essential materials for formation.
$500 = can get their basic requirements for Sacerdotal Orders.
$1000 = tuition and feeding for a whole year per seminarian. For those who wish to directly sponsor a seminarian or sisters here in Africa, can directly be a part of their lives in a unity of prayers, sacrifices and communications.

The young men are willing and show greatest interests for Holy Mother Church amidst great rejection by the culture, some family and friends and you are all they have now besides the Blessed Trinity and the Hierarchy of the Angels and Saints that are encouraging them to sacrifice their lives for souls.

We are happy because we know what Christ says in Matthew 10: “And going, preach, saying: The kingdom of heaven is at hand… And you shall be hated by all men for my name's sake: but he that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved.”

May your reward know no boundaries until the Beatific Vision of our Faith, Hope and Charity because of the great help you have given us by your prayers and financial support!. Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria . AD MVLTOS FRVCTOS ANNOS.

My Faithful Friends in Christ Our Lord, we are ready to move the Mission forward but our recurrent expenditures far outweighs our needs and desires to have any meaningful projects and all avenues to work out something cogent and current comes with a price of a deep seated Sacrifice. We are not relenting but hopeful that we shall get there as we plan to keep the Seminary and Convent going and see the continuity amidst all the uncalled of wars going on in Tradition.

We beg you stay happy always and I pray that you stay safe in grace. Remember Christ’s immense Love for our souls is our joyful strength in these diabolical times!

The Carmelites are rearing Turkeys and everyone is preparing to do one or two projects that will raise funds for the discastries. After a General Council meeting on the Feast of St, Peter and Paul, the Seminaries will be off for holidays and many of them wish to go and farm to help with the struggle to meet their basic requirements.

We are confident in the two Hearts of Pure Divine Love and I be assured that you are in our daily prayers and sacrifices before His Divine Goodness. Let's keep growing in His Love until God the Holy Ghost quiekeneth.
See me smiling after having to take a motorcycle ride to one of our outstations to offer Holy Mass. Our mini-van had broken down so I got to take a fun ride!

I keep you in my grateful prayers and Holy Sacrifices of the Mass before the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria!
Fr. Abah Samuel Maria
SSIH Mission, Nigeria
Support us here or go here.
Support us here or here. Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria!
Update Update #14: May the Precious Blood of Jesus Our Savior be Praised, Loved & Adored! Image
Update #13: Christ is Risen Alleluia!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

April 1st, 2024

May the Love and Joy of the Risen Christ be with you! Alleluia!

Dear Faithful Friends and Beloved in Christ,

We wish to offer you our heartfelt wishes for a very Joyous and Blessed Easter to you and your families! You have not been far from our hearts, as we had a blessed Lent full of prayers and penances for each of you.

Let us now take our joy and be strengthen in our Faith by the great feast of the Resurrection of our Crucified Savior!

As St. Peter declared in his first Epistle, I say unto you: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy hath regenerated us unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Unto an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that can not fade, reserved in heaven for you, Who, by the power of God, are kept by faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein you shall greatly rejoice, if now you must be for a little time made sorrowful in divers temptations: That the trial of your faith (much more precious than gold which is tried by the fire) may be found unto praise and glory and honour at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, you love: in whom also now, though you see him not, you believe: and believing shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and glorified; Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls." [1 Peter 1:9]

We cannot thank you enough for all the love and support you have given to us by your own prayers and financial sacrifices to the SSIH Mission! It was Divine Providence in the timing of some of your donations as we were trusting in God to provide and He always does through you. May God reward you greatly!

You remain in our prayers and Holy Masses. We love you all with God's Love and remember, let Christ's Love and Joy be the strength of your souls in these terrible times and keep your eyes on our Risen Lord Jesus! God Love you!

Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria,

Fr. Abah Samuel Maria




Update Update #13: Christ is Risen Alleluia!!!!  THANK YOU!!!!! Image
Update #12: 'FisherWomen!'

