Hope for a hero


 USD $100,000


 USD $27,313

Campaign created by Melissa Miller

Campaign funds will be received by Melissa Miller

Hope for a hero

Dear brothers and sisters. I'm organizing this fundraiser to support Chris Alberts. Chris went to the capitol on 1/6 to fight for this country and the oath he took to protect it. He did not enter the capitol, break anything, or hurt anyone. Simply protested and exercised his Constitutional rights. He is an Army veteran, an uncle, a son, a brother, and the love of my life. Chris served in Iraq, with honorable distinction. Like most of our brothers and sisters that have served, he is a selfless man willing to help anyone regardless of color or creed. He was beaten so badly that day I pray I never have to see the same fear and pain in his eyes again. He has received threats, hate mail, been told he is a danger to society, wearing an ankle bracelet everyday, and being treated like the enemy in his own country. I know we are all tired and our faith has been tried like never before, but he needs our help. We have many people on these huge platforms talk a good game with complete disregard for our political prisoners. They have no problem deflecting just like the enemies we are up against. So we are asking our fellow Americans for all the help we can get. Monetary donations, prayer, networking, or even just encouraging messages to keep his head up through this mental and emotional battle. We know the evil that sits in D.C., he is prepared for a long road, but cannot fight this battle alone.  We can overcome this battle together, but we simply cannot turn our backs on these hero’s when they need us the most. Thank you and God bless, please do not lose hope. It’s always darkest before the Dawn.
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
15 days ago

God Bless You. It was great running into you and the other Patriots today in DC.

Jake Lang
$ 1000.00 USD
1 month ago

Welcome home patriot! God bless you!

Peterekauski Kuboshima
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Hello. I need more doers than couch potatoes. For that, here is money that you asked. Your husband was not at immediate threat, but foresaw what might be if he stayed sheltered. Nobody teaches when is right to do anything. Everyone is reasonably or irrationally cautious in an unamerican society. Antifas wear no hats. They, their attitudes, creep into souls of the unthinking populists. Free Chris.

Anonymous Giver
$ 130.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for a quick release & for the Lord to restore to you all double for all that you have lost in this unlawful & horrific captivity. Dear Lord, please return to them somehow the lost time with family, friends, health, wealth, rest, pleasure, peace, & a FULL pardon! Please let them have time to recover & find a way to a new normal with favor, grace & protection in Jesus name!!! Isaiah 61:7

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Pray you are home soon and your life begins again

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank You & GOD Bless You All.

$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Chris and Melissa, Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May God grant much abundance to this campaign and any others of the like and may He facilitate the timely release of all those involved.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Terry and George
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Hello from Wyoming. We cheer for you. It is a small gift but we pray God's blessings on you. We are disabled. The Lord watches over us each day.

Olivia Bollinger
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Dear Melissa: Our people were very much heartened and inspired by the strength and courage of your message at our meeting past, the 25th of July.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
7 months ago

Happy birthday Chris! J4J6! Angelina from freedom corner

$ 25.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
11 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Chris, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Sending love to you and Melissa. God Bless you both.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

God Bless 🙏🙏🙏

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
1 year ago


T k 17
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

God Bless you and courageous family! May the love of Jesus Christ enfold your dear heart..

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago


Update #9

January 6th, 2025

4 years ago today I sat alone in my living room not knowing if my fiance Christopher Alberts would ever make it home. I sat waiting for answers as I lost communication with him at 3:18pm “I need a lawyer the cops dragged me up the stairs to keep hitting me” 

The next thing I seen was a news clip of him around 7:20pm out numbered 100’s to one laying on the ground shortly after being cracked in the head by an officer who still remains unidentified 4 years later. 

The look in his eyes is an image I’ll never forget full of confusion as they had just executed an unlawful arrest, abusing their own use of force policy when he was fully complying. It was the last thing I knew before he returned home almost 36 hours later with no phone call. He wreaked of chemical gas, and was covered in bruises head to toe, with a knot on the back of his head. Today he still has a cyst on the back of his neck leading up to his brain that has been left untreated by the Bureau of Prisons. 

It has been a long road full of ups and downs. He has remained vigilant in his fight against the evil manipulation of law fare in our country. As an army veteran he took an oath that never expires and I quote “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.”

