HE NAMED HIM ADAM Movie Crowdfunding Campaign


 USD $500,000


 USD $13,483

Campaign created by Marc Aramian

Campaign funds will be received by He Named Him Adam, LLC

HE NAMED HIM ADAM Movie Crowdfunding Campaign

We’re Crunch Entertainment, an independent film production company. And we’re here to tell you about our latest project and ask for your support. 

Repulsed by the values promoted by Hollywood, we relocated to the South a few years ago. Our goal is to make powerful, highly entertaining films that present an alternative view to Hollywood’s relentless attack on traditional values. 

Our last project, FATHER RYAN: A HIGHER CALL, was an inspirational docu-drama that garnered multiple festival award nominations and recently premiered to an estimated audience of 13 million on the Eternal World Television Network (EWTN).

Our current project is a pro-life, faith-based feature film called: HE NAMED HIM ADAM. It’s the inspiring, true-life story of Regina Block. 

After an abortion, Regina suffered from crippling depression. Over nine years, her depression became so severe that it ended her marriage, her ambition to become a lawyer, and drove her to the brink of suicide. It was then, after hitting rock-bottom that she was finally willing to listen to her four-year old daughter. Her daughter had been having recurring dreams revealing a mystical message from heaven. This message was so powerful that it healed Regina’s depression and inspired her to dedicate her life to helping post-abortive women heal from the devastation of abortion. 

We chose to tell this story because the battle over life is far from over. In fact, since Roe v. Wade was overturned, the radical abortion lobby is more determined than ever to end all protections for the unborn and permanently enshrine unlimited abortion in all 50 states. 

It may surprise you to know that we are former pro-abortion activists. So what caused us to change our minds? Decades of hearing stories like Regina’s that touched our hearts and caused us to re-think the issue of abortion. We discovered, from numerous women in my own life circle, that they came to regret their abortions, suffering for years in silence. Experiencing physical, emotional, and mental pain. The fact that they were afraid to tell their stories particularly impacted us.  

It’s been said many times that politics runs downstream of culture. For over fifty years, the pro-abortion side has dominated the cultural narrative through films, television, news, and social media. Generations of women have been indoctrinated to an inverse reality, believing that the taking of an innocent human being’s life is a “human right.”  

Just as our hearts were changed by powerful testimonies from post-abortive women, we believe this story can do the same. Especially for those who claim to follow Jesus Christ and yet continue to support the taking of innocent life.  

Millions of women who’ve had abortions wonder about their lost babies, or even come to regret their abortions. Sometimes decades later. Until we can convince these women that there’s a path to peace and reconciliation through Christ, they will continue to uphold and defend their actions, voting for abortion. Regina found that path, and telling her story can inspire others to follow in her footsteps. This is why we’re making this film.   

Which brings us to how you can help. Obviously, Hollywood doesn’t want this story told. But thanks to crowd-funding and streaming, we can by-pass the studio system, finance this film with your help, and bring it to the world. 

If you want to help us change hearts and minds, please donate. Any donation is welcome with a minimum of $5 here on GiveSendGo. We also offer a variety of donation perks...  

Perks like crew T-shirts, a signed copy of the final movie poster, an autographed copy of the shooting script, or even (for our most generous sponsor) a walk-on part in the film.  To take advantage of these perks, please contact us at hnha@crunchentertainment.com.

Even as little as $5 can help because it shows the world how many of us there are. We’ll be posting the number of supporters on our website. Please, click on the ‘GIVE’ tab. You can also find a lot more info at the movie website: www.HeNamedHimAdam.com. Help us make a difference. Let’s save lives.

Recent Donations
Candy Clepper
$ 15.00 USD
19 days ago

Continued prayers for this ministry. Love y’all

Candy Clepper
$ 15.00 USD
1 month ago

Continued prayers for this ministry. Love y’all

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
2 months ago

best of luck with project.

Candy Clepper
$ 15.00 USD
2 months ago

Continued prayers for this ministry. Love y’all

Candy Clepper
$ 15.00 USD
3 months ago

Continued prayers for this ministry. Love y’all

D Lucas
$ 2000.00 USD
4 months ago

Praying for all the success for this venture!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

This is a wonderful thing you are doing. I will get the word out to help everyone know about this.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

I pray this movie truly is made so all can hear Regina's voice and God's especially.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

So glad you guys are showing that abortion is a long term sorrow. These women are in such pain, and still the marketing campaign for them to get abortions rages forward. Hopefully, many post abortive women and pro-choice people see this film and it opens and changes their hearts.

