USD $95,000
USD $8,513
Campaign funds will be received by Matthew Yeager
Your diagnosis is mold toxicity. Your home is the source. Mold remediation and new roof needed. Insurance doesn’t cover your home repairs or most of your medical expenses… these are just some of the realities Matt and Wendy struggled to process as they discovered a major cause of Wendy’s looming health problems. Coordinating the work, the cost, and the time to do it all was so overwhelming; yet, Matt and Wendy were still faithfully leading in full time ministry.
In Exodus 17 when Moses’ hands grew weary, Aaron and Hur held up his arms. We, too, have an opportunity to be an Aaron and Hur for the Yeager family by financially supporting their needs. As you read their story, we ask you to reflect and pray about making a donation using 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Wendy has been battling chronically difficult health problems that have taken years to diagnose. Testing revealed mold toxicity as a root cause of her medical issues. She battles many symptoms, but this past year she’s developed a severe, very painful rash over her entire body. Exposure to air makes it worse. The source of the mold exposure was their home which was accelerated by a leaking roof. Before Wendy had any hopes for healing, their home, which also houses their ministry offices, youth gatherings, board meetings and more, had to be cleaned and repaired. Mold remediation is a complex and expensive process. On top of that, many items had to be discarded and what was kept, including their clothes, needed to be thoroughly cleaned with special products. It was a tedious and time-consuming task on top of everything else, both physically and emotionally exhausting. In addition, the carpet needed to be removed and several places in their home were gutted and reconstructed due to mold that had moved from the attic into their living spaces.
This would be challenging for anyone due to the cost and amount of time needed to address the issues on top of Wendy’s medical treatments. However, adding to the complexity of their situation is that Matt and Wendy lead two strategic ministries as full-time supported missionaries. Over 30 years ago they chose to forgo careers as a CPA and an educator to follow their calling in ministry. They have been in full time ministry since and have committed their lives to consistently serving their community and beyond. This choice has involved many financial sacrifices. They are truly ministers of God’s Word and have devoted their lives to the work of the Lord. Their ministries, which are deeply rooted in the schools and community, are non-profit and they raise financial support for the entirety of the ministry budgets, including their own salaries. They have raised 5 children and currently have 10 grandchildren ages 8 and under. Their schedules are full as they pour into their family and ministries.
They have taken out a second mortgage credit line to help cover expenses so Wendy can continue treatment, but the bills continue to grow and Wendy is still battling many symptoms. Her healing process takes time and financial resources which exceed their means. Most of the house repairs, doctor’s appointments, and treatment protocols are not covered by homeowner’s insurance or medical insurance. For example, one of the treatments involved driving one hour each way (five days a week) to receive hyperbaric oxygen treatments for 8 weeks. Meanwhile, Wendy has continued to run her ministry through it all.
Current out of pocket expenses are:
New roof, mold remediation, replacement of flooring and HVAC, cleaning of ducts and living space = $51,000
Medical costs to date = $18,000
Anticipated future medical costs = $26,000
Alleviating the financial burden would greatly help the family as they focus on Wendy’s healing and allow them to continue living out 1 Peter 4:10-11 which states, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord."
Thank you for your prayers and consideration!
Hope you guys are staying warm!
Merry Christmas!
God Bless!
Miss you guys so much hope to see you soon
Prayers for you and your trials!
Love you guys!
Grace Church Perrysburg Mission Team gift for restoring health and home for Matt & Wendy Yeager (Act2Toledo mission partner)
Praying for you Wendy ❤️
June 20th, 2024
We are so grateful for everyone's prayers and gifts. This has been a huge blessing and a really big help. Please know that you are appreciated beyond measure. Wendy's rash has improved significantly since this all began 18 months ago. While she is not out of the woods yet, we can see tremendous progress and are hopeful that she will experience complete healing in the coming months. Thanks again for all of your love and support!
Matt and Wendy
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