The Honey Money Project To Bring Them Home


 USD $50,000,000


 USD $8,314

Campaign created by Brian K. McGuigan aka KMAG

Campaign funds will be received by Brian McGuigan

The Honey Money Project To Bring Them Home



This started with a sweet little lady of 91 years, Miss Honey, whose home was so badly rotted from water damage and termites, it was unsafe to live in. In her wonderful name, we are now raising the necessary funds to; rescue, house, feed, cloth, provide medical and psychological care, adoption services as needed, and all else which comes with the very specific needs of children who have been rescued from human and child sex trafficking.

Rescue is one thing.  Saving is entirely different.  They are not saved until they are safe, back home, adopted to good homes, and in some cases stay with these vetted facilities until they reach adulthood.  Some of these poor children need surgeries, long term mental health care, and to be educated as to how to be a child.

We are also selling an amazing novel Love And The Curse.  Up to 90% of all royalty payments are also dedicated to providing for these very specific needs.  50% is the absolute minimum until sales can exceed marketing costs.  EP 59 - TOGETHER WE DO GREAT THINGS on the Rumble Channel explains exact breakdowns.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 days ago

I’m glad you have these connections. Bring them home brother.

World Wide Wilkies
$ 25.00 USD
26 days ago

The Chief and Trout Queen Darling Bride are blessed to be able to be a blessing to the missions and ministries that have value to us. This one definitely does! We understand that clean-cut, bougie-lookin' people wouldn't be able to get near these kids: their hearts are right, but they have to look a little "skunky". Kudos to KMAG for living frugally so he can pour his resources into this cause!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

I’m glad you have these connections. Bring them home brother.

Mike Mensing
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

World Wide Wilkies
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

The Chief and Trout Queen Darling Bride are blessed to be able to be a blessing to the missions and ministries that have value to us. This one definitely does! We understand that clean-cut, bougie-lookin' people wouldn't be able to get near these kids: their hearts are right, but they have to look a little "skunky". Kudos to KMAG for living frugally so he can pour his resources into this cause!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

I’m glad you have these connections. Bring them home brother.

Mike Mensing
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

World Wide Wilkies
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

The Chief and Trout Queen Darling Bride are blessed to be able to be a blessing to the missions and ministries that have value to us. This one definitely does! We understand that clean-cut, bougie-lookin' people wouldn't be able to get near these kids: their hearts are right, but they have to look a little "skunky". Kudos to KMAG for living frugally so he can pour his resources into this cause!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

I’m glad you have these connections. Bring them home brother.

Mike Mensing
$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

World Wide Wilkies
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

The Chief and Trout Queen Darling Bride are blessed to be able to be a blessing to the missions and ministries that have value to us. This one definitely does! We understand that clean-cut, bougie-lookin' people wouldn't be able to get near these kids: their hearts are right, but they have to look a little "skunky". Kudos to KMAG for living frugally so he can pour his resources into this cause!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

I’m glad you have these connections. Bring them home brother.

B Max
$ 5.00 USD
4 months ago

Mike Mensing
$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

World Wide Wilkies
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

The Chief and Trout Queen Darling Bride are blessed to be able to be a blessing to the missions and ministries that have value to us. This one definitely does! We understand that clean-cut, bougie-lookin' people wouldn't be able to get near these kids: their hearts are right, but they have to look a little "skunky". Kudos to KMAG for living frugally so he can pour his resources into this cause!

Libra Law Texas
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

I’m glad you have these connections. Bring them home brother.

Mike Mensing
$ 10.00 USD
5 months ago

World Wide Wilkies
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

The Chief and Trout Queen Darling Bride are blessed to be able to be a blessing to the missions and ministries that have value to us. This one definitely does! We understand that clean-cut, bougie-lookin' people wouldn't be able to get near these kids: their hearts are right, but they have to look a little "skunky". Kudos to KMAG for living frugally so he can pour his resources into this cause!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

I’m glad you have these connections. Bring them home brother.



February 21st, 2025


February 18th, 2025

Starting 02/18/25 through 02/22/25


This is an amazingly surprising, emotional, and action packed novel from page to page. Zero dull chapters. Surprises around every corner. With one, you may actually want to throw the book across the room, "Why? Why did you do that to Danny?" The royalties from this novel are used to cover the costs to investigate, locate, and get the small children rescued from human traffickers. You get a wonderful story. I give away my money. And no, not just a small percentage, Up To 90% of every dime of my royalties.


1. You are on your honor to spread the word and talk about this action packed novel.

2. You are on your honor to log back in and give this epic story an honest review, glowing or not.

    (Reviews help bring money to this fight)

3. You are on your honor to repost and share this link as a quote to help tell the world what I'm doing.


Update FREE FOR 5 DAYS Image

January 9th, 2025


Because too many just don't trust, or flat don't care, fundraising to get children rescued has been abysmal.  But I came up with a whole new plan.  I'm building a MASSIVE website, which has the very real possibility of bringing over $8M/yr to this fight.

It's a whole new kind of Real Estate Listing Site.  It's also a Real Estate Social Media Site with Chat, Member Chat, Groups, Online Course, Webinars, Personal Profiles, Business Profiles, and a whole lot more.  It's also a Business Networking Site, like LinkedIn and others.  Every business which at all does business with the Real Estate Industry will also be able to create and account, set up a business profile, and chat directly with Real Estate Agents.  THIS IS HUGE!

