Brittany Burnette


 USD $250

Campaign created by Brittany Burnette

Campaign funds will be received by Brittany Burnette

Brittany Burnette

Hi, my name is Brittany Burnette. I am a 34 year old mother of two wonderful boys. I married my high school sweetheart and graduated with my bachelor's of Nursing in Dec. 2013. My life turned completely upside down in November 2020 when the pandemic struck. I was working as a Director of Nursing at a skilled nursing facility. I fought hard to keep the virus from my facility. Unfortunately, it spread to a few of my patients and eventually, I contracted Covid in November 2020. I made it through the virus without any real issues and returned to the front lines. In January 2021, I was given access to the new Covid vaccine. I believed in order to continue protecting my patients and for the facility to continue to receive government funding, I had to take the vaccine. I received the first shot that January and the second dose in February.

In July 2021, I began to have bilateral hip pain and developed Pericarditis and Pleurisy. I was treated with a standard dose of steroids for 6 weeks and told the hip pain was probably arthritis. When the hip pain became unbearable, I was bound to a wheelchair. It was then that the doctors took me seriously and after MRIs, I was diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis (AVN). The Orthopedic Surgeon believed it was due to brief stint of steroids. The MRIs showed the hips partially collapsed so I received total hip replacement for both hips. The surgeon assured me that AVN does not spread.

In the summer of 2022, my knees began to hurt. Again I was given the diagnosis of AVN in both knees. I made an appointment with a well-respected geneticist to try and get some answers as to why this was continuing to happen. After looking at my case, he assured me that the multifocal AVN was not brought about from low dose steroids. He believed that having Covid and then having the Covid vaccines shortly after (within 6 weeks) was the culprit.

In 3.5 years, I have had total hip replacement in both hips, both knees total replacement, both shoulders partially replaced (with the remaining part of the shoulder replacement later), 3 surgeries on my right elbow to clean up and cut off dead bone, including a radial head resection, (a total elbow replacement is in my future), and several trips to the ER and hospital stays for other blood clotting issues. The stress and the medication from the AVN and other blood clotting has severely compromised my immune system.

As you can imagine, I have been left with a mountain of medical bills with no end in the foreseeable future. First and most importantly, I ask for your prayers and second, if you are able to help financially, my family would be very appreciative. Thank you for reading my story and May God bless you.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 hours ago

Prayers for the Burnette family!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 hours ago

Hang In there Brittney!

Jamie Ross
$ 50.00 USD
10 hours ago

I love you, Brittany. Keep hanging in there.

allan porchetta
$ 100.00 USD
11 hours ago

Brittany find doctors that can give you a protocol to rid your body of the spike protein etc eg ivermectin , chloroquinoline , vit D3 - google dr bryan ardiss


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