March 1st, 2024


Dear Faithful Friends and Supporters,

On February 2nd the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord also know as Candle Mass, we had the beautiful offering of seven young men as they took on the cassock to continue their training towards the True Sacerdotal Priesthood--to become another Christ for souls.

With these we are now having Thirty-Three young men aspiring towards the Priesthood to act in Persona Christi. Deo gratias et Mariae! Thanks be to God and Mary!

As the Good Lord willed have it, our LifeSiteNews interview really went wide special thanks to John Henry-Westen, as one of the viewers decided to visit our response to the crisis and was overwhelmed with the crowd and effort we are putting forward to a True Restoration of our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith and Morals.

His name is Fr. João Silvera from Portugal, our Lady of Fatima's country, and he was happy he made the visits as he had conducted Baptisms [18 in all!] and said Holy Masses not in magnificent Cathedrals and Churches, as we have them in Europe and America, but in grass roofed Churches like tents.

He also met with large crowds who are ready to give up their lives for Christ Jesus truly present Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist and prefer to stay out of the main stream Church until they can have a Traditional Catholic Priest give Holy Communion on their tongue as was the practice before the Novus Ordo Hoax and the current apostasy as prophesied by Our Lady of Good Success, La Salette, Fatima etc.

Fr. João celebrates the Traditional Catholic Mass exclusively and encouraged us to keep the Faith and Morals irrespective of the dire needs and hardships we are facing in terms of Traditional Religious Materials and Infrastructures as he traveled through the vast coverage of the apostolate we are engaged with. We asked him to send us a Priest or Priests for the Holy Week ceremonies as our thatched roof Chapels are far apart.

The Sisters are currently experiencing a surge of vocations as many young ladies have shown interest in joining the ASPIRANCY programme of the SSIH. And one of them after facing persecutions from her parents and friends had to escape to come join the sisters. Pray for her and the six others who will be joining them in March 2024 A.D.

The sisters also went on a trip to the Bank of River Benue and became "Fisherwomen" lots of souls needing the Catechism and Sacraments. Lord please send Labourers to your vineyard please please please!

I could only attach one image here but you will find some pictures of what I explained above on our update on the website here.

Thank God for the Lenten Season and please know that each of you will never be left out as we always look forward to this great period of Graces as we closely take up our crosses [they are very many from establishing a standard Traditional Seminary with Structures and Study Materials and Convents structuring with equipping the Chapels...can someone kindly transport those beautiful churches in Europe to us if only that could happen....] and follow Him. Be rest assured that we are carrying yours too and wish and pray to carry more as we fulfil our goal bringing all souls to Heaven and emptying Purgatory with our Prayers, Mortifications and Almsgiving towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Love.

We love you all and truly appreciate all your support you gave us, including the past Christmas Novena of Prayers and Holy Masses. Let's do it again this Lenten Season even as we support the project of the Spiritual and Novitiate Houses currently being built in Gbem-Vendeikya of Benue State. Please feel free to contact me here to send in your prayer requests so that the SSIH Sisters may add you and your intentions to their prayers and penances.

You remain in my prayers and Holy Masses. We love you all with God's Love and we are proud of you all and hold you in the highest esteem. Remember Let nothing trouble you for God alone in enough! Do have a blissful Lenten Observance as you grow closer to His Divine Heart. God Love you!

Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria,

Fr. Abah Samuel Maria




Update Update #12: 'FisherWomen!' Image
Update #11: Merry ChristMASS and a Blessed New Year!

December 28th, 2023


Dear Faithful Friends,

The Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary wish each and everyone of you a very Merry and Joyfilled ChristMASS!  May the Pure Love of the Christ Child grow and reign in our hearts!!!

We pray that we may truly Love Christ Our Savior who so loves us so dearly that we might be in Heaven with Him for an eternity of Joyfull Bliss in His Divine Love!

