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Struggling Financially


 USD $1,500


 USD $0

Campaign created by Elizabeth Bolick

Campaign funds will be received by Elizabeth Bolick

Struggling Financially

I hate to come here to ask for help but I am at my last resort. I have Chronic Gastritis, and I have been having flare ups non stop. I can’t get to a specialist until January of next year. Internal bleeding is a normal Tuesday for me since I can’t afford my medications, and I have missed so much work I had to go on short term disability because I am afraid to lose my job. I currently have a late electricity bill of 1482.76 because my hot water heater broke, and maintenance didn’t come fix it for a month. I also have a late bill for water of 1379.44 for the same reason. I am unable to afford these things at the moment because of my current condition, and with a recent death in the family my flare ups are getting worse. I’ve already maxed out credit cards paying these fees and exhausted all options with family and friends. I’m only asking for 1500 because I’m hoping that I can make enough from disability to pay the remainder of the late fees from the utilities. If it is not enough, I may increase but I really prefer to only ask for what I absolutely need right now. Anything helps and I am incredibly grateful to any of you who decide to donate. God bless! 

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