Today is historical for many reasons, and I’m grateful to God for our victories after all these years. It is imperative the people understand we wouldn’t have our president or our country back today if they did not stand for all of us and election integrity on January 6th, 2021. In 14 days they will be pardoned, but we need to also correct history and honor them for their sacrifice. It will take our families years to recover. We may never be made whole after the mental, physical, and financial abuses we have faced, but it would be nice to know they are not forgotten. 

Please visit and sign the pardon petition at: https://www.j6pardons.com

We still have significant debt in legal bills so if you can contribute anything it is greatly appreciated! Thank you and God Bless the USA 🇺🇸 

Update #8

October 28th, 2024

Update: We needed to create a new fundraiser for Chris. It is www.givesendgo.com/ChrisAlberts

Chris has been moved to Milan, MI. After a year in Elkton, OH. He was not getting his medical needs met there. After a visit from a VA advocate and letters from our congressman’s office we are hopeful he will get the help he needs in the new facility. Chris suffers from multiple back and neck injuries. He also has a cyst on the back of his neck leading up to his brain that was not there before being struck in the head on J6. This officer has yet to be identified. It is crucial it is closely monitored until we get him home. 

We pray for victory in our election in just 7 days. We ask that all of you vote, and encourage those you know and love to do the same. Do not let the propaganda and gaslighting of the left instill fear in your mind. The devil is a liar, put your faith in God. 

Veterans Day will closely follow and we’re asking for everyone to be mindful of their plight in this. To serve their country has been an honor, but the attack from our own Government over the past 4 years is disgraceful. Please go to patriotmailproject.com and write our veterans. 

Retribution is coming, we love you for sticking by us through the most challenging time of our lives. Do not grow weary, we are more united now than we have ever been. Everything the enemy meant for evil has led to the greatest exposure of their evil ways, and Gods about to turn it for good. 

“The sufferings we have now are nothing compared to the great glory that will be shown to us.” Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭18‬ ‭

Thank You 🙏 ❤️🇺🇸

A Letter to My Congressman on 1.6.24

January 7th, 2024

Prayers for a response from our Congressman

"Dear Congressman Harris,

I have recently received a lot of communication from your office encouraging your constituents to reach out to you on how you can help the people in your community. I know the topic you will read about below is a very controversial one, I just hope you will observe the facts with an open mind, and reach out if you have any questions.

Today, I sit here alone in my home in Harford County on the 6th of January, 2024. I reminisce of the times that my home was filled with love, joy, and laughter, pursuing the American dream with my fiancé Christopher Alberts. We had hopes of getting married, starting a family, and purchasing a home here to build our lives together. The simple things you would expect to be a basic human right. Today those dreams seem all too far away, and I’m hoping you can help change the trajectory of our lives from here.

Three years ago today, Chris decided to attend the January 6th event in D.C., and remembering that day has left me feeling very conflicted. From one perspective I feel proud of the man he is, who would take a stand against a tyrannical government and be the voice of the people. On the other, every day I wish this was all just a bad dream someone would soon wake me up from.

I sat in my living room on this day three years ago, and I remember the feeling as I saw the news begin coming in of what was taking place. I was terrified, I knew this was not what our men and women went there for. I kept thinking “This can’t be happening”. A few hours from then I would see the horrific video of Chris being tackled to the ground after being struck in the head by the police that day. I sat for hours replaying all the different scenarios of what went wrong in my head. I didn’t know if I would ever see him again. I sat here for over twenty-four hours without a phone call, I called everywhere I could, hoping for some sort of communication, but to no avail. Every precinct said they had no record of him. To this day the officer that struck Chris still has not been identified.

My fiancé is an Army National Guard Veteran, who served honorably with distinction. He was enlisted from 2005-2011. He was deployed to Iraq under Operation Iraqi Freedom from 2007-2008 and even worked Obama’s Inauguration. He received many accolades for his service to our Country, such as The Global War on Terror Medal, the Iraqi Freedom Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, and countless others. He is an army-trained medic and a true American Hero.

Chris went to the Capitol that day to stand in solidarity with Americans from all walks of life. The events of that day completely contradict the purpose of them being there. Election integrity has been a bipartisan issue for years, and the goal was simply to encourage our representatives to investigate before certifying the election of 2020. What transpired was the complete opposite, and has been used to push a narrative ever since.