Let us rejoice because we are able to have the Infant King of Love in our hearts and go to Him like the Shepherds did, though our ours are veiled, Christ is present in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Oh what JOY because of ChristMASS that our poor hearts can unite to His Perfect Heart of Love and Grace!

Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾✝️✝️✝️💗💗💗

Fr. Abah Samuel Maria


Update Update #11: Merry ChristMASS and a Blessed New Year! Image
Update #10: SSIH now has 2 Carmelite Sisters! Deo Gratias!

December 9th, 2023


Dear Faithful Friends,

Today being the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Our Blessed Virgin Mary, the Traditional Catholic Movement towards the Restoration of the Tridentine Liturgy and Sacraments ran by the Congregation of the Sons and Sisters of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary, received Five Brothers in the Order of the Benedictine of Peace and Unity into the Habit! Deo Gratias et Mariae!

We also received a Carmelite Aspirant into the Postulancy.  We now have two Carmelite Sisters!  Deacon Rev. Mr. Joseph Emeka Onwe gave the homily and Fr. Gbishe Elias the Father Founder of the Benedictine Order received his brothers while Fr. Abah Samuel Maria celebrated the Solemn Mass of the Immaculate Conception. The choir was led by Acolyte Adashi Michael and the Seminarians and Sisters of S.S.I.H and subsequently we had a wonderful celebration after the ceremony.

Parents and well wishers in attendance expressed great joy of witnessing the Tridentine Mass and Habit taking for the first time in their history. Thanks to all and God bless you abundantly! Please never relent in your efforts to keep praying for us and the apostolate even as we constantly do for you and your intentions to the greater glory of God.

Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾✝️✝️✝️💗💗💗

Fr. Abah Samuel Maria


Update Update #10: SSIH now has 2 Carmelite Sisters!  Deo Gratias! Image
Update #9 Five Sisters take their vows and Five receive the habit!

October 21st, 2023


Dear Faithful Friends,

Sorry, for the delay in the sending this update. We had five sisters take the habit and five sisters take their first vows on the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Sept. 8th. DEO Gratias et Mariae!

We have launched a new website for our SSIH Mission, one can subscribe to the monthly newsletter there to be kept up-to-date more often, check out our new website here:

Thank you all very much for your continued prayers and support of the SSIH sisters!  Know that they are keeping you ever in their daily prayers and sacrifices for you and your loved ones, especially in the most powerful prayer of the Holy Rosary!

Our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary, ora pro nobis!

Update Update #9 Five Sisters take their vows and Five receive the habit! Image
Update #8 LifeSiteNews Interview with Fr. Samuel & John-Henry Westen!

July 28th, 2023


Dear Faithful Supporter,

We thank John-Henry Westen for interviewing Fr. Samuel on LifeSiteNews!

And Thank you all for your amazing support! Check out this new update on the Nigerian SSIH Mission Interview with LifeSiteNews below!

It is Truly amazing what the Blessed Virgin Mary is doing in Nigeria for souls! The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of All Times is continuing; along with the passing on Sacred Tradition, with souls coming to SSIH, wanting to become nuns and priests! Souls desire in Africa the Traditional Latin Mass. Listen below to the interview where Father Samuel explains, he also gives great encouragement to Americans to be courageous!

Please continue to support this vital mission!

Watch interview on LifeSiteNews here.

Watch interview on Rumble here.

Summary of Interview:

(LifeSiteNews) — It is often said that Africa will re-evangelize the West. Indeed, the Catholic hierarchy in Africa is known for its phenomenal pro-life stances. The liturgy in Africa, however, is normally impoverished compared to the continent’s orthodoxy.

My guest on this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show is Father Abah Onuh Samuel Maria, a Nigerian priest who serves as spiritual director for the Sons and Sisters of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts and says the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM).

Discussing the history of the TLM on the continent, Fr. Samuel Maria explains that it is crucial to remember that the Novus Ordo Missae of St. Paul VI, introduced in 1969, was introduced at a time when most African Catholics were just beginning to leave their traditional African religions. What distinguished Catholics from Protestants, further, was their devotion to Our Lady and the way they celebrated Mass.

