Helping j6er Justin Jersey and his family

Monthly Goal:

 USD $1,000

Total Raised:

 USD $1,550

Raised this month:

 USD $850

Campaign created by Justin Jersey

Campaign funds will be received by Justin Jersey

Helping j6er Justin Jersey and his family

I was just pardon after 3 years of being in federal prison as a political prisoner my family was harassed my children were bullied and and had to be pulled out of public schools we lost our house 2 dogs the chickens we raised for fresh eggs our car was hit by a drunk driver while parked in front of the house my fiancee was living in while having to stay with family and friends after losing the house she was finally able to have a friend buy a rental house in the worse neighborhood in flint the kids can't even go outside and play there barely enough room for me and my fiancee and our two kid and I have two more children that I haven't even been able to see yet my sons mother lives 3 hr away and she wants me to come get him but we don't have the vehicle in condition to go pick him up and he would be able to do much with the limited living space and my daughter is handicapped and I can't have her here at all she requires a wheelchair ramp as we're living in the top floor there's only the one way up to the apt and again no space for all her medical needs I'm trying to recover and reconnect and the living situation makes it impossible at the moment it's been overwhelming every day since my release even things we do every day can be overwhelming for those of us who have been together thru all this we are mainly asking for help so we can relocate but some of the funds will be to help me reconnect with my children I have not seen in many years 

Thank you for your time and support 

Justin Jersey 

Recent Donations
$ 100.00 USD
12 days ago

Jake Lang
$ 750.00 USD
21 days ago

Go with God

Jake Lang
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you brother!!

Your J6 brother
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Contact Jacob Langs girlfriend


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