USD $62,973
Campaign funds will be received by Joseph McBride
My name is Joseph D. McBride. I am a criminal defense and civil rights attorney committed to fighting for the constitutional rights of American Patriots. My team has been on the front lines of this freedom fight since day one. We fight in court, in the Media, and anywhere there is a battle to be had.
This fund was created for the specific purpose of giving people the ability to give globally to the January 6th clients we represent. None of our J6 clients are wealthy, and all of them can use your help. When you give, your funds are allocated to where they are needed most.
Please follow us across social media @McBrideLawNYC, for the most recent updates on the January Sixers we represent and for breaking news regarding our freedom fight against the Biden Regime.
We pray, ask God for grace, and depend on your compassion to get the job done.
Your prayers, patriotism, and heroic generosity are profoundly appreciated.
May God Bless you and return your gifts to you one hundred fold.
May He free all January Sixers.
And may God save the United States of America.
Thank You & GOD Bless You All.
Hang in there... help is on the way!
Thank You & GOD Bless You All !
Thank you for helping the J6 political prisoners.
God Bless you for helping so many. I only wish I could do more. What has happened is shameful and criminal. WE PRAY FOR JUSTICE FOR ALL.
Thank You & GOD Bless You All.
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