According to him, African bishops have attempted to stifle the TLM, claiming that the people don’t want it, even though the people themselves seem to yearn for it. Indeed, Father maintains that it is “necessary for us to have this Mass given to our people.”

Samuel Maria, recalling how he got involved with the Mass, said that he read about Catholic tradition in seminary after someone sent traditional books to it, including books on the Ottaviani intervention and books by Michael Davies.

“[The seminarians] read them and started asking questions in liturgy class,” he recounts. “And our … professors would just say, ‘Ah, that’s the Mass [where] the priest [has his] back to the people.’ So for me, I became interested.”

While he had an opportunity to go to Michigan to study how to say the Mass shortly after his ordination in 2003, his bishop did not allow him to go, as he himself spent time in the United States and did not want Samuel Maria to see the Church’s cultural situation in the country. Samuel Maria eventually contacted the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in Gabon, Africa, and with the permission of his bishop, learned how to say the TLM with the SSPX at their seminary in Australia.

After returning to Nigeria, told that he could only say the TLM privately, he said the Novus Ordo as conservatively as he could. During COVID-19, however, when churches shut down, he refused to close his.

“I told the people, ‘I am for tradition. And if you … truly want to attend the Mass, Christ is here with us,’” Father began. “‘So it is not by force that you could attend the Mass. But if you want to attend, *I’m available. I’m not afraid of COVID-19. I’m not afraid of death."*

In October 2020, when the Nigerian bishops allowed for public Masses again, Samuel Maria asked his bishop for permission to say the TLM exclusively but was denied the permission. He currently lacks permission to say the Mass publicly. While he sent people away, knowing that he did not have the permission to say Mass for them, people still came. He has since told the bishop that he is not bringing them to Mass.

“Currently my case is being studied by the diocese and we are hopeful that they would give me a hearing,” Father tells me. “So that’s if I have the right to celebrate the traditional Catholic Mass for the people, then fair and good. But if they don’t want to give me [that right], I still do what I feel I can do for the remnant Church.”

Samuel Maria’s community, the Sons and Sisters of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts, formed after a group of young men asked him to train them for the priesthood, consists of 22 men, most studying philosophy while the rest are making a “spiritual year,” as well as two other priests, and a group of sisters. One is professed, five are in the novitiate, five in the postulancy, and four are aspiring to enter. The group has received a blessing from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, read here.

The group, Father explains, has suffered attack from the local clergy, with accusations that it is outside the Church, an accusation that confuses visitors. “Many of [the visitors] are asking the bishops … why can’t they have this Mass, why can’t they have a traditional Catholic seminary, as the Church has always wanted it in the past. So there’s this battle going on.”

Fr. Samuel Maria also explains that he looks to America as a “bastion of hope” for the Church, and calls on American Catholics to be courageous.

“We are in a battle,” he reiterated. “We need to take a decision now, while there is still time. We need to join Our Lady in her army to bring about the restoration … I want American Catholics to be strong and bring forth the true Catholic faith and morals to the people, because that is the only thing that can save the people now.”


Please PRAY & share this fundraiser page with your family and friends!

Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria nunc et semper!

Alexandra Clark

USA Coordinator of SSIH Mission

Update Update #8 LifeSiteNews Interview with Fr. Samuel & John-Henry Westen! Image

April 1st, 2023


Dear Family in Christ,

Construction on the convent roof has begun thanks to your prayers and generosity! Just in time before the rainy season too!

DEO GRATIAS et Mariae!

Please continue to pray 🙏 and share this link with your family and friends to help us gather more support, every penny counts!

Thank you all again and God reward you!!

With prayers and love for all of you in Christ Crucified & Our Sorrowful Mother,

Sisters of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary


Update Huge Update: THANK YOU DEARLY! Image
Update #6 We wish you all a Joyful Feast of the Annunciation and Incarnation!

