CAD $25,000
CAD $3,545
Campaign funds will be received by Shanda Loder
Defending Religious Exemptions in Healthcare
On June 20th, 2016 I drove to work at my job as an Environmental Service Provider (housekeeping) at a local hospital. I thought it would be like any other day. I had worked for the organization for nearly 10 years, recently acquiring a full-time position, I was feeling good and secure in my job that had become my career. Little did I know, I would not be permitted to carry out my shift that morning; and nearly SEVEN YEARS later, I am still not permitted back to work. Why? Because I declined (which I believe was my right) to receive a series of MMR and DTaP-IPV vaccinations that contradicted my Faith.
I declined vaccinations that to my knowledge, were not required by any hospital policy or legislation, however, I was suspended for my choice anyway and remain suspended to this very day (May 4th, 2023). I am unique in that I have NEVER received a single vaccine in my entire existence, including any childhood vaccines. I have very strong and sincere religious beliefs that prevent me from accepting vaccinations. I believe everyone should have the right to equal employment regardless of their beliefs and consequent private medical decisions. I believe Healthcare Workers should be afforded the right to choose treatments and interventions of their own will in accordance with their own conscience and religion, free from any form of coercion. I believe Informed and Voluntary Consent to medical intervention should be a protected right for the worker as well as the patient. That is why I decided to fight to maintain my position in healthcare and bring discrimination charges against my employer for not accommodating or acknowledging my religious exemption from the policy.
I have been standing, debating and defending my position for an exhausting 7 years now. My case is proceeding to a hearing, and the first step will be case management in June of 2023. My legal team has been working tirelessly and for free up to this point fielding all my questions and acting favourably on my behalf, however, entering into a lengthy and extensive court case will not be done for free and as we all know good lawyers are not cheap. It is also quite costly to recruit and retain witnesses who will need to be compensated to take time off work and possibly travel to testify on my behalf. I hate to do it, but this is where I swallow my pride and ask you, this wonderful community of Freedom Fighters, for your help in financially supporting this case.
I believe this is the first case of it's kind as I was suspended LONG before COVID. It is a strong case due to my sincerely held beliefs and history (or lack thereof) with vaccinations. I believe this case has a very good chance of resulting in a favourable outcome to defend informed consent for healthcare workers but it will require the right legal team and expert witnesses to secure a win. With your help, we can fund that team, recruit the experts needed and bring home a win, bringing us one step closer to defending Religious Exemptions from Vaccination for Healthcare Workers and us all!
Thank you all for your spiritual, emotional and now financial support moving forward, I will never be able to express what it means to me but know you have all given me the courage and strength to continue this fight, no matter how long, no matter what it takes, we'll see it to the end!
Your Donation will help towards the following costs and fees: Legal Retainer: $10,000.00 – Due June 25th, 2023 Additional Legal Fees: $10,000.00 – Due as accrued Expert Witnesses (minimum of three): $30,000.00 – Date to be Determined by Tribunal (see future updates) It will be a lengthy process getting through the courts and funds will be needed at different times throughout, so please, whenever you are able, check back on this campaign. If money is raised above and beyond what is needed for legal fees and expert witnesses, it will be donated to Vaccine Choice Canada to help support the work they are doing and have been doing for years to support Informed Consent and Medical Freedom.
Shanda; Along with prayers I am wishing you the best of luck! Pat.
Thank you for taking on this fight and know that we are praying for you and supporting you!
Continue pressing forward with faith Shanda, the Lord is going to bless you with your righteous desires for standing up for the sacred inalienable rights He has given you. You will be in my prayers. Victory will be a done deal in Christ. I have the exact Daniel Smith Eagle picture as you in my livingroom. Conservative landslide next election will help your cause in the courts. albrideau@gmail.com
May the Lord bless you and keep you
Thou wilt keep in perfect peace the mind stayed on Thee.
Thank you for pursuing this.
Extremely important cause. There is no precedent in Canada unlike in the US (as explained by the healthy American.org). God Bless.
Good luck Shanda
Keep up the fight for justice.
Praying for your court trial
If you lose use the Inpowermovement techniques using commercial processes. Cost $100 for a year approximately and some mailing costs. They have all the research done for you on vaccines. Submit the name of your hospital boss to InPower with your story and they can put your bosses name on the NOL generator. Then more people will be able to give Notice to your boss for the harm done.
We are truly inspired by your courage and dedication Shandra
Go get em tiger
Bless you, Shanda, for your commitment and courage to this cause, after so many years.
You never gave up ... God bless you!
Proud of your courage keep up the good fight.
Shanda ! Hold the line for health care workers. We realize you could settle out of court with $$ in your wallet and not go through all this trouble. But this fight is not just about you. It is for all health care works. Stay strong we appreciate your courage !!!
October 15th, 2024
I am sorry to have to do this yet again, but my hearing dates have been rescheduled yet again so I must. My final two days of hearing have been rescheduled and agreed upon to be held on Feb. 19th and 20th of 2025. That is almost a year later as the first 3 days were held March 19th, 20th and 21st 2024. I am told this date is set in stone, so hopefully there will not be anymore rescheduling. If there is though I will once again post an update!
Thanks again everyone for your continued support! I am so very blessed to have all of the friends and family that I do and I am truly grateful for each and every one of you!!!
July 22nd, 2024
Hello Everyone,
Thanks again for your continued interest and support. We have dates for the final two days of hearing in which the hospital will present their side and evidence and we will then cross examine their witness and expert testimonies. The last two days will be held on October 23rd and 24th of 2024 via Zoom.