Added to all of that, each property listing will have links to all of the needed City or Local Government Services, Schools, Water, Gas, Phone, Trash, you name it.  Agents will also be able to create links to all of the great local attractions like Museums, Clubs, Parks, Amusement Centers, Family Fun Centers, Local Restaurants, and on and on.

Everything to do with home buying and selling in one place.  Help me spread this word.  This has been a massive undertaking up to this point.  It must succeed.  The children need it to succeed.  I don't have the funds to go live and set up payment processing yet.  But I'm working on that.

I love y'all for being there and helping,


August 20th, 2024

We Hunt - We Find - We Save

We don't care how many. in any one investigation are found and rescued. Every one of them are God's Children. And, God's Children Are No Longer For Sale.

in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti

One more child located, rescued, and back where she belongs. She was only 7 years old. She never asked to be abducted. She just wanted to be a little girl, do little girl stuff. Now she can, again.

Bless the hands of these men and women who do the dangerous things they do. It is for them and the children that I work so, doing what I do.



July 16th, 2024


May 15th, 2024

$563.23 total cost and three children saved. That's a win.

We're picking up a little steam - WEEEE

April 7th, 2024

Why a Novel

September 9th, 2023

Because the needs of children rescued from child *** trafficking aren't going away any time soon, I chose to give away up to 90% of all the royalties for a single reason,

The royalties will raise fund for these children for decades. Help me. Let's do this together.


September 6th, 2023

Good News Folks,

It may not sound like much, but the word is slowly getting out that there is a amazing story which is raising funds to finish the job of saving children from human ***** and *** trafficking.  Wow, GSG just censored those two words, LOL.  Attached is the breakdown of the money.  We're not at the 55% level yet.  Sales are really slow.  I would love to get to the 90% level as fast as possible.  Humble beginnings.

The more people who know this huge effort is under way, the faster we can collectively raise these desperately needed funds.  Every dollar we raise for caring for these children after they are rescued, is a dollar from the rescue funds that can be used to rescue more children.

Matthew 25:40

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Are not the children the least among us?  We cannot afford to do nothing.  For nothing is what we shall have done.

I need all y'all's help again.

September 3rd, 2023

Miss Honey would have me do no less.  I knew her so very, very well.  I'll not call upon you for money.  Y'all were amazing.  I need help getting people to buy a book, for the price of a book, so that we can raise the money needed to house, feed, cloth, buy toys, pay for medical and psychological and, adoption services, and all else which is needed from children, as young as 4 years old, who have been rescued from child sex trafficking.

This is my job, until the day I day.  Please help me help others.  Together we do this.

Update #7 The novel is complete

June 5th, 2023

It took so long, and so many hours to raise these funds.  All y'all were amazing.  But I came up with a better way to help even more.  Write a novel, and fund match each donation with proceeds from the book sales.

We have been able to help 5 other seniors since Miss Honey's passing.  Fortunately they were all able to at least pay for materials, and sandwiches for volunteers.  YEAH!

Here's a link to the novel currently in publication.  If it does well, we can help so many more, so much faster, and not have to beg for $10 anymore.  There's even a 1% net prize for one lucky reader.  The entry form is in the book.

Miss Honey Has Been Laid to Rest

October 4th, 2022

Miss Honey has been laid to rest.  🙏   Together, we done good.  This is where we go from here, onward.  A couple in Washington State are in desperate need of a new roof before the rainy season starts.

We're seeking folks with a little bit of time, talent, or both.  To take the Honey Money Project - Almost Homeless to its true purpose;  Keeping our vulnerable elderly, in their homes, until they are called home.

Financial Update

September 28th, 2022

While attempting to raise the rest of the funds, before ripping out Miss Honey's bathroom floor, we now have $1750 on account, which shall be moved to the next project in need, a home in Washington state.  The elderly couple are not able to cover the complete cost to replace a badly leaking roof.  This is exactly how most homes become rotted and unlivable.  Roof leaks, cause water damage.  Water damage brings wood eating bugs.

We shall have all the information on this next campaign up in the next few days.

Thank each and every one of you so much for caring enough to give even $5.  Humanity is not lost.


September 28th, 2022

To everyone who is part of The Honey Money Project - Almost Homeless

We accomplished one of our goals, out of thousands more to go. Collectively, we kept Miss Honey in her home, until she was called home. Last night, she heard the call in her sleep. She left us from where she wanted to be, in her home. Happy Birthday Miss Honey. It has been an honor to have met, and been of service to you. I shall dearly miss our long conversations, making you lunch and supper, and having a piece of lemon meringue pie.

Now we move on to a couple in Washington State. They need not but a new roof, and some minor water damage repaired, before their home is ruined. It is my honor to keep this going in her name. We done good folks. Let's keep doing good.

Details forthcoming!

Update #3

April 30th, 2022

Since Christmas it's been a long, hard road.  But not as hard as a man who bore or cross, and crown of thorns.  No complaints, but a thank Y'all for ever bit of help.

Here's is the latest video update.


January 7th, 2022

May I ask all y\'all to please share this with everyone you know.

Here is a link to the latest video update.  I will have another update in a day or two.  Unfortunately the fundraising has been very slow at mostly $10-20 at a time that the account went $62.43 overdrawn.  I took care of that.  Other than finishing trim and caulking, this project is at a stand still.  I will keep furiously posting away as usual to find more help.

Seeking Others in Real Need

December 4th, 2021

Honey Money Project - Basic Requirements

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.