March 26th, 2023


Dear Family in Christ,

Happy Feast of the Annunciation and Incarnation!

What Love of God for us in sending His only Son to save us from our sins and make us holy!  Deo gratias!  We can never despair, nor lose hope because Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and He has come to save us in His Grace and Love!

We also see the beautiful humility of the Blessed Virgin Mary, giving her fiat to become our Blessed Mother, Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of all graces "Ave Maria gratia plena!"  Pray for us oh Holy Mother of God that we may be made worth of the promises of Christ!  That is, the promise of salvation and eternal happiness in Heaven!

We offer our prayers for all of you on this special feast day and pray you have a very fruitful Passion and Holy Week to grow in sanctity and Love of our dear Crucified Savior!

Thank you again for your support and prayers for our mission here! We had a feast in honor of the great day today and much of it thanks to you!  Really, we are making great progress in the formation and building of the have helped us more than you know and God will reward you for your sacrifices!

Viva Christo Rey!  Viva Immaculata Maria!

Update Update #6 We wish you all a Joyful Feast of the Annunciation and Incarnation!    Image
Nigerian Mission Update #5: Look what your Support is Accomplishing!

March 2nd, 2023


Dear Faithful Family,

Thanks to your prayers and support we are accomplishing much in God's Good grace for the salvation of souls!

Watch below this video where we go over the different aspects of the mission, see the sisters and seminarians and our various mission villages where we offer Holy Mass and the Sacraments.  Your support is helping us to buy land, buildings, food, items needed for the convent and seminary as well as being able to travel to the various missions.   We hope to make further progress on the orphanage and school soon. See video here:

Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria!

Update Nigerian Mission Update #5: Look what your Support is Accomplishing!  Image
Update #4: Interview with Fr. Samuel Maria on the Sisters and their Mission

December 22nd, 2022

Father what would you like to tell readers who are seeing this fundraiser?

Answer: I would like everyone seeing this fundraiser to know that the faith is spreading very fast and people are beginning to know the truth, especially in Nigeria and Africa at large.   Your support will be greatly appreciated for the fast growth and development of these places. A very big thanks to all of our benefactors in helping us save Nigerian souls with the help of God.  Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria!

Could you describe a typical day in the life of the sisters? 

Answer: The Nuns wake up at 5:00am though those in charge of the kitchen wake at 4:00am. The sisters are missionary nuns.   Their busy schedule permits them to say Prime, Sext, and Compline with light out at 10:00pm. Solemn Lauds and Vespers are said on Sundays and Solemnities. They have various activities during the day like classes for learning various things that pertains to their vocation, attending Holy Mass, personal study and spiritual readings, daily Rosary, and visitation to the Blessed Sacrament.   The apostolate includes the making of rosaries and scapulars and many other activities that befits the life of a Nun.  The sisters have many heavy tasks to do each day, as we have no running water, this makes many tasks very arduous than you would have in the United States and much more strenuous. They are working on setting up an orphanage for the Nigerian children.  One thing they want to set up is a piggery to help them sustain themselves.


In regards to feeding the sisters and the rest of the mission how do you acquire food?  

Answer: We solicit for support from friends, families and members of the Mission/Chapels. We have little poultry and we farm the land as well.


Do you have running water and electricity or heating or cooling?  

Answer: We have a well and water tanks for collecting water. There is electricity and we have fans for cooling which where recently fixed. We have no running water for now. We offer up the heat and the cold as a penance.


How do you get young women to join? Are they all from Nigeria or also other parts of Africa?

