USD $50,000
USD $5,086
Campaign funds will be received by Greg Rubenacker
The American Gulag Chronicles awards 1200 from the TAGC FUND. GOD BLESS ALL WHO GIVE! 🇺🇲❤️🔥
God bless and keep you as you rebuild your life
Heard your story from sister in Lord, Stephnie, and would like to present you a gift in the name of Jesus Christ. The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24) May God bless and guide you forever and more!
God bless you patriots!
i wish it was more because you deserve Millions what happened to you by the evil diddycrats can never be undone and then the loss of everyone you loved is beyond horrific. You are so strong and Brave And loved by People you never met. Keep your Eye on God and know someday we will all never have to suffer again in the mean time stay as strong as possible
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you!
God bless you
God blessed you!
Hope the darkness will be over soon. Be strong! We love you!
I watched you this morning with Paul Preston on Agenda 21 radio
Hear you today on Agenda 21 Radio. So sorry that you have gone through such injustice! I'll be praying for you to get your life back and for your family to come alongside. God bless you.
Good luck in your future endeavors. I am very sorry for the loss of your father, and for the cruel miscarriage of justice you have experienced; you must be a very strong young man to have endured it though.
I'm so sorry this was done to you. Praying for you and for your better future. Please know you have an army in your corner.
Good luck with getting your life restarted. (So sorry about your dad.)
Iam so proud of you Hero.Absolutly A total disgrace what they did to you.Im so sorry about everything you went through .Your Father is In A much better Place God has him now
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