It is a public hearing so those interested can watch the hearing via Zoom but please remember to MUTE yourself and turn off your camera so you do not to interrupt the proceedings or bog down the connection. If you happen to be a witness who has yet to testify in this case you MAY NOT view the hearing.
Thank you all for your prayers and support as we move into the final stages of this long but worthwhile process.
Much Love and Respect to You All!!!
God Bless!!!
Shanda Loder
July 5th, 2024
I was waiting for the next date to provide an update but alas no date yet and so I thought I best not wait and share an update.
We finally had our first 3 days of hearing way back in March.
We had a few early small issues ruled in our favour, and therefore our expert Dr. Speicher was qualified and testified as an expert. He testified to the minimal risks involved to patients and other employees in permitting an unvaccinated healthcare worker to work as well as clarifying that not everyone who is vaccinated produces the antibodies to equate to protection, and therefore those who do not seroconvert present the same risks as an unvaccinated employee when vaccine status is relied on instead of serology. He also clarified that if an unvaccinated employee was to become sick they would more likely feel the full effects and stay home from work whereas a vaccinated employee may feel less symptoms and therefore be more likely to go undiagnosed and spread illness in a hospital environment. He was very knowledgeable and was an excellent witness whom I cannot thank enough for taking the time to act as a witness in this case.
My father, Keith Loder took the stand after me to reaffirm religious convictions in declining vaccinations as well as confirm my belief in going to God first and using natural healing modalities whenever possible. He did a wonderful job, I am so proud to have him as my father! Pastor Nate Wright also took the stand to support Christian beliefs in managing our health care decisions by taking our concerns to God first and then listening to our conscience to follow where He leads us for healing. He was so calm and coherent on the stand, he was a wonderful representative to have testify on my behalf!
I am absolutely thrilled with the way everything has gone thus far. We have been granted two more days of hearing to hear the oppositions witnesses however those days are yet to be scheduled.
Thank you so much to those who have testified, prayed and offered moral and financial support, I wouldn't be here without you all!
Shanda Loder
God Bless!
April 9th, 2024
Hello Everyone,
Thanks once again for your continued prayers, kind words and financial contributions.
The first three days of hearing have been held! I was on the stand for most of the entire first day and half the second day; I am very glad to have that part of things done with although I feel it went well. My father (Keith Loder) and Pastor Nate Wright also took the stand to defend our beliefs on the second day and the third day was all Dr. David Speicher, the expert witness acting on our behalf to demonstrate that unvaccinated employees present very little risk to others in the environment. The opposition tried very hard to have Dr Speicher disqualified but he was qualified as an expert and did a wonderful job! Everyone was amazing on the stand! I cannot thank them enough for putting themselves through such a stressful process on my behalf. Our heavenly advocate was surely with us all, keeping us calm and coherent all the while corroborating each other. All in all, while we do not have any sort of ruling as of yet, it feels as though those first three days went really well for us, but there are still more days to go as we didn't get to any of their witnesses.
We have been given two additional days to finish the hearing in which their witnesses and expert will be testifying. Those dates are yet to be determined and likely won't be until August or later. When I know I will be sure to put out another update to inform you all.
So far legal and expert fees have reached $43,000.00. Thank You from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has been able to contribute financially, and all those who have made substantial loans to myself for this cause. It is a daunting number to face, and there is no way I could afford it all on my own. Many heartfelt thanks for you contributions and may God Bless all of you for your generosity and care!
Thank You All So Very Much!!!!
Shanda Loder
January 15th, 2024
Hello Everyone,
Thanks again for your continued prayers and support.
Expert Witnesses have been recruited but they do not come cheap and neither should they for the amount of work being asked of them. It is an estimated 80hrs for each of our experts to write their reports and then they will also need to commit the time and handle the stress of testifying before the tribunal. I need your help in ensuring these brave and wonderful experts willing to put their reputation and careers on the line are properly compensated for doing so.
Thus far legal fees have totaled $20,000.00 (which I borrowed to pay my lawyers and have yet to repay) and an additional $8,000.00 is required for Expert Witnesses. I need your financial support at this time to help cover the associated costs already accrued and those that still may arise before the hearing. Moving this forward has been very costly to me and my family, to continue to bring this before the tribunal with the supports necessary to prove this case I truly do need and thank you in advance for your financial support.
Thank you for your prayers and please keep them up, it helps to keep me uplifted and encourages God to move in this situation, His will be done!
November 2nd, 2023
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for your continued support and patience throughout the hearing date scheduling process.
It has been decided that there will be three days of hearing to decide the case. If three days is not sufficient time written submissions will be accepted to provide adequate information to satisfy a ruling. Hearing dates have been scheduled for March 19th, 20th and 21st 2024.
Due to this being an ongoing case I am limited in the information I can share at this time but things are steadily moving ahead.
Now that a date is set, legal and associated fees are also coming due which is why I have again published this campaign. $5,000 has been paid with $15,000 remaining to be paid for legal services; depending on the time it takes to prepare for the hearing as well as compensate experts for their time, this may or may not be the final amount due. It is estimated that expert fees will be on top of the current $20,000.00 retainer. I greatly appreciate any amount you are able to give towards these fees at this time; I truly understand times are tough on us all and no amount is too small to be grateful for!
I will be sure to maintain the campaign and keep it live from now until March 2024.
Thank you all once again so much for your prayers and support! It really does encourage me at this incredibly stressful time, and I cannot express my gratitude enough!
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.