Candy Clepper
$ 15.00 USD
4 months ago

Continued prayers for this ministry. Love y’all

Mark Schaefer
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
5 months ago

Thank you!

$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Important message to get out there

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
5 months ago

Good luck Marc.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

My son told me he remembers choosing to be a boy before he was born or even conceived. He looked at two pools, one pink and one blue and he jumped into the blue. He told me he met his sister there as well. I thought about it and wondered if his dad had a child he didn’t know about. It hit me then. She WAS his sister. Child I aborted at 5 weeks, mine and my husband’s, his dad’s

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Tom Gilbertz
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Thank you for taking this story to the masses. I too was told my child was nothing but a clump of cells and with understanding of what I had really done, grew to regret my decision as all women do who are honest with themselves. When I went through Christian counseling to embrace God's forgiveness, I was asked to name my child. His name is Adam and I will meet him some day. Blessings to you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

Keep up the good work - we can't wait for the movie !!


He Named Him Adam movie Update #14

January 18th, 2025

Fantastic News! We now have a distribution deal with Angel Studios, distributors of faith-friendly movies like Sound of Freedom, Cabrini, Homestead, and Bonhoeffer. Using your kind donations, we shot several scenes from the screenplay and edited an 8-minute “tease” (trailer) for Angel’s voting process which is used to determine which films get distributed. A passing Angel Guild score for streaming is 70, and 85 for theatrical release consideration. Our tease received an overwhelming approval score of 93! As a result, Angel Studios has offered us a distribution deal contingent on the finished film passing the Guild with a score over 85. Angel Studios are proven winners in this arena.

Our task now is to raise the money for film production ($3.5M). To do this, we will be offering equity positions (profit-sharing ownership) to investors.

If you know someone who is interested in investing in this movie with a potential for profit, please refer them to us. We will be happy to provide them with full details about our deal with Angel Studios. Please refer them to: marc@crunchentertainment.com

Again, thank you for all your support and trusting us to tell this life-changing story. We wish you all a happy New Year and a 2025 filled with health, happiness, peace and prosperity.

God bless,


Marc Aramian & Veronica DiPippo


Fantastic news!

December 29th, 2024

Fantastic News! We now have a distribution deal with Angel Studios, distributors of faith-friendly movies like Sound of Freedom, Cabrini, Homestead, and Bonhoeffer. Using your kind donations, we shot several scenes from the screenplay and edited an 8-minute “tease” (trailer) for Angel’s voting process which is used to determine which films get distributed. A passing Angel Guild score for streaming is 70, and 85 for theatrical release consideration. Our tease received an overwhelming approval score of 93! As a result, Angel Studios has offered us a distribution deal contingent on the finished film passing the Guild with a score over 85. Angel Studios are proven winners in this arena.


Our task now is to raise the money for film production ($3.5M). To do this, we will be offering equity positions (profit-sharing ownership) to investors. 


If you know someone who is interested in investing in this movie with a potential for profit, please refer them to us. We will be happy to provide them with full details about our deal with Angel Studios. Please refer them to: marc@crunchentertainment.com


Again, thank you for all your support and trusting us to tell this life-changing story. We wish you all a happy New Year and a 2025 filled with health, happiness, peace and prosperity.


God bless,



Marc Aramian & Veronica DiPippo

Total Donations: 9/23/24 ---PayPal: $665 --- Direct by check: $57,586 ---- GiveSendGo $13,168 --- Venmo: $1024 --- TOTAL: $72,443

Fundraising update:

September 23rd, 2024

Here are the latest figures:

Donations: 9/23/24 ---PayPal:  $665 --- Direct by check: $48,969 ---- GiveSendGo $10,783 --- Venmo: $1024 --- TOTAL: $61,441

Thank you to all our generous donors.  We expect to announce some really good news in the next few weeks.  Momentum is building!

Update #11 - the trailer is finished!

July 9th, 2024

As most of you know, we crowdfunded enough money to shoot twelve scenes from the movie, HE NAMED HIM ADAM, and made this trailer to further our fundraising efforts.  

If this trailer moves you and you believe like we do that this movie can change hearts and minds about this crucial issue, please consider additional donations. 



HE NAMED HIM ADAM update #10

June 18th, 2024

Total Donations: 6/18/24 ---PayPal:  $805 --- Direct by check: $36,675 ---- Credit cards:$10,728--- Venmo: $1260 --- TOTAL: $49,468

In case you didn't see this update in another email...

We’ve got exciting news about the HE NAMED HIM ADAM movie.  


