Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!


 USD $20,424

Campaign created by Jeannine Larrick

Campaign funds will be received by Jeannine Larrick

Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!

Kaitlynn Hunter 16 

Guernsey county ,Ohio CPS Foster  prisoner denied all rights as a foster child to be home with her mother,family,friends and,pets  and childhood family home for almost 6 years.

Her now fragile health and mental state caused by the system needs immediate attention. CPS has cut communication and has her hidden.

Beginning February 11, 2019, Kaitlynn Hunter [KH], daughter of Jeannine Larrick, was aggressively and violently abducted by OHIO Guernsey County Deputy Sheriff deputy named Robert Oakley Patterson [via armed robbery] on a well check over homeschool and Guernsey county CPS executive director Nicole Caldwell – ABSENT: Probable Cause, Due Process, Lawful Warrant, Injured Party. Despite the fact that Jeannine’s Notice of Intent to homeschool,unschool and registered online school was signed by Newcomerstown superintendent and hand delivered to the homeschool department at Cambridge City School Board by Kaitlynn and her mother .

Mom ,self employed knew Kaitlynn need more quality time.

Due to KH’s struggle with separation anxiety … Guernsey County Judge Bennett along with Guernsey County CPS and STATE OF OHIO, considered “homeschooling” for religious reasons,a crime against children.To this day, KH has been denied her testimony life,liberty , happiness,proper education, complex medical care , mental health,stability ,mother and family ever since she was violently abducted by deputy OAKLEY ( Patterson)and Cps CALDWELL on February 11, 2019. See below link of Kaitlynn's traumatic tyrannical removal against the families' rights.

Cps executive director has denied this child  2 subpoenas to testify against the 2/11/19 unconstitutional removal from her mother.Mom was acquitted 9/22 CPS refuses to return Kaitlynn . She and mother has been severely retaliated against,by all those involved in Mom's malicious prosecution .

As a result, KH has been transferred multiple times from one abusive foster home to another [currently located 3.5 hour drive from her mother], and suffers from a concussion ,on top of other untreated concussions due to head trauma after being beaten while in Foster care; KH continues to suffer from a concussion, (possible blood clot to eyes, head, ears), physical and sexual abuse, and she suffers from severe weight loss and extreme fatigue, after being force injected with a birth control chip and unknown toxins, and continues to be denied URGENT Medical Care that she so desperately needs.Ever since KH was abducted, she has been denied proper clothing, food, personal necessities, that continue to be stolen and/or gone missing. KH has run away from foster homes several times; attempted suicide and continues to beg to be returned to her mother, Jeannine.Despite KH’s desperate cry for help, CPS Case Workers continue to aggressively separate KH from her mother, Jeannine, by seizing KH’s cell phone, and forbidding KH from communicating with her mother, Jeannine. KH is one of Millions of children and teens who have been abducted by CPS; many are unaccounted for and go missing. Our children are Not For Sale – they deserve to be Loved, Nurtured and to be Healed from Trauma and Pain; and to be Free to enjoy Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Won’t You Please Help! #SaveTheChildren #ReleaseThePrisoners #FreeTheSlaves #JusticeForTheChildrenhttps://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2023/02/02/child-protection-or-government-tyranny/?fbclid=IwY2xjawGoxL5leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHSYxgdKLoqXYEXHnr6eu43s-vdpxKmgSEhRMbpNVU7BwLsRo_J-oWNBPHA_aem__eGpc1nY--3IbKsEvQEJpw

Guernsey county CPS Nicole Caldwell has kept this child hidden in the system,denied Kaitlynn all of her rights to have custody reversed back to her mother and her rights to be protected in the foster care system. She has been beaten,abused, denied proper schooling, stability,life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness as an American child.Gross and malicious denial of foster rights of a child.Guernsey county CPS,casa,sheriff department, attorneys, probation officer, juvenile judge,foster care system,foster parents have failed this child through the cracks of Guernsey county,Ohio bounced all over Ohio at least 15 placements residential and group homes, juvenile detention. All because she is misunderstood of her traumatic removal and unjust suffering.She and I both knew I was innocent.

She's still waiting for her day in court to give  denied her subpoena twice to testify against her world being shattered the night  of 2/11/19

3,034,080 minutes

50,568 hours

2,107 days

69 months 

Denied her loving, supporting Mom,grandma, family friends,pets and home!!!!

Denied her rights to stability,her own room and to be a normal teen with friends and learning how to drive and prepare for her future .

Denied all the extras that only a mother, family and friends can provide.

Kaitlynn will be 17 . For 3 weeks this child has only had 2-3 outfits and the rest of her belongings stolen or destroyed in foster care and between moves. Mom has documentation proving she lost 60 lbs in foster care last yr .

