USD $100,000
USD $6,282
Campaign funds will be received by Justin Leslie
Hi everyone! My name is Justin Leslie. I have whistleblown against Pfizer and the media for crimes against humanity. I am a Pfizer scientist and investigative journalist whistleblower of Project Veritas and O'Keefe Media Group. I have produced this documentary PROJECT WHISTLEBLOWER to get my story out there and so that my words are not twisted or tangled. It is in two parts, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. It is has been a long and unprecedented road that I have been on, resulting in the release of my documentary film called Project Whistleblower. The film can be found if you follow the links to my website https://justintegrity.net
I reached out to James O'Keefe and Project Veritas to be a whistleblower during the height of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, when vaccine mandates and childhood vaccine approvals were running rampant. I was an insider for O'Keefe, and the information that I had obtained could have and should have saved millions of lives from serious vaccine injuries and deaths that we are now seeing play out today. I was a young man who was an unwitting whistleblower for Pfizer. After meeting him for the first time, James offered me employment instead of letting me the whistle on crimes against humanity. This broke my heart.
I took the offer months later, to get my Pfizer story back. Trusting god. This information I re-obtained has been submitted in 3 affidavits for LIABILITY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. One is to Senator Ron Johnson, two and three are to the International Criminal Courts for Investigation and Prosecution for Crimes Against Humanity for the COVID-19 "Pandemic" Fraud. These will be released publicly on my social medias and website: https://justintegrity.net My social medias can be found easily on my linktree: https://linktr.ee/justinleslie .
I got the "Pfizer Directed Evolution" story that Project Veritas and James are infamous for, as it went viral and accumulated 50 million views on twitter. I still had a big lump in my throat from the manipulation and lies. I followed James to OMG to corroborate my whistleblower story. It is there at OMG where I obtained information about James O'Keefe, the "King of Investigative Journalism" that you know him to be, going to take part at the Bohemian Club at the Bohemian Grove in mid July, from July 20-27.
James later admitted this to his journalism team, and I was forced to resign because I did not trust him for going, while declining a severance package as I saw it as dirty money. The Bohemian Grove in truther circles is known to be a gathering of the world's elite. James did not go to investigate. He went for financial reasons. Who knows if that is actually the truth? People that go to the club cannot speak about it.
I am stepping forward with this weight of the world coming off my shoulders. God is watching me and he knows that I cannot hold in this psychological terror of not speaking out about the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as all vaccines being linked to autism.
This isn't about Right vs. Left. This is about right vs wrong. This is about the fate of mankind. God placed me in Pfizer and the alternative media realm to go ahead and see it for my own eyes. The veil has been lifted, and it will interesting to see how James O'Keefe reacts to his top journalist blowing the whistle on him for silencing him for what should have exposed crimes against humanity during the childhood vaccine approvals in November of 2021.
To the vaccine injured, this is for you, and your informed consent. I am heartbroken that I have faced this mountain of a challenge to get my truth out, but god's timing is everything. Ephesians 5:11 says "Have nothing to do with the fruitless works of darkness, but rather expose them." That is what I am doing. I cannot sit back and let this crime against humanity go by the waist side. I was positioned by god to obtain this information for the greater good of mankind. We all learn from our human experience.
In this unprecedented time with my safety and future, any support and prayer is GREATLY appreciated. I planned on living a normal life going to work inside big Pharma after graduating college, but quickly woke up to the COVID-19 scamdemic. My life has changed dramatically as I have been working on this mission for mankind for the last three years. I have sacrificed a lot for this information to come to fruition. I may be threatened but I do not care. This is about breaking the programming and conditioning of the masses. James O'Keefe going to Bohemian Grove is not publicly confirmed until now.
If you'd like to support me, know that your support will be put to good use.You can also cashapp me at $justinleslie3 the word "DONATION" and/ or on Zelle at donations@justintegrity.net. I face financial struggles from not working the last 7 months, and by putting this documentary together for free as a public service for mankind. I also face potential "legal" battles where I will need and ample lawful defense, as the nature of this work is unprecedented. If you feel called to pledge any amount of money, may it come back to you 10 fold, as I greatly appreciate it. The support I receive will go towards paying off debts, lawful fights for truth such as holding Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and the complicit governments around the world accountable for crimes against humanity, as well as kickstarting a platform for myself that I plan to use to share truth and love to the people of this realm.
1 Corinthians 9:22- To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might BY ALL MEANS save some. I love this scripture, and it is the reason why I have done this.
To my former colleagues at Pfizer, PV, and OMG. I mean no harm to any of you. I only stand for truth and love. We as men and women have the responsibility to do WHAT IS RIGHT, regardless of the outcome. This is not a divide and conquer message. I choose GOD! I choose good. I choose team humanity. Which side do you choose?
My fellow whistleblower friend Raymond Bechard once told me that when you pass on a store like this, you become the story itself.
Thank you for reading all of this if you have come this far. Much love and God Bless all of you!
Justin Leslie
God Bless you and PLEASE continue. You are doing the RIGHT thing!
Keep fighting !
Saw your movies after listening to the podcast you did with the AV team. Well done brother!
“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly, _because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; _who does actually strive to do the deeds _ who spends himself in a worthy cause; _ if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, _ shall never be with those cold and timid souls “ Roosevelt
Bless you and your bravery. Every lie will be revealed!!
Thank you for your courage and great work.
May God Bless you, keep you, protect and persevere you, Justin, and your friends, family and supporters. May He open people's ears, eyes and hearts! In Jesus' name, Amen.
Justin, thank you for your courage and being a true protector. You are an inspiration!!
Excellent and thorough work! I commend your efforts to put truth and integrity first! God bless you!
Thank you for your courage, Justin! This war will be won when people take action ṭo expose the agenda, as you did. God bless you!
Much love brother!
Thank you Justin. God Bless you.
#TruthWins. Thank you, Justin, for following the leading of God’s Spirit and spreading Truth for the benefit of all. May the Truth you share break down the walls of lies surrounding and imprisoning the minds of so many people, especially the people who say they know Jesus. May we, each, have eyes to see the Truth, ears to hear the Truth, and dedication to spread the Truth, for the Truth sets us
July 30th, 2024
Hi everyone,
Thank you so much to those have been able to support me through the first 6 months of Project Whistleblower being released! As many of you probably know I have full time been doing interviews and doing work on the side at a Pizza restaurant to get by with my bills (yes, I have to pay those). I am currently really struggling with credit cards (more than thousands in debt) adding up on one another. I currently have less than 100 dollars to my name (yes, it's true). I have been unable to find a full time job somewhere to support me financially. If anyone feels called to help me out, it is greatly appreciated at this time as I could really, really use it. <3 If anyone is interested in giving but not on givesendgo I have donations through zelle: donations@justintegrity.net , cash app: $justinleslie3 and PayPal @justinleslie3. All can be found at my website at justintegrity.net .
With so much love,
Justin Leslie
“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
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