Support King Ranch and Agriculture in Washington


 USD $800

Campaign created by John Stuhlmiller

Campaign funds will be received by Toni Meacham

Support King Ranch and Agriculture in Washington

King Ranch, a multi-generational family operated cow/calf beef operation, is under unprecedented legal attack by the State of Washington. The state has brought civil and criminal actions against the Kings related to historic ranching practices, and is seeking to unlawfully cancel grazing leases that are critical to the family ranch.

The allegations are based upon the improper application of the law. The state alleges that historic man-made stock watering ponds are now wetlands. The State ignores that these stock ponds are allowed under statute, are a historic customary ag practice used for permit exempt stock watering, and Kings stock water rights as a whole. 

In defending their personal ranch, Kings are also defending the rights of all ranchers and farmers. The harsh, arbitrary action being pursued by the state could not only drive Kings out of business, but if left unchecked, would allow the state to shut down farming, ranching and other activity across the state. Stock watering is a non-permitted, allowed practice under statute, yet the state is ignoring ag rights and the law. The state has no authority to take the actions they are taking and must be stopped. Ranchers should not be faced with criminal prosecution for normal ranching operations. 

Please help support the Kings as they struggle to pay ever mounting legal bills. Your gift of any amount will help bring justice to the situation and stop the injustice in its tracks.

Recent Donations
DCB Oil and Gas Inc
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Sincerely hoping for a righteous outcome. I am sorry you are having to weather this storm.

DeAguiar Farms
$ 500.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago


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