 Answer: We create awareness wherever we go about the Missions.   We have women from the Missions and other parts of the country who have shown interest. We also have women showing interest from other parts of Africa, Uganda to be precise. Read more of this interview here:

Update Update #4: Interview with Fr. Samuel Maria on the Sisters and their Mission Image
Update #3: Archbishop Vigano gives his fullest and fatherly Blessing ~ See the Letter

November 11th, 2022

Letter of Support from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, Former Apostolic Nuncio to Nigeria:

Dear and Reverend Father,


I am very happy to learn that even in Nigeria - where I was Apostolic Nuncio from 1992 to 1998 and which I continue to carry in my heart - there are good and zealous priests and religious who want to remain faithful to the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to the celebration of the Tridentine Holy Mass.


From what you wrote to me and from the beautiful photos attached to your email, it seems to me that despite the material difficulties and the opposition of the modernist authorities, your work is growing, and this is certainly a sign of God's blessing. The formation of young men to be initiated into the Priesthood in a traditional Seminary is of utmost importance, as is the prayer life of consecrated souls: on the one hand, it is necessary to prepare an "army" of holy priests who go to attack and conquer souls for God, and on the other, a contingent of religious sisters who dedicate their lives to prayer, a very powerful weapon against the devil.


I know well myself how you can feel in these moments of crisis: being branded as schismatics and being excommunicated is one of the most used means, since the Council, to marginalize and criminalize dissent. It will not escape you that the same thing happens in the civil sphere, where those who object to the psychopandemic or denounce the plan of the New World Order are called “anti-vax” or “conspiracy theorists.” But we know that the Truth is an attribute of God, while the distinctive sign of the devil is the lie: therefore we remain steadfast in the Truth and in Charity, and we will have the eternal reward that the Lord has promised to those who are faithful to Him and who obey His Commandments.


I asked some friends to spread the word about your work in Nigeria in order to help you raise funds. Let us also entrust ourselves to the mediation of Saint Joseph, who in material matters is a powerful intercessor and a great patron. 


And while I thank you for having made me a participant in your apostolate in Nigeria, and of which I ask you to keep me informed, I entrust myself to your prayers and to those of your community, imparting to you and your brother priests, as well as to the seminarians, religious and all the faithful, my fullest and fatherly Blessing.



+ Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to Nigeria 

Update Update #3:  Archbishop Vigano gives his fullest and fatherly Blessing ~ See the Letter Image
SSIH Update #2 Vows, Five Take the Habit & 3 new sisters!

September 3rd, 2022


Dear Faithful Supporters,

We have a wonderful update!  On August 22, the great feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, one sister professed her vows, another five took the habit, and three new sisters joined the order!  Amazingly, the sisters also have 8 others aspiring to enter but do not have the cells ready for them yet.

 Deo gratias et Maria!  Thanks be to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary!

I have added one picture here but to see more images go to the gallery on the home page to see the 5 that took the habit and the other images from the ceremony.  

Thank you for all the support and prayers that have helped them reach this point.  Please continue to pray and support these sisters.  Sharing this page with your family and friends to gather more support for these Traditional Sisters.

The Sisters have you daily in their prayers and sacrifices!  All for the greater Love and Glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary! 

If you have any particular prayer request one can submit it though this page or contact me directly below at the email for help in getting a prayer request to the sisters.  Father Samuel Maria is also taking Holy Mass request or a request for a Traditional 33 day Gregorian Masses for a deceased soul.  If you need a Traditional Latin Mass offered or want to request a Gregorian Mass set please email me below.   

Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria!

Alexandra Clark

Update SSIH Update #2 Vows, Five Take the Habit & 3 new sisters! Image
Update #1 Deo Gratias! And Thank YOU for a great start to this Nun fund!

July 14th, 2022


Dear Faithful Supporters,

Thank you for the great start to this Nun Fund!  The Sisters as well as Fr. Samuel-Maria Abah are very grateful and are keeping all your souls in their Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, their prayers and their penances. 

Please keep all of them in your prayers as well.  May the Pure Love of God reign and grow in our hearts!  His Holy Will be done with Love and Joy always! 

In the Immaculata,


Update Update #1  Deo Gratias!  And Thank YOU for a great start to this Nun fund! Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.