Chris never went inside the building. He never hurt anyone. He never destroyed any property. In fact, he administered medical aid and helped police officers that day with crowd control as civilians transported Benjamin Phillips, one of the deaths from that day. The narrative that was created due to lack of proper security, and entrapment that day has given birth to political persecution in America.

This sets a dangerous precedent for All Americans in the future. We are a nation built on law and God-given rights that our forefathers and ancestors fought and died for. My grandmother immigrated from Ireland to come here to escape this kind of rule. She wanted to provide a better life for her children and generations to come. We cannot simply stand by as the last beacon of light for the world is destroyed from within. If the Constitutional rights we once held sacred are used against its citizens, and more specifically the veterans who took an oath to protect our Country, what is left?

Chris has since been to trial and has been sentenced to 7 years in prison. Chris has never been in trouble in his life before the events of January 6th. It has been almost four months without him home. Where is the outcry for the families, or women who have been left to provide for themselves? What do I tell the children in our family when they ask where Uncle Chris is? How do I console them when I too am heartbroken? I’m not just hurting from his absence, but the hope that we will ever be free again. Our First Amendment is one of the most sacred rights in our country. If we are not free to speak our grievances and hold our officials accountable. What makes us better than any other Country? What message does this deliver to the people? They have used this day to scare Americans into submission.

He was not given a fair trial in D.C. The jury pool is tainted, many jurors in these cases are being recycled, and every change of venue request has been denied. He was not allowed a Constitutional defense, he was denied key witnesses in his case, and he was told he could not wear his Army Medals in court. Yet the officers testifying against him were permitted in full decorum. The government sought unprecedented terror enhancements in his trial to which he was sentenced to 2.5 more years than what the guidelines called for. He was called a liar for testifying on his behalf and claiming his innocence. There has been much progress in exposing the truth from that day, but it is an uphill battle.

I want so badly to believe justice will be served and I can one day find hope for healing in our Country. We are appealing the case to the SCOTUS. This entire legal battle has left our family in financial ruin. Chris has been canceled from Citi Bank, Airbnb, and Chime Banking. Shadow banned from social media platforms, and he will need to seek Government approval before applying for a line of credit when he comes home. This has destroyed our lives, and I’m left here praying God will show me where to go from here.

By the time he gets home, I will probably have missed my window in hopes of being a mother. We will spend the rest of our lives trying to financially recover from this. I have tried my best to do what I can to help, but I feel there are no coincidences and there is a reason I feel called to write you today. I would love to speak more about Chris’ story and how I believe you can help.

We need grassroots efforts to help the truth be brought to light. We need financial assistance to have his case make it to Appeals. We need accountability for the Due Process violations that have transpired. We need a true J6 committee and we need to investigate the Judges in D.C. We need to believe in the system again, and not live in fear of a two-tiered justice system.

God Bless you Mr. Harris, and God Bless America."  

Update A Letter to My Congressman on 1.6.24 Image
Update #6

July 19th, 2023

Good Morning Gods Children. We are headed to Chris’ sentencing date this morning. Raw are our emotions as we just lost our brother days ago, but we will use this pain to see another day in Chris’ battle for his constitutional rights. We have no choice as we were denied a delay for mourning or medical damage that Chris still suffers from the officer who used lethal force on him.The DOJ have sought to enhance Chris’ charges from a sentence of 5-6 years to a 20 year sentence. We still owe our lawyer over 100k. We pray for all of those who have stood by our side over the most difficult years of our life. We couldn’t have made it this far without all of you and your love and prayers. God is with us. Never give up and never surrender your soul. God Bless America 🇺🇸 

Update #5

January 6th, 2023

Update #4-1/5/23

January 6th, 2023

Update #3- The Prosecution Drops a charge, and trial draws near. Please help this Holiday season as we prepare.

December 17th, 2022

Hello patriots, 

 I have a massive update and huge win not only for me but for the 2A community as well. The federal prosecution has dropped the charges for the large capacity ammunition feeding device ie a magazine with more than 10 rounds. It may only be a misdemeanor, but it shows that maybe they are starting to see how unconstitutional these charges are. 

