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Supporting Mona Hasegawa


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Campaign created by Amy Hasegawa

Supporting Mona Hasegawa

My mother Mona Hasegawa was severely injured by the Covid Vaccine in April of 2021. Our life has crumbled ever since . She had raised me as a single mother. She ended up in a wheelchair with leg weakness and had to fight strong to walk again. But unfortunately she still has to use a scooter when we have to go far distances and she walks with a cane. As some things improve a little more symptoms are appearing. She experiences many symptoms everyday. The lastest one being extreme body pain and stiffness in her joint that take her a long to get out of bed in the morning. She has tried mutiple treatments that are not covered by insurance. There is no cure as of yet for the injured and no financial help. She has been diagnosed with CIDP , POTS , Dysautonomia and vestibular dysfunction , tics and mitochondrial issues. She would like to continue continue seeing holistic doctors and try some more treatments but with her not being able to work she can not pay for these expensive treatments. She is also behind in thousands of dollars of medical bills. I appreciate those that took the time to read this and we appreciate any help. Thank you. We need our mother back.  

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