Monthly Goal:
USD $60,000
Total Raised:
USD $22,736
Raised this month:
USD $0
Campaign funds will be received by Daniel Dempsey
Thank you everyone who has already donated and thank you to anyone who is donating. It is greatly appreciated and all the proceeds will be going to hiring a lawyer for my defense.
My little brother David Dempsey is being held against his will and has had all of his GOD given rights ripped away from him as an AMERICAN in the Washington D.C. jails for the protest that occurred on Jan. 6. He has been denied bail unless we can aquire a "substantial amount of capital" exact words from Fed court judge he has been denied due process violating his civil rights for what authorities believe to be is him at the Capitol on Jan. 6. I think its safe to say he is being politcally silenced for his beliefs in the CONSTITUTION.o. Since his arrest on AUG. 26 in the early morning hours by a counter terrorism task force armed to the teeth. He was ripped from his daughters and wife's grasp (bruising her ribs by stabbing her so hard with the barrel of the gun to scare her and move her away) he was just sleeping with his daughter and wife. He has been exposed to multiple different diseases in high concentration. Due to the overpopulation and lack of cleaning supplies and hygeine products givin to inmates incarcerated by the United States Government for political bias he has been given no treatment for kidney stones, IBS, and chrons disease.
Any help is greatly appreciated in this upward battle against tyranny. All donations will go to legal, medical and living cost strictly for my brother, his wife, and child to help aid in the fight for PATRIOTISM to live on in GODS country. Thank you all for your help and prayers from my family to the whole Patriot family.
We fervently hope you are free! Would very much like an update as to how you are doing!! We hope for some redress for grossly unfair treatment and worse.So many are hoping and praying that ALL J6ers will recover and regroup and be able to live free again and enjoy life in this country.You have enormous strength! Thank you for standing up for all of us! Please let us know how you are doing.
Bless you and your family David. Would you update your GSG? This is a great time to reach out to others - people are ready & willing to give. I'll look for update and share your GSG with my friends.
May God bless you and keep you safe! Sarah from CA
David we have not forgotten you! Stay strong. This nightmare is almost over! Merry Christmas. God Bless you and your daughter.
We are praying for you to quickly find justice, freedom, and peace
We have considerable hope since the election and trust you are vigorously seeking and getting great advice and information as to how to plead your case for delayed justice and some measure of fairness, inadequate as it will be under these circumstances. None of you are forgotten.
God bless you
Almost over Hero! So sorry for what they continue to do to you!
God bless you, brother.
Keep the Faith
you're not alone, I pray for you every day
I pray that God will lead you out of the shadow of darkness. If you have faith, anything is possible.
Praying for you and your family, may God sustain you and strengthen you !
Blown away by your sentence. I am so very sorry David! SO unjust. Next year will be here soon young man!!! God Bless and keep you
I cannot believe they Sentenced David to 20 years! Such an injustice! Prayers for him and his family.
July 1st, 2024
Hello everyone. David would like to thank everyone who has donated. It is greatly appreciated. He would also like to add that the amount of money shown is not what he currently has, it is the total amount that has been raised over the past 3 years which he has used to pay bills and help out his wife and daughter. Thank all of you for your time and prayers. God bless all of you.
December 5th, 2022
"Please do not feel under circumstances donations are necessary any form of support is highly appreciated be it letters, prayers, or donations whatever form of support I receive is beyond appreciated regardless of your ability to donate financially."
David D
December 5th, 2022
Hello fellow Patriots,
I'd like to give a quick update on my brother's situation and express his gratitude for all the prayers and donations he has received thus far from God fearing country loving patriots. It has taken a huge amount of stress off of his shoulders, allowed him to be able to stay in contact with his family and not be in financial ruin. He hasn't yet been able to aquire private representation (very high cost) and is being railroaded by the Biden regime. I am going to try and respond to each and every prayer or contributor personally from recent months. I've been literally crippled by health ailments and as a result it has stifled my abilities in regards to keeping up with this give send go I apologize for not getting around to this sooner.
My brother wants you all to know he holds you near and dear to his heart. That all the energy being put into him is not a lost cause. It has allowed him to keep a level head and not lose hope in this glorious country that the left is trying so hard to destroy. He wants to say thank you, to keep fighting the good fight and don't lose faith. If not for each and every one of you he would be completely gone mentally and that you truly will never know the positive impact you've had on his mind and soul. In addition to keeping him stable you've also helped him allow his daughter to be homeschooled and will give him the ability to be apart of her Christmas in more ways then just a phone call(Personal Gifts). "Although my situation is horrid God has clearly chosen to bless me by allowing me to receive his glory in the form of much needed help from each and every beautiful soul that has been apart of this journey, for that I am truly thankful to God and know he is good all the time Merry Christmas Patriots always remember to cherish your family and love ones and to hold them very close GOD BLESS YOU ALL... Oh yeah I almost forgot Trump Won and Let's Go Brandon!" David
God bless you and God bless America.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.