USD $43,485
Campaign funds will be received by Leigh McMichael
First, I would like to thank you all for taking the time read our fundraiser. Greg McMichael & Travis McMichael spent many years giving back to the community they live in and in return they have been unfairly convicted of charges that do not accurately fit the incident that occurred. Greg & Travis are not the men that the media has depicted them to be. There were numerous items that could not be used during the trial that made it extremely difficult for the defense team to prove their case.
Many jurors expressed concerns about being on this high-profile case and how that could affect their families. We feel that the trial jurors were intimated by the gatherings outside of the courthouse, including armed protestors and a number of organizations that have nothing to do with truth and justice.
The cost of the legal defense is staggering and exceeds means available to our family. We have exhausted all means with the original trial and need to begin the appeal process. It will be very long and costly process to go through the appellate court system. We are in need of funds to appeal the unfair conviction of Greg & Travis.
Your donation will ensure representation necessary for the appeal process. Any donation will be greatly appreciated.
Update: Words can never express how grateful we are for the support and prayers we have received thus far. I do want to provide the new website that will give a little insight on on the true Greg McMichael and Travis McMichael. Please follow our new website as we develop it with new information.
Let's get Travis and Greg true justice!
One day at a time.
Monthly donation. Hang in there
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
prayers sent for justice for both of these brave men
Hi Leigh —. I put it on the credit card so you could get this money before April. I am so sorry for what you and your family have gone through. This is State-promulgated racism, pure and simple and was clearly self defense. Your husband and son, and Roddy Bryan, did absolutely nothing wrong. Stay strong and remain a pillar your family. God sees the truth and there will be justice in the end.
Stay strong. Keep the faith.
An unfair trial deserves support for a new one. Travis did not use the N-word over Arbery's corpse and was not disputed in court Arbery was mentally ill which caused him to charge at Travis and was not . admissible in court. So many injustices for Greg and Travis. Please support these gentlemen.
Donald, I know you clearly see the injustice. Nobody should be locked up and separated from their families due to their skin color. If all things were equal yet races were reversed, or the same, of course they would be free. I’m sure you could find some jurors who reached their decision under duress. Please pardon them.
Greg and Travis would give the shirt off their back to help someone in need. There situation is an awlful injustice. Tragedy for Arbery, yes, malice murder, NO
Sorry this thing has dragged on this long; still can't believe an appeal hasn't reversed this
Monthly donation. Hang in there
The truth needs to come to light. Politics and other influences need to stop. Let's be honest about what really happened that day, which was to get information from a person seen at a construction site on numerous occaisions and basically chose to disarm Travis. Ahmaud had other options instead of the martyrdom option he chose.
Horrible injustice. These fine men do not deserve to be so severely punished.
March 15th, 2022
Words can never express how grateful we are for the support and prayers we have received thus far. I do want to provide the new website that will give a little insight on on the true Greg McMichael and Travis McMichael. Please follow our new website as we develop it with new information.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.