Monthly Goal:
 CAD $3,500
Total Raised:
 CAD $85
Raised this month:
 CAD $0
Hello! I'm Shelby! I'm fundraising for me and my mother. The business we've been with for ten years has turned on us and implimented a Shotgun Clause. They want us to sell the business back to them for not even half of what it is worth and still leave us with business payments after the fact. We haven't been able to take money out that is made from the business to help with these monthly business payments and we're on the verge on bankruptcy. My mother has had our home since 1991 and we're so close to losing it. My mother turned 61 on September 18th! She is too old to start her life over again. This business was supposed to be her retirement plan and my future- and now we could be losing everything from our home, our pets and livlihoods. With the money we receive- it'll help us keep our home and look for a job in this difficult time.
hope this helps dude
Shelby! I'm so sorry you're going through this, no one should have to have their home in jeopardy like that. Sending all the good thoughts and hope you are able to sail through this successfully!
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