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Jody & Kayla Pollock fire assistance


 CAD $10,000


 CAD $100

Campaign created by Tammy Pollock

Campaign funds will be received by Jody Pollock

Jody & Kayla Pollock fire assistance

This morning, September 28th, Jody and Kayla’s home caught fire and they’ve lost almost everything. Thankfully the family got out, it’s still unknown yet if the family pets made it out, but now this leaves Jody, Kayla and the two boys, Leland and Joel homeless.

They will need money for emergency accommodations, clothing, money for meals, and prescription medications as their sons are on seizure medications. 

They will also need money to re-attain household furniture and bedding as unfortunately they did not have renters insurance. 

Every little bit can help. If you so choose etransfers can be made directly too Jody at

Recent Donations
Tammy Pollock
$ 100.00 CAD
23 hours ago


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