 USD $50,000
 USD $9,315
Campaign funds will be received by Ike Skelton
Hello, my name is Ike Skelton. I am the Presiding Commissioner for Camden County, Missouri. Our commission passed an ordinance to prohibit Flock, Automatic License Plate reading spy cameras in our county. Although said ordinance has not been challenged, and after contacting Flock by mail telling them to come get them, and because others would not enforce said ordinance; as Presiding Commissioner enforcing our order, I took it down. Their camera has already been given back and returned to its location without any mention of our ordinance. The people of Camden County love their freedom and overwhelmingly support my action. However, when you poke the surveillance state in the eye, they get mad. I have been charged with 2 felonies and 1 misdemeanor.
Although I believe I could justify using taxpayer dollars for my defense, I also believe it would be best NOT to ask the taxpayers to fund my defense because I know some of them do not believe in what I have done.
Flock cameras are being challenged all over the country due to their no search warrant, incredibly invasive surveillance ability. If you do not believe the government should have a system of spy cameras around our country that monitor, inventory, and control every movement you make, please help out with my legal defense so I may continue to fight for your God-given, constitutionally protected rights. Thank you.
Thank you for your courage.
We are frogs in a pot and the water temperature is rising. Best of luck to you.
Thank you! Good luck.
We need a new prosecutor, this one sucks royally. Keep up the fight for liberty.
We need to rally behind our friends n neighbors ,who see an injustice, and place themselves n harms way for the greater good.
A true Patriot!
Ike I don't have much but you have my support. I appreciate what you did for the community.
Hang in there
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