Supporting LeeAnn in her fight with brain cancer


 USD $50,000


 USD $34,995

Campaign created by Emily Lauritzon

Campaign funds will be received by Laura Lawrence

Supporting LeeAnn in her fight with brain cancer

We come together to surround the Lawrence family with an abundance of love, prayer, and unwavering support. In the face of adversity, LeeAnn has shown us what true strength and resilience look like as she battles against the aggressive form of Medulloblastoma.

Let us lift them up in our thoughts and prayers, sending positive energy and healing vibes their way. Let us be a beacon of light in their darkest moments, showing them the immense support and love that surrounds them.

Leeann is facing a tough road ahead with radiation treatment in Seattle followed by chemotherapy at OHSU. The family is grateful for any support from the community so they can focus on Leeann's care. Your help means the world to them as they navigate this difficult journey together. Thank you for standing with them in this fight against cancer.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
27 days ago

♥️ 🙏🏾

The LaPlantes
27 days ago

1 month ago

Sending love and prayers

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

Jamie Baker
4 months ago

Sending positive thoughts for today’s scan.

Mele family gift
5 months ago

Monetary Gift from the Mele family. You Leann and your family are in our prayers and our hearts too. We lift you up in prayer daily (true!) that our Gracious Heavenly Father bring YOU divine health and healing and wrap you up in big his loving arms of love

Kristina korynta
7 months ago

Sending all my thoughts and prayers to your girl and family!

Rhonda Schreiber
7 months ago

Praying for and loving you all!!

Liliana Garay
7 months ago

Freddy Garay
7 months ago

Tim Gerald
7 months ago

7 months ago

Keep fighting you got this!

Debbie Mannix
7 months ago

Sending my prayers

Andy Bower
7 months ago

I can’t imagine what you and your family are going through. Prayers are with you and your family. I have also include your family on my churches prayer role. Please feel free to reach out if you need any help with anything. Prayers are with you.

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Koffi De Souza
7 months ago

Melea Tejedas
7 months ago

Sending you lots of love and healing prayers.

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Positive vibes to this family!

7 months ago


Update #5

January 25th, 2025

Hello everyone,

I'm thrilled to share that LeeAnn completed her last chemo admission on January 13th! Yay! She has shown incredible strength and resilience throughout this journey, and ringing the bell marked such a significant accomplishment for her.

Now, we are waiting for a spinal tap and a repeat body scan in February, hoping to finally hear the news we've all been longing for: NED (no evidence of disease). 

Unfortunately, LeeAnn had to be readmitted this past week due to pneumonia and some difficulty maintaining her oxygen levels. The good news is that she is recovering well and is expected to return home today!

Please continue to keep LeeAnn and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Your support means the world to us, and we couldn't get through this without each and every one of you!

Thank you!

Update Update #5 Image
MRI Scan - send photos to show support!

November 8th, 2024

Hello everyone!

I wanted to share a quick update on LeeAnn’s fight. She has an MRI scheduled for tomorrow, November 9th, at OHSU. This scan will provide important information regarding her condition. MRI is going to scan brain and spine. It will tell us if the cancer is responding to treatment. Previous MRI in August showed clear scans in the brain, but spots in her spine. Hoping the spots in spine were just her cells reacting to radiation. If it’s cancer growing and not responding to treatment - It would likely be inoperable due to location on spine.

For those who purchased the cancer bracelets to support LeeAnn, we would love for you to send us a photo of you wearing the bracelet. We want to show LeeAnn all the love and support she has behind her before her scan. You can send your photos to any family member, and we will make sure to forward them all to Laura.

Thank you so much for your continued support! It means the world to us.

Update MRI Scan - send photos to show support! Image
Home Sweet Home

July 22nd, 2024

LeeAnn has officially completed 30 rounds of chemotherapy and radiation! We couldn’t be more proud of her and what she has overcome so far. 

These last 2 months, she has been given a fight that no one should ever have to go through and kicked ! She pushed through and found strength in herself that she didn’t realize she had. 

Although her future weeks are still full of appointments, scans, therapy sessions, etc. - she will finally get a well deserved break from cancer treatment. She is back home from Seattle with her family and won’t have to start treatment again until August 23. She is ready to make the most of the rest of her summer and enjoy some sunshine! 

We do have two fundraising opportunities coming up as well! Both will be happening on July 28th. 

Welcome Home Tattoo will be hosting an event to have a tattoo done in color or black and gray at $100 each. All proceeds will go to LeeAnns cancer journey. There will be dozens of designs to pick from. Check out their instagram for more information! 

A car wash will be held at the bomber on mcgloughlin. If want to volunteer reach out to LeeAnns mom. Or come get your car sparkly clean from 11-3! All donations will go to LeeAnn and the family for medical expenses. 

Thank you everyone for all your support and continued prayers! 

Update Home Sweet Home Image
Recent update on LeeAnn

June 18th, 2024

We wanted to provide you with another update on LeeAnns progress. Unfortunately we had a bit of a set back two weeks into treatment. She has been in the hospital for the last 3 weeks fighting an infection. She had to take a break from chemo and radiation to get her body back on track but has recently been able to return to treatment this week while still in the hospital and tolerating it well! She has now undergone 4 major surgeries, including having a shunt placed.  We’re hoping to be able to leave the hospital within the next week and will continue the outpatient chemo and radiation in Seattle. This does put our timeline in Seattle a bit longer but hoping to be able to return home in July. 

I am pleased to report that LeeAnn is showing incredible strength and resilience in the face of this challenge. Despite the difficult days and setbacks, they remain positive and hopeful. She faced her biggest fear this weekend and decided to shave the rest of her head and remained strong and brave through it all.  Your continued support and prayers have been a source of comfort and encouragement for them.

The family is extremely grateful for any support from their community as it will help them put all their focus right now on LeeAnn’s healing. Your continued help means the world to them as they navigate this difficult journey together. Thank you so much for standing with them in the fight against cancer. 

Update Recent update on LeeAnn Image
Update on LeeAnn and Family

May 11th, 2024

First and foremost, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have generously donated and offered your prayers for LeeAnn and her family. Your kindness and support means more than words can express.

We wanted to provide you with an update on LeeAnn's diagnosis. She has arrived in Seattle and is preparing to begin her radiation treatment for the next six weeks. Unfortunately, we received the news that the cancer has spread to her spine, requiring additional daily chemotherapy to combat this aggressive form of cancer. It's a difficult and unpredictable journey filled with pain, frustration, heartache, and confusion, but LeeAnn remains a strong fighter, and we are asking for your prayers and positive thoughts during this trying time.

Any financial assistance for LeeAnn and her family would be greatly appreciated as they navigate through this challenging chapter. Your continued support and positivity are truly invaluable as LeeAnn fights this battle with courage and determination. Thank you for standing by her side during this difficult time
Update Update on LeeAnn and Family Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.