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Save the Murphy Family from Homelessness!


 GBP £200,000


 GBP £151,643

Campaign created by Rev'd Brett Murphy

Campaign funds will be received by Brett Murphy

Save the Murphy Family from Homelessness!

The Murphy family need your help!

I have been persecuted time and time again for bravely speaking God's truth and making a stand for righteousness, putting my head above the battlements, exposing corruption within the church and calling false teachers to repent. Sadly, the most attacks I have suffered have come from within the church. This time is no exception.

On Friday 9th August I was dismissed with immediate effect from the Free Church of England, and my license was revoked following a disciplinary meeting in which many false accusations were made against me. While I cannot tell you the details at the moment as I want to respect confidentiality during the appeal process, I can tell you that we are being supported by Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre and my solicitor disproved every claim and countered the accusations with over 100 pages of evidence including 115 beautiful commendation letters that many of you supplied. I cannot thank you enough for these!

The accusations were what my solicitor calls a scattershot, with petty make-weight complaints and the whole disciplinary has been a kangaroo court, with 1 person issuing the allegations, investigating and holding the hearing on his own, analysing the evidence and issuing the dismissal. None of this follows secular ACAS guidelines let alone the canons of our church which state that the matter should be heard by a panel of my peers including my fellow clergy and laity.

It does seem to indicate a pre-determined outcome. It should be very concerning for other clergy in the FCE who receive a stipend because it seems that they can ignore our canons when you have an employment contract. As Christians, we should be following our own church rules before pursuing secular routes. Because I haven’t been employed for 2 years, I’m unable to file an appeal or unfair dismissal with ACAS. I have been offered an in-house appeal which I am currently in the process of, and I hope and pray that justice will be done.

Ultimately what all this means is that my ministry is under threat. My church family has been ripped apart, and the stress it has put on my own family is immeasurable. This has been particularly difficult for my children Arthur (10) and Micah (8) who have been in tears, devastated at the thought of being uprooted again. They have had to bear the brunt of the persecution we have suffered, moving from Australia, then around England and losing friends and security each time. It has also been particularly difficult for my wife Katerina who is 6 months pregnant with our miracle baby girl. Kat had a very difficult pregnancy before the issues arose, she nearly suffered a miscarriage, had to go on bed rest, suffers from hyperemesis gravidarum and has lost 26lb during her pregnancy. Since this ordeal started she’s now been experiencing signs of premature labour from the stress.

Everything we have worked so hard to achieve in the last year has been taken from not just myself and my family,  but also from my church family who have dedicated their own lives to help rebuild the church and establish a community of believers. The bishop has stopped our Wednesday service and our community store meaning that the homeless and underprivileged of Morecambe who rely on us have been greatly affected too.

As a presbyter, a house has always been provided to enable my ministry. My experience has been that presbyters earn minimum wage or below which has meant that we have never been in a position to be able to afford our own home. As a clergy family, we dedicate our lives to God and the church, trusting that they will act in a godly way but as we've discovered, a church without godly leaders, means that trust can be betrayed and ultimately it means we will now be homeless and without a regular income.

We Need YOUR Help!

1. We need security for our family.

The past few years have shown me that the hierarchy of the church does not have the best interests of their presbyters at heart. Even if we win the appeal, there is no guarantee this won't happen again. Our family, especially our children need the safety and security of owning our own home so that we can continue to minister without the constant threat of homelessness. This is our most urgent need.

Please would you consider donating towards a home for my family and I?

2. I need a reliable monthly income.

In the space of 1 year, Emmanuel grew from 2-50 people, that's a 2400% increase! However, the plate giving is not yet enough to support a full-time minister. Now that I have been dismissed, the donations we raised from my online ministry efforts are under the bishop’s control and cannot be accessed. 

If you are in a position to give monthly donations, this would mean that I can rely on a steady income to put food on my family’s table and pay the bills so that I can focus on what I’m called to do- share the gospel of Jesus Christ and minister to the people of Emmanuel and beyond. The best way to do this is via my Patreon account below.

3. Our church family needs somewhere to worship.

My congregation is supporting me and has pledged to follow me wherever I may go. In the short term, we will worship in my home for as long as we can. We have been contacted regarding a church we may be able to share temporarily when it is not being used, and we could also hire a local hall, but long term we need our own place of worship. We also need somewhere to continue our community store and free community café so we can continue to reach Morecambe for Christ. Ideally, we would love to buy a disused local church and make it our own.

If you are in a position to purchase a church for us. Please get in touch.

I want to reassure everyone that this is not the end. There have been many stressed comments and I've received concerned emails from folks who rely on our weekly online services and my YouTube videos. I have no intention of stopping ministry, my local church family is relying on me, and the online community is as much a part of my flock as those who attend in person. This opinion is shared by the wardens, church council members and congregation at Emmanuel. We will not abandon you. We love and value your contribution to our online community and consider you all a part of Emmanuel no matter where in the world you come from. The online services will continue to be live-streamed asap and I will be continuing my YouTube videos. I hope and pray that you will all continue to join us.   

Finally, please pray for us.

Pray for my family, my children Arthur and Micah who have been so very distraught at the thought of being uprooted again and for their fledgling faiths.

Pray for my wife and our unborn baby girl, for a safe pregnancy and birth.

Pray for my church family who are being so supportive and courageous in the face of persecution.

For the provision of a home, income and church.

Pray for the FCE. There are so many godly men and women striving to make the FCE a safe harbour for those looking for a Christian home.

And finally please pray for the leaders in the FCE. That they would have the courage to stand up for what is right and godly and that their eyes would be opened to the truth.