   My fight is far from over I have overwhelmed the court with motions with more to come. My legal team is fighting for me at every corner. Not only have we caught the arresting officer in a few massive lies, but thanks to the help of my team they have found video proof to back up my testimony. After almost two years of being told the arresting footage “failed to upload” a video emerges showing the vicious unprovoked assault on me during my arrest, showing and excessive use of force and unlawful arrest. Outlining the police brutality that occurred on that day.

I am still standing strong that my case will show the truth about that day, but I now more than ever need yalls help. For the most part, over the last two years I have been able to get enough money to get through this. Now the big fight is approaching my trial is set for February 6th and with my new law team fighting so hard funds have almost been fully exhausted. I am still standing on my oath to the constitution and to protect the American way of life but I need America's help to keep the legal fight moving in our direction. Please I pray that you can find a way to give something to help this battle. Trial is not cheap, and ultimately neither will the appeal process be.

To everyone who has sent me prayers please continue to do so this is a battle of good vs evil and I need all the prayers I can get.  To all those that where able to donate and did so I am forever grateful, for your donation no matter how small or big has helped me continue this fight for our freedoms and rights. 


 I will take this battle all the way to the Supreme Court if need be to prove my innocence. As long as I have people standing with me like the ones who have chosen to do so already we can win this

fight. God has chosen me as a soldier for this generation and I don’t take this appointment lightly. He will see us all through. Please remember to always pray and never give up. God Bless America.Prosecution Drops Unconstitutional Charge

Update #2

July 8th, 2022

Good Evening Patriots, 

Chris had a status hearing on 6/24 and has now been dropped by yet another attorney. This attorney has stepped in when no one else has and we wish him the best. Due to a very dangerous near death accident that he was in days after being accepted pro hac vice on Chris’ case. He struggles to continue to get back to a healthy state after not being sure he would make it to see another day. 

   This is a long uphill battle as we all know. This isn’t a fight Chris will ever give up on he took an oath to protect this country against all enemies foreign and domestic. We know this is spiritual warfare. The day all our brave men and women gathered to show our grievances and request an investigation into the 2020 election will forever make an impact on our nations history. Innocent people were attacked and killed that day. We know the truth no matter how they misconstrue it and continue to manipulate and blatantly lie on the events of that day. Everyone must draw their own line in the sand, but he is an honorable man who believes he has been chosen for this battle before God. 

  Since 11am this morning there have been multiple choppers flying over our house. Coincidently just as he put on record he does not wish to have government representation as you and I all know they are all in one big club and we are not in it. He asked to have equal time to prepare his case as the government who has had a year and a half. So as crazy as it is to say this for the record Chris and I are not suicidal. There are two really cute cats here that need feeding if anything goes awry 🐱 🐈‍⬛We don’t have the support of family or big donations to count on. At this point Pro Se will be the only option if he can’t afford counsel. Which is the last option, as that is an even tougher battle. He still has not been shown all of his discovery and his case much like the rest should be dropped based on the absolute God given rights granted to us by the Constitution. Evil doesn’t play fair though, and all of our freedoms are on the brink of extinction. If America falls so does the last beacon of hope worldwide there will be nothing left to save if we don’t support the brave J6 patriots that stood for us that day. 

Update #1

January 17th, 2022

Hey everyone I just wanted to give everyone an update on the case. At this time we are waiting for Chris’ next court date on 1/25. We are pursuing a complaint with the original lawyer who took 20k from Chris and then dropped his case after receiving his superseding indictment.  The public defender that has been assigned to Chris has expressed zero interest in proving his innocence and has stated he is only here to lessen his sentence. Since he does not believe in the constitution nor have the capacity to represent him properly due to his workload. We are still actively trying to reach his goal to retain someone who will fight for his rights and protect him. He is forever grateful to the strangers who have given him hope. From prayers, phone calls, visitors from thousands of miles away,  just a shoulder to lean on, as well as the monetary donations. It is you who keeps him going. Your kind words and prayers he looks to, they remind him on the toughest days why he stood up for all of us that day. One year later and the fight is far from over. There is hope and we musn’t give up as more and more lies, deceit, and evil are exposed everyday. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts hold the line patriots, God wins! Please continue to share his story and fundraiser anywhere you can, spread awareness, and never stop praying.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.