Supporting Julie's Cancer Treatment


 USD $30,000


 USD $14,699

Campaign created by KATHRYN STUECKLE

Campaign funds will be received by Julie Brannon

Supporting Julie's Cancer Treatment

UPDATED 12/1/2024    As owner of Bailey's Naturals Herbal Apothecary for over 25 years, Julie's purpose, passion, and calling has been to help make a positive impact on people's health and in their lives. Now, Julie is in a fight for her life. Last October she was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer, and told by 2 leading cancer treatment centers that there was nothing they could do for her.

In the year since her diagnosis Julie has stayed strong and continued to work full time, bolstered by natural therapies funded largely from donations through GiveSendGo. For that, she is so grateful! Unfortunately, bad news came in a recent PET scan showing the cancer spreading and getting more aggressive.

Julie has decided to get aggressive in return, embarking on IPT therapy. It’s a type of chemo that uses insulin to trick cancer cells into accepting a dose of chemo. Because of this novel approach significantly lower doses of chemo can be used, which in turn dramatically reduces the risk of side effects. Julie’s goal is to stay on her feet, working full-time during this treatment, and continuing to serve her community. Unfortunately, insurance won’t pay for this groundbreaking treatment.

Julie's loving, giving heart is too humble to ask for your help, so we her family and friends are asking for her.

For more than 2 decades, she's been a single mom, independent small business owner, and an active participant in her community. Indeed, Julie has touched many lives serving the residents of Safety Harbor, Florida and beyond.

If she's touched your life or someone you know, or her story has touched you in some way, please help by gifting whatever you can afford. And if a monetary donation isn't possible, please keep her in your prayers, and if possible, consider supporting her business - either in person or online at That will be a win-win! As her sister, my belief is that her healing journey will be transformational and bring glory to our Almighty God and His miraculous healing power, allowing her to continue her passion and purpose for years to come.

We're so grateful for your love, prayers and financial support. We will keep you updated here in the blog. --Kathryn

Recent Donations
Patty Vaillancourt
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Dear Julie, My heart and prayers are with you always. If anyone can beat this, it is you. Keep the faith, you are loved! xo

John and Wynn
$ 250.00 USD
3 months ago

Sending positive healing vibes and praying hard!

Brooke Worrell
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
3 months ago

Abundant prayers for Gods supernatural healing powers to cleanse all abnormal cells in Julie’s body bringing her to good health again !!! In Jesus name…Amen!!!

Brandi Stewart
$ 300.00 USD
3 months ago

Jacqueline Linder
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Love you, Lady

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Our Lord is're in my prayers xo

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Healing prayers coming your way!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying daily for you're continued healing. You are an inspiration!

The Hamer Family
$ 200.00 USD
6 months ago

Julie ~ your life's work is giving so much of yourself to the health and well being of others and we are praying for God's healing over YOU!

$ 5.00 USD
6 months ago

God Bless and stay positive you got this

Friend in Christ
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

You are precious to so many. Heavenly Father we ask for more healing. xoxo

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Our Lord is faithful....I'm praying for you daily

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

You've got this!!! xoxo


Update #9 - See new landing page

December 2nd, 2024

The landing page has been updated today.  Further updates will be here going forward. God Bless!

Update #8 PET Scan

November 15th, 2024

In case you didn't know, due to the set of hurricanes, Julies business was damaged and closed for nearly a month, resulting in extensive revenue loss.  During that devastating time Julie had her bi-annual pet scan, which showed that there is increased cancer activity and that it has spread to other areas of her body.  On a positive note, the breast tumor is still shrinking, but as the cancer has become more aggressive, her treatment needs to be as well.

She will be undergoing IPT chemo, which is unfortunately not covered by insurance.  In addition to the low-dose chemo, there are other treatments she will need to fight the more aggressive cancer.  Julie has so appreciated your generosity, and if you feel called to make a contribution during this season of Thanksgiving, we will all be grateful.

We have a new goal of $30,000 to cover her treatments.  Thank you for your kindness, generosity, prayers, and concern.


October 21st, 2024

 Julie's scheduled PET scan was cancelled due to Hurricane Milton and has been rescheduled for this Wednesday, October 23.  The waiting game for the results is hard (up to 2 weeks) so please pray for positive news from the scan.    Hurricane update:   While Julie and her daughter are safe, and her home sustained no damage, her business flooded and is temporarily closed for repairs, with no re-opening date projected.   Thankfully she was able to move all her inventory from her shop to her home. She is filling online ( and email/phone orders as best she can from there.  However, this has wiped out her only source of income, which also impacts her being able to afford her much needed cancer treatments.  
If you are able to support her through ordering products, and/or a donation here I humbly ask for your helpd, and thank you in advance.  Our Lord is faithful - God bless you and keep you and yours in his care.   

Update #6

October 6th, 2024

While Julie had hoped to have a PET scan last month, due to insurance delays it’s now scheduled for Monday Oct 7.    While she optimistically waits the 7-14 days for the results, we humbly ask for prayers for great news!  

Update #5

August 19th, 2024

I'm starting the week off by sharing a praise report!   Julie had a thoracentesis last Thursday.  She'd gone 12 weeks since her last one and they drained only 4 ounces of fluid.  If she continues doing what she's doing, we're praying that this is the last one she'll need to have!    God is faithful.   Thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement and financial support so she can continue all the treatments that are making this positive difference.    Love to you and God bless!


