Island Time Rosaries

Campaign created by IslandBoy -

Campaign funds will be received by Ronald Billock

Island Time Rosaries

100s & 100s of Rosaries in peoples hands

My mom and dad were very good people. Their favorite prayer was the rosary. As one of nine children, I remember family road trips and we never went on a road trip without saying the rosary while traveling. 

As I have gotten old(er) I have learned to appreciate the importance of meditation and praying the rosary prayer. The rosary can be one of our most powerful weapons against evil in the world.

I have learned to make rosaries utilizing cord and individually tied knots. I make these rosaries and give them away free of charge to anyone who might want or need one. Each rosary takes over an hour to make. If you would like a rosary for your self or a gift to someone free of any charge just send me the name, address.

I have made and given away hundreds of rosaries and continue to make more. This campaign is looking for help to defray actual material cost of making and shipping these rosaries so I can continue, in my own way, to spread peace throughout the world from my own little corner. My efforts will continue regardless of your assistance but your assistance, in your own way, helps spread peace throughout the world. Any little bit helps.

The rosary prayer is prayed by not just Catholics. Other Christian religions also pray this meditation. Anyone who just takes time to read the words of the prayers will realize that the Rosary is a universal Christian prayer/meditation. The word catholic actually means universal - all Christians. Here is a link showing how to pray the Rosary. (

Thanks and pray for peace in the world and in your life.

The Jesuit priests in Hiroshima, Japan ... said the rosary daily. When the US dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima, none of the eight priests there were killed, nor did they have radiation poisoning, even though they were very close to ground zero. This medical miracle cannot be explained by modern science, but it can be explained by the power of the rosary. St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Franciscan Friary in Nagasaki also survived the atomic blast there as well.

“A Family that prays together stays together!” - Richard T Billock Sr. (my dad)

“The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times.” -Saint Padre Pio

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
20 days ago

Happy Birthday :)

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
9 months ago

Thank you!

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago

Leave it to the Spirit!

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago


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