Help January 6er Charles Bradford Smith


 USD $7,156

Campaign created by Laurie Smith

Campaign funds will be received by Laurie Smith

Help January 6er Charles Bradford Smith

Following a devastating 20 months in  prison including 14 months of home confinement and more months in a halfway house my son is home recovering Praise God!  He has spent a good portion of his 20’s either on home confinement or in prison.  He was dragged out of our home at 24 and is going to be turning 28 now on November 26,2024. If you are able any small donation would help him.  More importantly please pray for him and that President Trump pardons him. 🙏

He did not enter the capital, 

He did not have a weapon 

He did not touch anyone 

He did not vandalize anything 

Recent Donations
Jonathan Osborne
$ 300.00 USD
6 days ago

Following on X and delighted to keep up to date. You have an extended family of supporters now. I recommend long walks in the woods with friends. That's what you need. As the weather improves, that will be more doable. Meanwhile, I hope this helps.

Gregg Arnel
$ 25.00 USD
6 days ago

Laurie Schneider
$ 12.00 USD
12 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
12 days ago

Thank God you are recovering at home I was so happy to see you were released!!

Clara Quigley
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

Dear Charles. I think about you and Pray you are doing well. I admire you and your Dear Mom. Bless You.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
13 days ago

Alfred Archer
$ 200.00 USD
13 days ago

It will take time to recover, but you will and you will be far stronger and wiser for this experience in the end. Adversity does that. Wishing you the best and know that many, many people you will never know or meet are thinking of you and keeping you in their prayers. Including me.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
26 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
26 days ago


Jonathan Osborne
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

Delighted to read you are on a good path. Hope this helps your re-entry into the world. When you're ready to move on to another job, I recommend checking out: The Red Balloon job board especially. Also:

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

We are praying for you. What the enemy has stolen, God will restore.

Jonathan Osborne
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

It would be great to hear something about Brads plans and ambitions. We will never meet, but I have been following his story for a long time -- reading about it spurred me to be more active because of the injustice of it all. And now, after these years, I feel a bit connected. He deserves a "second family" of supporters for his heroism and patriotism. Hope this helps.

$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

God Bless.

Kathryn Frisch
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

I get to put you over your goal! Best wishes!

Jake Lang
$ 350.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you!!

Jonathan Osborne
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

So glad you have been pardoned. I don't know what plans you have -- would be nice to hear -- but i hope this helps them along.

Sheryl Collmer
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 24.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

You are in our prayers and loved. You matter and are not forgotten. Praying for peace, strength and full pardons for all.


Update #5

March 13th, 2025

Hi all,

Just a quick update.  Things have been going pretty good.  Brad's very good January 6 friend from prison drove down to visit him and that was so nice.  This friend was released on Jan 20th due to the pardon.  He also went to a Jan 6 reunion with about 15 or so people.  All and all he is getting there and is still always being his humorous kind self. I wish there was  a magic switch to fix everything.  It's just a lot.  As time goes by things well get easier and easier. So many blessings have already happened.   Pray for their safety    I'll post more soon. 

Thank you always

Update #4 Dismissed

February 17th, 2025

Hi all,

I wanted to just update some on Brad's situation.  As you know he has been pardoned, but because his case was still in appeal the appellate court filed for dismissal and last week that judge of his signed it and now his case is officially dismissed.  He is very lucky because a dismissal is even better than a pardon.  A pardon basically says you are forgiven of any wrong doing, but a dismissal just vacates the entire thing.  This is a blessing when it comes to any background check.  The only thing we were told that will always show up is the fact he was arrested.  So if he is ever asked in the future on a background check if he was ever arrested he must legally say yes, but that's it.  He is one of the lucky ones.  Those who did not have an open appeal or dropped their appeal will not have their case dismissed.  Hopefully they can figure out how to change that for them.   

I know some of you have asked about Brads future goals and ambitions.  Well...he has a different idea every week.  HA!   At this moment he is working at a trucking company.  Its hard work and isn't a dream job, but he got this job while he was in that halfway house because it hired people with records.  He is keeping it for now because the health insurance finally kicks in.  The health insurance is the big thing and now he can get training while keeping that job or what other opportunity might come up.  He is getting there.  Living with his folks is not the dream.  He is motivated and I will keep you all updated.  I would go into that more, but I don't want to speak for him or just get too personal. He will do that soon.  It's just so great that these guys don't have to be afraid anymore for telling their stories.  And he has stories....He prefers to find the humor in many and can really crack you up!    He says there is no point in rehashing the awful stuff all the time.  That's just depressing.

