USD $10,000
USD $3,695
Campaign funds will be received by Chris Maurer
Let's rally around this J6er who wants to move forward but needs a little boost and support from all of us.
Following President Trump's pardon, Chris Maurer was released from jail with only the clothes on his back and a pair of tennis shoes. By the Grace of God and the generosity of a local hero, Chris was provided a roof over his head, some food and a cell phone in Kentucky. Chris has then set about the tall task of rebuilding his life. His needs are simple and humble. His ID was not returned to him, so he applied for and received a copy of his Driver's License to get him started. He has opened a bank account with Old Glory Bank (thank you, Old Glory!) He reached out to his former employer, who has told him if he gets back to Maine and has a work truck, he will be put to work. And nothing is more important to him than getting back to work and getting back to the town in Maine where he can be near his daughter.
We need your help. He is an introverted and self-reliant person, but in order for him to get restarted, your financial boost can help him get back to Maine, get some wheels to help him transport equipment and tools to his work site, and provide a bridge for food, clothing, rent and car insurance while he gets back to work and his paycheck flowing once again. Let's help him get back to his daughter so that he can be an active dad in her life.
God bless you for your consideration - no donation is too small. It'll take a lot of us working together to help Chris get him repatriated. Let's do this!
P.S. For those interested in hearing more about his experience at the Capitol, he has recorded an interview on Josh Calloway's Podcast with Special Guest Nick Searcy - watch that interview on YouTube. It's quite the conversation - the more you hear, the more you want to know. As one of the commentors posted: "Thank you for your service Chris. So the J6 men who tried to save the life of Roseanne Boyland or tried to stop the cops from beating her, were all charged with an assault and sentenced to years in prison... that is unbelievable."
There are no words. May God's love, comfort and joy sustain you.
May God Almighty bless you with peace, strength, and wisdom for the days ahead, in Jesus' name, amen. 🙏
Stay strong
May God bless and keep you!
I pray that the Lord will “bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you and give you peace.” All my best to you brother Chris.
God bless you. Be strong.
Prayers that you are soon back on your feet and going strong again! God bless you!
Hi,Chris, I heard about you from a Chinese MAGA patriot who visited J6ers and put commissary in their accounts every month on behalf of a group of Chinese American patriots in the past two years. Thank you for your sacrifice for our country and our freedom. We love you and care about you and we hope you rebuild your life sooner. Love from May Chan
You are in my prayers, American .patriot.
Blessings as you try to put your life back together. One day at a time with faith and prayers will bring healing and success. Hoping this small gift makes a difference.
Hang in there. We know they did you wrong. Look for the spiritual gifts this trial has for you. You are an infinite soul and you can't be harmed. But it doesn't always feel that way!
May this money grow abundantly to help satisfy all of your needs. God bless you!
Praying daily. Blessings.
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