Thanks to your kind contributions, we raised enough money to shoot a trailer for our film. Many of the pro life national influencers we’ve talked to are supportive but want to see what we could do. 


Last month, we hired Suzy Sachs, the LA casting director who cast UNPLANNED. She had nationwide auditions and sifted through thousands of actors’s reels and submitted the best to Veronica and me. We found some terrific actors and found it hard to select our Regina because three of them were so good. We finally settled on one. The next day, before Suzy sent the offer, a new actor submitted an audition and Suzy called us right away to evaluate her. She ‘blew us away’ with her riveting performance. We asked for a ‘call back’ and she did even better. While she’s had some small roles before, she’s basically a fresh, new face. What a find!


Our actors came from LA, Philadelphia, Palm Beach, Atlanta, Nashville and two from Chattanooga.  


Last week, we shot twelve scenes and are currently editing a trailer. If you’re on Facebook, take a look at our Crunch Entertainment Facebook page. There are lots of behind the scenes photos there. We had a stellar crew of 16 pros who worked long days to make these scenes come to life. We also posted two of the scenes that we shot.  


You can also see them here:





We’ll take these scenes and the trailer to raise the rest of the money to make this important movie.


Veronica and I are so grateful for your support!  

Update #9

May 18th, 2024

Donations are going gangbusters.  Here's the latest:

Total Donations: 4/19/24 ---PayPal:  $805 --- Direct by check: $34,175 ---- Credit cards (GiveSendGo):$9728--- Venmo: $1060 --- TOTAL: $45,768

We're shooting the trailer/tease in the next few weeks.  LA Casting Director, Suzy Sachs who cast Unplanned, is scouring the country for great actors.  We have some incredible people lining up to play the parts.  Final decision on who will be chosen is slated for May 24th.  If schedules line up, we'll be shooting the first week of June.  

Update for GiveSendGo contributors

March 25th, 2024

Thank you for your support!  Total donations so far: $28,543 (includes credits cards through GiveSendGo, direct checks, Venmo and PayPal).

 - Marc

Update #7

February 3rd, 2024

Thanks to the generous pro life warriors that attended the Chattanooga March for Life, we now have:  Total Donations: 2/3/24 ---PayPal:  $250 --- Direct by check: $18,144 ---- Credit cards:$6100 --- Venmo: $680 --- TOTAL: $25,179

The Knights of Columbus, Council 610, contributed coffee and donuts for our table which helped us solicit donations.  Thank you

Update Update #7 Image
Update #6

January 14th, 2024

Total Donations: 1/14/24 ---PayPal: $250 --- Direct by check: $13,394 ---- Credit cards:$6100 --- Venmo: $80 --- TOTAL: $19,824

This is a big week for us. We’re heading to Washington DC to participate in four events: 

Life Fest at the DC Armory, 

the March for Life, 

I’ll be giving a testimonial on the steps of the Supreme Court for the organization, Silent No More, 

Pro Life Summit on Saturday.  

We’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet and greet National leaders and sponsors of the pro-life movement.  

Please pray that our message is heard and that people are moved to contribute to this worthy cause.  

We were featured on another podcast here:  


We’re also going to be featured in the East Tennessee Catholic newspaper in this month’s edition. I’ll send a link in the next email.  

Thank you for your support!

Speaking engagement at Chattanooga March for Life

January 4th, 2024

We'll have a booth and will speak at the Chattanooga March for Life on Feb. 3 at the Walker Pavilion in Coolidge Park, 120 River Street.  

We're also going to the March for Life in DC on the 19th and the Pro Life Summit the next day.  Please pray that donors respond to this plea for funding.  

Update Speaking engagement at Chattanooga March for Life Image
Direct checks to HE NAMED HIM ADAM LLC have been coming in, too!

December 13th, 2023

So far, thanks to generous supporters, we've received numerous checks sent directly to us in the amount of $11,134 bringing the total contributions to $16, 812.  We've spoken at numerous Knights of Columbus council meetings ($700 collected so far from the Knights!) and have been interviewed on four podcasts (see links below).  We'll be featured on the front page of the East Tennessee Catholic newspaper in early January.  We're so grateful that this project is slowly but steadily growing.  Thank you to all our supporters. 




And one more which hasn't been released yet.  

Father David Carter endorsement

November 19th, 2023

An endorsement from Fr. David Carter, Pastor and Rector of Sts. Peter & Paul Basilica:


Update #1

September 18th, 2023

Our docu-drama, Father Ryan: A Higher Call

Father Ryan: A Higher Call

Update Update #1 Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.