Some of the best friends in his life now are the other Jan 6 guys from prison.  He said not just because they were dealing with the same stuff, but that they were some of the best genuine people he ever knew.  Isn't that something?  That to me speaks volumes on what kind of people were at the capital that day. That Biden regime just hates normal decent hardworking people.  Brad stays in contact with many of them now.  He is going to one of their weddings in May, another one is driving out to visit our family soon.  And many other examples.  Just amazing.  God is always good.  

He is doing well though.  He is really putting up with us. HA!  He knows we need that family time maybe almost more then he does sometimes.    It's just been such a hellish 4 years.  

Thank you again for your generosity.  It really blows his mind.  Brad has really been extra  blessed.  I wish you all could know this guy. He expects nothing, and takes it all to heart,  it's almost too much at times he says. 

Thank you for still following us and taking an interest in his life.  That means the most.

God bless


January 27th, 2025

FREE AT LAST!  Thank God almighty!!  

Yes, my son has been pardoned!  What an amazing surreal feeling it has been!  I'm not sure if it's really sunk in, but what a blessing!   Brad is definitely processing everything.  The recovery part has been a real thing and it will take time. I know he is my son, but when I tell you he is a super nice guy probably to a fault he really is.  All this broke my heart and sickened our entire family as you can imagine.  

He said it's a very strange feeling now, and just leaving the house to do anything normal is still something to adjust to. The anxiety of course won't disappear right away.  Now not  having to worry if his license plate will be randomly scanned and come up a domestic terrorist - that is just one example. Scary things like that he will not have to worry about anymore.   We are so thankful!

A man who was in the military and fought overseas told me it's probably similar to coming home from war in some ways.  The only people who he can relate to especially now  will be those other January 6 prisoners and they will need each other to just talk things out and be there for each other while they adjust.  None of us can ever understand like they can ,so I'm thankful they have each other.  Brad is now 28 and of course that is young, but he feels so behind.   In his early 20's he was in college part-time while working fulltime.  Then our country dealt with being locked down for Covid and the stolen 2020 election and him being arrested for Jan6 and now 4 years later he is a free man!  WOW!  What a journey.  I will keep everyone updated on Brad and what he does next.  Now with a clean record he has his freedoms back.  He won't have to worry about background checks, being called a felon or domestic terrorist!  It all still makes me so angry. 

 Brad's a very smart articulate young man and much stronger now. I know God has many plans for his future.  We will just take it day by day.   I still can't believe this happened in our country.  Prayer works!  And the donations have been this extra blessing that I'm so shocked and humbled by!  You are the ones that paid for his car payments and other bills.  He would not have a car or much of anything. You paid for us to afford to visit our son when he was incarcerated.  So much of this was you!  You paid for the phone we gave him when he got out so he could call his friends and family.    He would not have had near the comfort ( what little they get) in prison if it was not for you!  Prison is expensive. The things we have learned that we never ever thought we would need to learn is crazy!   And all of you helped change the course of my sons life for the better and for that I could never thank you enough.  This time I will keep this givesendgo open for a few more months and update you on everything.  Brad is also figuring out how to properly thank everyone.  There are so many!  Maybe a blanket thank you!  HA!    God Bless you all

Update #2

January 19th, 2025

One more day Patriots!   It’s been a long hard 4 years.  Let us pray for Trumps protection.  Pray for our country, our freedoms.  And as a mother of a political prisoner may they all have full pardons and those still incarcerated be freed. It will be hard to sleep tonight!  So exciting.   Pray without ceasing 🙏🇺🇸

Update #1

January 15th, 2025

Hello all,

Thank you  so much for your prayers and donations.  I had originally closed my son’s Givesendgo not long after he was released from prison, but the struggle after coming home from prison is not easy  and a little overwhelming.  So I went ahead and decided to reopen this fundraiser.   You don’t know how much you have helped.  It’s very humbling and hard to ask for help, but so needed.  Thank you!      And 5 more days!  Praying for pardons!   

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.