Thank you and God bless

NB. If we do not reach our goal, we would intend to use the donations for a deposit on a house. Failing that, money towards a rental property, or to supplement my stipend. No matter what I can assure you that it will be used for my ministry or to support my family. 

If my appeal works and I am reinstated as minister at Emmanuel, I intend that the money raised will still be used to purchase us a house. We would continue to live in the house provided by the FCE as it it much more fit for purpose than anything we would be able to purchase, and the new property could be used to house a curate or assistant priest or rented to provide additional income for ministry and outreach. It would mean that we always have something to fall back on in these uncertain times. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
£ 20.00 GBP
1 hour ago

Thank you for your video re faith. God bless

Julie and Alan
£ 50.00 GBP
4 hours ago

sending love and blessings

Anonymous Giver
£ 30.00 GBP
7 hours ago

Be abundantly blessed

Anonymous Giver
£ 500.00 GBP
13 hours ago

All glory to God, Revd Brett and his family are on the home straight!! Dear brothers and sisters, let's do all we can under God to get them over the line with a sprint!! Don't know about you but I'm so looking forward to breathing that prayer of thanks and relief as we see them so deservedly home and dry!! xx

Clive Weightman
£ 20.00 GBP
15 hours ago

You are Blessed and Highly favoured, He will NEVER leave or forsake you

Anonymous Giver
£ 10.00 GBP
16 hours ago

Anonymous Giver
£ 20.00 GBP
18 hours ago

Anonymous Giver
£ 20.00 GBP
20 hours ago

God is Good

Pastor Peter Samuels
£ 50.00 GBP
22 hours ago

Standing with you and your family in faith. God will spread a table for you in the presence of your enemies. He will give you a hidden manna to eat.

£ 220.00 GBP
22 hours ago

I have travelled in to the weekly Open church and Shop for most of this year and can vouch for this generous, gracious ministry, underpinned with much good humour. "I believe because I have seen. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe (and donate).

Anonymous Giver
£ 100.00 GBP
1 day ago

Praying for you. It reminds me of Matthew 24:48-51

£ 20.00 GBP
1 day ago

Anonymous Giver
£ 10.00 GBP
1 day ago

I will be praying or you and your family. People and leaders who choose to stand on the Word of God matter. Thank you for your faithfulness to God and the flock he has given you.

Anonymous Giver
£ 20.00 GBP
1 day ago

Brother, you do amazing work and stay true to God's word. Don't let 'em grind you down and keep going. The Lord bless you in your ministry.

Anonymous Giver
£ 8.00 GBP
1 day ago

John Tredinnick-Rowe
£ 20.00 GBP
1 day ago

My best for your family and all the work that you do.

£ 15.00 GBP
1 day ago

God is with you Father Murphy and your family. The world may be against us but we are against the world. Prayers for you and yours.

Jeannie Armstrong
£ 20.00 GBP
1 day ago

May The Lord bless you and yours. Fight the good fight.

Anonymous Giver
£ 10.00 GBP
1 day ago

My husband and I are praying for you and your family. May you continue to know God’s generous provision and security.

£ 10.00 GBP
1 day ago

Just keep going mate, you have friends in Australia, too!


Update: We've found the perfect house!

August 27th, 2024

Dear Ones, we've found the perfect house for our needs! Each of the kids would get their own bedroom plus there's a study/studio so I can continue my online ministry/YouTube. The house is big enough that it will allow for a home-church as needed until we can find an alternative worship space and it's still within Morecambe, so we can continue ministering here with the congregation.  

Before we even mentioned it to anybody, 2 of our congregation members, 1 here in Morecambe and 1 online, both came to us with the exact house saying they believed God had said it was the right home for us. 

It does seem to be perfect, but we are still short about £70k.

Please will you join us in praying about whether this is the right home for us, if it is, we pray that God will multiply the donations. If not, we pray that God will show us where we should go. 

Thank you & God Bless, 
Brett, Kat, Arthur, Micah & Faith

Update - Househunting

August 20th, 2024

My Dear Ones, 
When we started this appeal for a home, we randomly threw out £100k, having no faith at all that we would even get close. We were in such a state of shock and despair, that we just knew we needed help.
In the last few days, we have started looking at houses but there doesn't seem to be anything suitable for the initial price we appealed for. There are only 2 bedroom flats which just aren't suitable for the needs of our growing family or to be able to continue my online ministry. 
Realistically, we need an absolute minimum of 3 bedrooms so that our 2 boys can share a room, and I can have a bedroom as a study/studio to continue my YouTube videos. However, even this option will mean that in the next few years, we will need to move again to make room for our baby girl to have her own space.
Many people have told us they still intend to give over the next few weeks and have advised us to increase our goal amount. So for all these reasons, we have decided to increase our goal amount to £200k and just see what the Lord blesses us with. 
Thankyou for your continued support. 
Love & Blessings, 
Brett, Kat, Arthur, Micah & Faith

Update: Thankyou!

August 20th, 2024

Kat, myself and the boys want to express our deepest thanks to every single person who has donated to our appeal for a home. We've always said that the church is a family, and we've always considered every person online who watches our live-streamed services or my YouTube, comments on our Facebook page, and sends us messages of support, as our extended Emmanuel family. We are the church, the body of believers and I can't thank you enough for coming to our aid in our time of need. 
We are quite frankly flabbergasted! We put £100k as some kind of random out-of-reach number. To be honest, we didn't have faith that we would get anywhere near that, let alone nearly reach it within 4 days! "Oh ye of little faith."
But when we were weak and doubting, our global church family had our backs and our mustard seed of hope has grown into a tree with all thanks to you and our awesome God.
Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. 
In the love of Christ, 
Brett, Kat, Arthur, Micah and Faith.

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