USD $175,000
USD $91,221
Campaign funds will be received by Lisa Magee
As most of you know Dominic Pezzola has been held as a political prisoner since he turned himself into authorities on Jan 15th for his participation in the rally that took place in Washington DC. Dominic has been accused of several serious crimes that hold no bearing and are completely false. He has been blasted my not only the media but named over 12 times at Trump's last failed impeachment hearing. He has absolutely no chance at a fair trial and we are doing our best to fight back against this tyranny. First and foremost, Dominic is a true patriot who risked himself to stand up to our overreaching tyrannical government. He is an Honorably discharged Marine Corps Veteran. He stands true to the oath he took to defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, although he is no longer in the military he vowed to abide by that oath for the entirety of his life. At this time Dominic has been held in solitary confinement for over 6 months. In this time, he has undergone inhumane treatment in the deplorable DC jail. He has been refused basic human rights, medical care, and access to his attorney by the super liberal authorities in charge. Dominic has been the victim of retaliation several time by being put in the “hole” anytime I or his attorney have spoken out about the abuses taking place inside of the jail. He was left there for two weeks without even having a disciplinary hearing, because the guard who put him in there for absolutely no reason quit her job immediately after putting him there and never even filed a complaint for him being there. He sat for 2 weeks being completely forgot about by the authorities that be. Dominic and I have 2 beautiful girls (20), and (17), to say the least these children have been put through the ringer. Our oldest had to withdraw from college last semester as her father was the sole provider for our family as I am currently in graduate school myself. She does not recieve any aid and her tuition falls solely on us. Our youngest daughter had to forego her school year and summer activities and trips because of the lack of her father’s income. I have spent our entire savings and we are now on our third attorney. The first one just took the money and ran, the second was DC appointed lawyer who had absolutely no intention of fighting for Dominic and made false statements to the mainstream media regarding Dominic and his stance and viewpoints on the current situation. The attorney he has now is amazing and is fighting tooth and nail, however we have neared the end of the retainer funds and it’s becoming a serious struggle to make it by on what little is left. Just the other day someone hit my car in the grocery store parking lot and just took off leaving me to try and figure out a way to have it fixed. (I have no way to fix it right now), the bills are piling up and the credit card limits are being reached. Anyone who knows me knows I am not one to ask for help, but I now have no other choice as my children are beginning to suffer. I pray that the patriots may be able to help my family as Dominic has and continues to stand up for us all and our country.
From Dominic “I do not blame President Trump, never have and never will for what happened on that day. I blame all the corrupt politicians who swore the same oath as me, but don’t follow it. I blame all the elected officials who have decided to serve themselves other than the people who gave them the power, that have sold out the COUNTRY to enrich and benefit ONLY THEMSELVES. Trump is the warrior President fighting for US and I stand with him”
May God grant you good health, Dominic, and success in fighting to hold accountable those who persecuted you so terribly!
Lord Jesus, Keep Dominic in your care every moment of every day!
God bless you!
Thank you, Lord, for President Trump's victory! May he remember "promises made, promises kept, and free all the J6 hostages. Thank you most of all for Jesus!
God bless you
God bless you and keep you in his care until this injustice is over. God bring you peace. God hold you in the palm of his hand and make up his face to shine upon you. God keep you strong and healthy and may his love encompass every part of your being. Smile knowing Jesus loves you.
Hoping this helps a little to stop the lawfare on good people.
Happy birthday! Angelina
Praying for You!
God speed you well and vindicate all of you. Eternal God in whom Mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion is inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase your Mercy in us, that in difficult moments, we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence, submit ourselves to Your Holy Will which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.
May God bless, and TY!
Praying for you all.
Prayers for you and all the other men illegally held. Prayers for all. Every. DAY.
May Trump pardon you and God bless you with better health
God is with you. The faithful are with you. DJT has not forgotten you. Fear no evil.
May the Holy Spirit bless you with strength and peace as you carry this cross. Jesus loves and is with you always. God Bless! Thank you for your service.🇺🇸❤️🙏
August 20th, 2023
As most of you know Dominic has been held in jail for 32 months now as a result of the happening's of Jan 6, 2021. The fully democrat jury that was selected to decide his case only did one unexpected thing and found him not guilty of seditious conspiracy. They did however find him guilty of all the other charges he faced even though proof was shown in trial that he was not guilty of said crimes. Dominic did take responsibility on the stand for the actions he actually did take on that day. The DOJ is now seeking a sentence of 20 years in a SUPER MAXIMUM PRISON, 20 years for a broken window. Dominic did not hurt a single person that day and was never accused of hurting anyone, but likely saved the lives of at least few. On September 1, 2023, Judge Timothy Kelly will hand down Dominic's sentence. Our family will have to begin the process again from the beginning by filing an appeal, which we will not be able to do without your help. Because of Dominic's incarceration I have been left a single mother as well as the sole provider for our family and we are struggling.
January 13th, 2023
I'm sorry that I haven't posted an update in a while, things have been quite hectic as you can imagine. I would first and foremost like to say THANK YOU and BLESS YOU ALL!!! the support that has been shown is overwhelming. I don't know how my family would have survived without the generosity of the community. As of now things are heating up with the biased jury that has been seated, contention amongst the defense attorney's as well as the corrupt prosecution if you can call them that. I believe they are persecutors not prosecutors as their heads are completely up their bums they cant see clearly the facts in front of their faces. I have been able to attend here and there but am no longer permitted as I will be a witness in the case. Dominics attorney fees are astronomical at this point and even with all of your support we are falling short of what is needed to truly defend him. I realize that many have donated to a popular fundraiser created by a family member of a different J6er however Dominic didn't receive any legal help from said fund because the creator has a personal bias against his attorney therefore all legal fees fall upon our family to cover and we need your help. Dom is facing a possible 20 yr sentence and with the jury stacked against him he will likely end up having to go to appeals court. The judge on this case Timothy Kelly is a former federal prosecutor that is denying all defense requests and granting all prosecution requests. He is not behaving as a judge but rather is colluding with his prosecutor friends ensuring Dominic does not get a fair trial or a jury of his peers. They judge sides with the prosecution to kepp exculpatory evidence from being shown and continues the allow prosecution to commit brady violations o a daily basis. To date he has not been permitted to view any discovery in his case nor has he been allowed to have any meaningful communication with his attorney, he has not been allowed to aid in his own defense. Can you imagine being forced to trial without being able to view a single piece of discovery. This is NOT the AMERICAN way, This persecution is a joke to our judicial system and I whole heartedly hope that Judge Timothy Kelly is put under review for his actions in this case. Dominic will reach his 2 yr anniversary of pre trial incarceration on the 15th of this month, he was denied bond several times even though he is not accused of hurting anyone and has no criminal history at all. He has been mistreated, denied medial care as well as starved as they will only feed him soy meals which he is allergic to. He depends on his commissary to be able to eat at all and because of you he has been able to do so. Please pray for Dominic and or family. Please pray that the jury has the where with all to see through the prosecutions lies and allow the truth to flood them like the warmth of the sun .Please pray for judge Kelly so that he may see the error of his ways and humble him to recognize that he has made many wrong turns in this case and allow him to rectify those mistakes. I will continue to pray for those things as well as all of you.
August 25th, 2021
August 3rd, 2021
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