USD $100,000
USD $74,729
Campaign funds will be received by Jaime Agee
Visit us at: RemnantRevolutionTour.com
We have been assigned to a New Mission, the Remnant Revolution “Net” Tour!
We are leaving the 99 and going to the 1’s who are ready to receive the full gospel and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and be filled with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Contact us here if you’d like Jamie and I to come to your area as we move from house to house across our Nation!
The first mission of our “Fish” tour was simple, to go out and spark a revolution of Spirit & Truth in communities throughout the USA. The soft launch of this tour begun on April 26th, 2023 out of Virginia Beach, VA, where we as the Gideon 300 re-covenanted this nation back to God at the First Landing 1607 Project event. You can watch the entire “marriage ceremony” at FirstLanding1607.com.
Our official launch of the “Fish” tour was on May 27th in Collinsville, TX on the day of Pentecost, wrapping up in Colorado Springs, CO Sept 29th-Oct 6th for 7 days of fellowship during the Feast of Tabernacles! We moved beyond church walls, out to the highways and byways fulfilling the great commission across our Nation building relationships with our brothers and sisters as we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, discussing our roles in the Kingdom of God and solutions on how to defeat our enemy.
The Remnant Revolution “Fish” Tour was focused on the realities of the problems we are all facing in today’s society, in all areas of influence. We brought awareness to occult practices in our culture, medical tyranny, human trafficking, the assault on our constitutional rights and so much more. There was worship, deliverance, baptisms in Jesus Name and biblical teaching to bring hope and direction, inspiring others to use their gifts and get involved locally to overcome this evil. We must combat this spiritual attack on our country that’s trying to take our freedom, our children and our souls.
The latter rain is falling, the harvest is plentiful and there is a Remnant Rising! Join the Army of the Lord as we move into victory and reap the fruit of the Kingdom!
With God, nothing is impossible
Robert & Jaime Agee
May God bless you abundantly as you remain His willing vessels, in enlargening His magnificent kingdom.
Travel help
October 19th, 2023
We have been assigned to a New Mission, the Remnant Revolution “Net” Tour!
We are leaving the 99 and going to the 1’s who are ready to receive the full gospel and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and be filled with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Contact us here if you’d like Jamie and I to come to your area as we move from house to house across our Nation!
The first mission of our “Fish” tour was simple, to go out and spark a revolution of Spirit & Truth in communities throughout the USA. The soft launch of this tour begun on April 26th, 2023 out of Virginia Beach, VA, where we as the Gideon 300 re-covenanted this nation back to God at the First Landing 1607 Project event. You can watch the entire “marriage ceremony” at FirstLanding1607.com.
Our official launch of the “Fish” tour was on May 27th in Collinsville, TX on the day of Pentecost, wrapping up in Colorado Springs, CO Sept 29th-Oct 6th for 7 days of fellowship during the Feast of Tabernacles! We moved beyond church walls, out to the highways and byways fulfilling the great commission across our Nation building relationships with our brothers and sisters as we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, discussing our roles in the Kingdom of God and solutions on how to defeat our enemy.
The Remnant Revolution “Fish” Tour was focused on the realities of the problems we are all facing in today’s society, in all areas of influence. We brought awareness to occult practices in our culture, medical tyranny, human trafficking, the assault on our constitutional rights and so much more. There was worship, deliverance, baptisms in Jesus Name and biblical teaching to bring hope and direction, inspiring others to use their gifts and get involved locally to overcome this evil. We must combat this spiritual attack on our country that’s trying to take our freedom, our children and our souls.
The latter rain is falling, the harvest is plentiful and there is a Remnant Rising! Join the Army of the Lord as we move into victory and reap the fruit of the Kingdom!
With God, nothing is impossible
Robert & Jaime Agee
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