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Missionary Aviation Advertising & Recruitment


 USD $0

Campaign created by Stuart Matthews

Missionary Aviation Advertising & Recruitment

Missionary Aviation is a vital tool to help missionaries spread the gospel and distribute bibles in remote areas of the world. Missionary Aviation is also very useful in distributing supplies to villages that would typically take a day or two to reach on foot or by landrover.

There is a shortage of Missionary Pilots and Mechanics, so my mission is to introduce Missionary Aviation to our youth. Kids in our church, as well as adults, had no idea such a career existed. I believe it is important for them to learn about this career at a young age since it takes an average of 10 years to train and become certified to serve in the field. By developing an interest and starting their training at a younger age means more years serving in the field before being required to retire.

Upon my research I have determined AviNation is the best publication to advertise in since it focuses on youth interested in aviation.I am limited to the size of my advertisement in the magazine due to my limited income, but could create bigger ads to draw attention with your help, and maybe even advertise in other magazines or media as well.

I would also use some of the donations to maintain the simple flight simulators I built and plan to build to place in local church youth rooms to garner an interest.

I am 64 years old and have been an Airframe & Powerplant mechanic for over 25 years with 70 some hours flight training as a student. I also have a flight simulation center for entertainment and teach an Aviation elective for the local Military Academy. My "Purpose Driven Life" is Future Missionary Pilots & Mechanics of America.

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