USD $2,410
Praying for you & your family. Our God is a mighty God. Nothing is too hard for Him!
God speed. I can't believe they are still holding on to that requirement.
G_d bless you! Please also consider a Carnivore Diet to help you with the numerous health issues you confront as you are waiting to overcome this medical injustice. (Just as they have lied to us about "Safe & Effective" so have they lied to us about the ideal human diet.) Look up YT accounts of Dr. Ken Berry and others.
You are my hero! May God bless you and strengthen you and heal you!
National Service Officer Army Navy Airforce Veterans In Canada Unit 2 Calgary Region Stand strong brother GYR6
I have been reading & saving health info for 52 years. From Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea MD PhD - Epitalon (no dose given) has seen ejection fraction go from 19% to 56% in multiple CHF patients. From Dr. Frank Shallenberger MD - 24 patients w/ CHF. were given 2 grams of taurine 2X/day for up to 8 weeks. In 19 of the 24 patients, taurine was able to cut their scores in half. I have more ydeepsg@yahoo.com
Praying you receive your heart transplant. God is greater than any “vaccine”. Thank you for serving our country. I’m so sorry this country is failing you. May God bless you and your family.
God bless you and your family. I give what I can because you need it, you are a veteran, my mother's maiden name was Long. I give because God would want me to help. Thank you for your service and again God bless.
Ken, I support your stance and pray for your swift recover. Through God, ALL things are possible.
Prayers and Love!
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