USD $1,800
USD $965
Campaign funds will be received by Rachel Fortune
UPDATE - I wanted to give everyone an update. The workday took place and the shelves have been installed. Thank-you so much for your donations!
My Name is Oliver Fortune and I am a Boy Scout in Troop 169 in Mooresville, NC. I am currently the Senior Patrol Leader in my troop. I joined Boy Scouts when I was 10. Since then I have ranked up and I am now working on my Eagle Scout Project. I am also a 4-H Rowan County Lead Drivers shooting team member.
For my Eagle Project, I wanted to benefit 4-H so I emailed the Agent, Laura Allen, to see what I could do. Her suggestion was for me to install shelves in the storage room of the new Rowan County 4-H building. This will help 4-H because they are about to move into a new building and there are no shelves in the storage room which makes it very hard to store anything in an organized manner.
I would be very thankful if you could lend your support to this project. In order to complete this project we will need to raise approximately 1,800 dollars. This will go towards supplies and materials. All labor will be volunteer labor. Thank you so much for your support.
Thanks for your hard work!
Thanks for your hard work to help the 4-H program!
The Rowan County 4-H PALS (Parents and Leaders Association) would like to thank you for choosing to help the 4-H program through your Eagle Scout Project.
Good luck with your Eagle Scout project Oliver. Rowan County 4-H will certainly benefit as the offices move into their new home.
Thank you for giving your time!
Thanks for giving back to the 4-H program in this way! I'm so appreciative!
Hope it goes well buddy!
Hope your project goes well!
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