Mom has documentation of sending her money for food and clothing because the foster parents denied her and her caseworkers have failed her.. Kaitlynn has experienced extreme abuse and neglect in the system by those who were paid to protect.

Mom was maliciously charged on 5 or 6 misdemeanors and 2 felony charges 2/11/19 to 9/22 jury acquitted Cps refuses to reverse custody.

Both mother and daughter were both forced  in mental wards for 6 months each on this entire void abnitio 1983 case.2/11/19

15 plus homes, juvenile detention, residential,group home throw away kid.

She's been abused in those places,and the only placement for her complex needs is home with Mom.Kaitlynn is too fragile for these homes.

She deserves to get justice and be made whole again where she can be  unconditionally loved and celebrated vs warehoused,abuse, neglected and tolerated.

 Unconstitutionally kidnapped and detained as a foster prisoner and tortured by the system,as a witness against her kidnappers. 

.In the court transcripts CPS worker said that Mom never abused, neglected,drugs or alcohol.Mom got 10 minutes on the juvenile stand 3/19 ,the rest of time denied to speak or put evidence on the juvenile record due to malicious prosecution and false pending charges 2/11/19 to 9/22 

All the while,Kaitlynn suffered  6 years scared and alone starting at 11 years of age, unlawful and unconstitutionally detained  Mom and daughter just want to be reunited so that we can stop this gross  malicious tyranny and suffering of an innocent child who needs to get her day in court, be heard and given her life back. She doesn't deserve this! We don't deserve it!!! Mom put all of the evidence on the records several times,unrebutted affidavits only to be ignored and suppressed .CPS is destroying this child.She needs to come home immediately!!!!CPS unconstitutionally keeps this girl hidden and denied medical ,child rights and any quality of life.Instead she is in fight or flight and has many overdue potentially serious health issues that need promptly attended to.

She needs clothes,and everything a kid needs.She was denied her Momma and life age 11 -, soon 17.She's missed 6 years of birthdays, Christmas,holidays,vacations,movies, shopping and celebrating her life.

She's attempted suicide three times in foster care . The system wrongly has kept her.

8/23  Mom put on the record of juvenile,CPS,county commissioners and sheriff and all the tippy top in Ohio government that Kaitlynn was abused and neglected under the custody of  Guernsey county CPS .It was ignored and suppressed.

Kaitlynn may need a lawyer to help set her free from tyranny and finally get her freedom!

Cps is denying this child her lifeline.

I need help.

Kaitlynn and I wanted to foster when she was taken 2019. She now wants to have a group home.We need to get her into custody and get her birth control chip out( it's causing her issues)Headaches, possible heart issues,dizzy,and malnourished in a foster home loosing 60 lbs ( documented)She is overdue on braces,eye corrective surgery,glasses and therapy . Art, music therapy She needs her own room,peace and quiet with Mom and Gramma with 6 years of love wrapped up in 1 year before she turns 18.She just wants to be a normal happy and healing teen with her family.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 18.00 USD
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
3 days ago

Love to Kaitlynn Marie Hunter and family God, Bring Kaitlynn home Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you." Deut 16:17 Amen

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 days ago

I want Kaitlynn Hunter home where she belongs. God Bless Kaitlynn Hunter. Amen

Anonymous Giver
$ 125.00 USD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
14 days ago

praying for Kaitlynn's rescue, healing and reimbursement for all the abuse and criminal activity against her

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
20 days ago

For those who have suffered and have been victimized by violence, God hear my prayers.Amen

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

May God bless Kaitlyn and her brother and all the other children and rescue them and bring them to their loving family. May all the organizations that have been set up to hurt children be brought down not only in America but all over the world.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

God Bless

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

We are praying for your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 170.00 USD
1 month ago

God Bless Kaitlynn Hunter and family

Geoffrey Hudson
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Blessings to you Jeannine, & young Kaitlynn, her Mom & family! This is a situation which needs immediate attention. Call me crazy, but I will attempt to bring it to President Trump's attention. Can you send me, by email, the full details of what she's been through? My home# is 518-597-4770 but often working 12 hour shifts. OK to leave a msg on ans machine. Sincerely, Geoff Hudson

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
1 month ago

Luke 10:18 KJV Joy and Blessings for Kaitlynn Hunter and family In Jesus’ Name Amen

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
1 month ago

praying for Kaitlynn's rescue, healing and reimbursement for all the abuse and criminal activity against her

$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 65.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

I pray that this child is found and released to her mother. These agencies in every state need to be abolished.

Susan Duby
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

This shouldn’t have happened to this young lady & her family. So very sorry & sad for our country’s criminal behavior.

N Armstrong
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Hurry up please come home your mom misses you terribly and you need to be with her so that you can heal

Anonymous Giver
$ 120.00 USD
1 month ago

Proverbs 31:25 KJV Send Kaitlynn home to mom . Amen


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