Update #4 PROGESS!

August 4th, 2024

Julie wanted me to reach out to let you know that she’s hanging in there, and staying the course!

Fighting fatigue is a constant battle, but she does her best to pace herself and rest as much as possible, while still working full time, single parenting, and supporting her community. She’ll be having another PET scan soon and we’re all hoping for the best news possible.

Your generous donations have made regular specialized treatments possible for Julie; treatments such as Indiba, Rife, HOCATT, acupuncture, and a variety of IV therapies, not to mention the array of supplements and nutraceuticals she takes on a daily basis. Julie looks forward to starting hyperbaric treatment, as soon as she can get the fluid around her lung (pleural effusion) under control. She  goes in for a thoracentisis (to drian the fluid) on August 15th.   The good news is it will be 12 weeks since her last one (the longest time ever) which means her lymphatic system is improving - ie:  the treatments are working!                                  Below are links to some of these treatments, in case you’re curious how specifically your gift is used, or perhaps know someone who could benefit from the information.

As ever, we are grateful for your continued contributions and your prayers! God bless and keep you.

Please look for an update after her next PET scan.  Until then,

Bless you!


Update #3

May 15th, 2024

First is a personal note from Julie:

Hi everyone, it’s Julie. I just wanted to take a moment to personally thank you. Because of your generosity, my treatments  allowed me to be medically cleared to travel, so recently I went to Arizona for a few days, to spend precious time with family…. some of whom I haven’t seen in a long time.  Words simply can’t express my gratitude for your generosity, kindness and support. May God bless you and keep you.

From me, Kathryn:

Julie is continuing treatments which are targeting lymphatic movement, as well as medications and supplements to destroy the cancer stem cells. The recent PET scan results continue to motivate Julie to stay the course so she can eventually beat this cancer. Working in her store and helping her clients continues to bring her so much joy and purpose.

She has required more thoracentesis procedures, however each time the amount of fluid drained from her pleural cavity is less than the time before. This means her lymphatic system is slowing getting moving again! I pray she'll soon not need any more!

I thought you might like to see the treatments/costs that you are/have generously assisted with her being able to receive. These are just the treatments - none of the many supplements or medications she's also taking. There are so many that she uses a daily spread sheet to keep track. Julie initially designed her own protocol, and has added certain products recommended by her integrative oncologist. But she asked me to let you know that if you are interested in getting a copy of her protocol she will gladly provide it! Just reach out, and please keep in mind that it should not be considered medical advice. 

 HOCATT $150. (every 2 weeks) INDIBA $150. (every week) Ozone Major $200. (every week) Vit. C IV $200. (every week) H202 $40. (every week) Methylene blue IV & red light $390. (every week) Hope to start soon: Herbal IV 1 $350. Herbal IV2 $350. HBOT $150. (hyperbaric) Harmonic Egg $150. Rife / Beemer $85. (as often as she can) Acupuncture $50 - weekly Chiropractic $50 weekly.

  She wouldn't be able to get the care she needs if not for your loving generosity. You are an angel!



Update #2

March 18th, 2024

Julie received the results from her RGCC test and it showed a number of substances (drugs/chemo/supplements)  that had a high % of killing HER cancer cells.  Dr. Silver wanted an updated PET scan as her last one was in November, to know how to proceed with more treatments.  She received the results on March 14 and Praise God it was encouraging news~ the tumors are shrinking!  So Dr. Silver modified the recommended protocols  and wants to hold off on the IPT therapy (metronomic chemo) for now (which thrilled Julie), although he did add a small dose oral chemo drug that is a major player in breast cancer since she tested good for it on the RGCC test.   Meanwhile, she's taking  treatments such as Ozone, Hydrogen therapy, RIFE,  Indiva (RF treament) at the Grossgold Clinic. She  is getting regular acupuncture treatments for pain which are helping. 

Her friend Trish created a spread sheet to help her keep track of all the oral meds and supplements she's taking.

Julie has had 5 thorocentis procedures so far, which is a major concern of her doctor - to have fluid drained from the pleural cavity around her left lung.   Specific prayers please  for her lymphatic system to start working better so that the fluid will stop building up.  Overall her spirits are good and we're praising God for His mighty healing, and also continuing to lift Julie up to be able to manage everything in her life right now.   She is still putting in regular hours at Baileys Naturals and gets to her garden when she can - both which give her joy, but tire her.

In summary, Julie is on a good trajectory, and is grateful beyond words for everyone's continued support, love and prayers.   YOU are making such a positive difference in her life.   

Thank you and God bless! 

Update #1

February 6th, 2024

Julie is SO very grateful to those who have already donated and everyone praying for her.  Thank you!

This morning, 2/5/24 Julie had her blood draw for the RGCC test.  While she waits for the results, she will add IV Vit C infusions, Ozone therapy, and a few other dr recommended treatments to what she's already doing.   When the results are back, (3 weeks)  they'll hit it hard with what the test recommends.

Please pray that her plural area around her lungs remains free of fluid.  She's already had 3 Thoracentesis to drain fluid that's built up there, and she is needing this procedure again this week.  Prayers for accuracy of the technician performing it and that her lung will reinflate.    Again, once it's drained, please pray for no more fluid to build up there.    Thank you and God Bless!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.