USD $2,557
Campaign funds will be received by Marc Bru
Been praying for all of you J6's from that very day when it was clear the enemy was from within. Thank you for your sacrifice as the Lord showed the world what had been going on in the darkness. May the Lord restore to you as He restored Job. Keep the faith.
God bless you.
Praying for you!
Thank you and God bless you Marc for your dedication, service, courage and standing up for the truth despite the hardships. You are an amazing patriot and the Lord has great plans for you. God bless you, President Trump, and The USA. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
God bless you!
Dear Marc, I heard about you from my Chinese American friends who visited the DC Gulag. Thank you and all J6ers for loving America and the Freedom. What you have suffered is the communist way to prosecute anyone who dared to speak up and stand up against their evil ideologies. People like me from tyrannical regimes knew it very well. God bless you, President Trump and America! You are a true hero!
God bless you!🙏
I hope you received the letters I sent you when you were in the Victorville location, So sorry for the persucton y'all have suffered. I hope your spirits stay strong to continue to share the truth and expose the unjustice.
" Caprece, While I cannot speak for other j6ers, I can say the Fa strengthens me daily through great Patriots like you. Thank you, I'm grateful. " By Marc Bru
Hey brother Hang in there. You fought the righteous fight. I was there (DC)that day myself but somehow escaped the horror you all had to go through. Its not much, but I will give more when I can.
"Brother, With gratitude, I thank you. With the recent pardon, I have renewed my motivation to see the end of the Prison industrial complex. Blessings." By Marc Bru
May God bless your life be better and better from now on
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV) Congratulations on your freedom! Pray God restore you spiritually and financially soon!
So glad that you are finally free. Thank you for your sacrifice for our country and our freedom! You are our hero and may god bless you! Love from Ying Ackerman.
May God bless you and family.
March 11th, 2025
Now that I'm located in Eastern Washington again, reunited with my dog, Tono. I'm still in the position, having to fundraise for everything, from paying my cell phone bill to fueling my car to get me to different speaking engagements. There is a lot going on, I know, yet I am eternally grateful and thankful, for the support from all the faithful. The affects of January 6th, 2021 Capitol entrapment, by the rats in DC, are still being felt, so thank you for your continued support.
March 11th, 2025
It has taken extra weeks to travel across Washington State, to finally connect with my dog Tono, He was so, excited to see me show up, after 2 years of separation. It took him a minute to recognize me, but the moment he did, he cried and cried. Circling me several times, and pushing his snout into my face and hands, to smell and make sure I was really there. I thought I would have been emotional about it all, but I was overwhelmed with gratitude, and nothing else.
My situation hasn't changed much though, my only source of funding, comes from speaking engagements, and the fundraiser. It's not that I'm unwilling to work, but how do I ever go back to working a job, that doesn't do anything for the battle we are in, with this government overreach at every level? I have been trained for this time, to advocate for the change we want to see in our Nation and of course, our states. Please continue your support, so I can at least keep paying for my communications and fuel to get from one event to another. This helps me keep funding going, and stay in the fight. Many blessings to all, God bless, and long live the Republic.
March 2nd, 2025
Thanks to all the Patriots and prayer warriors, light workers, and starseeds, for all that you do. Keeping j6ers like myself, going and able to the necessary work to restore our names, and equal status in society. Some of us have suffered to the point of having PTSD from the torture through pain compliance and the threat of murder by a police state turned military occupation. For myself, I'll never feel safe, as long as these defunct agencies are operating off the tax of an enslaved population. Please keep us in your prayers and never forget, many of us would do it all again, if it meant securing freedom for our countrymen and women. Thank you for your blessings and financial support. It's sad but we still need help with reestablishing our lives, what's left of them.
February 6th, 2025
I've been delayed, due to speaking engagements, here in King County. However, this is a good thing, as building and maintaining a local network of political shakers and movers if keep to flipping Washington and giving it back to the people.
I've also been busy taking care of my transportation carriage and early next week, I will be able to purchase a warm coat finally, and weatherized pair of hiking style shoes.
God bless, and thank you with the highest graditude.
February 4th, 2025
Been on the phone all day, reconnecting with former associates and having a very a blast, hearing about all the prayers said on my behave. Being a political hostage in our own tUS of A, has really fuelled me, keep fight! fight! fighting! For my countrymen, and especially for Washington. State, my home, wherever I may roam. The rocks and trees, the birds and bees, Washington my home!....
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