Keen Family Left Without Power


 USD $20,000


 USD $14,766

Campaign created by Jayne Thibodeaux

Campaign funds will be received by Christy Keen

Keen Family Left Without Power

We are the Judson Keen Family. We are a homeschool family of 9. We operate a small farm in McEwen, Tennessee where we grow food for our family and community. Meriwether Lewis Electric Corporation (MLEC) chose to terminate our power July 8, 2024. All of our bills are paid in full. MLEC terminated our electricity because they would not allow us to opt out of an RF Microwave Radiation emitting smart meter. We are unable to accept the smart meter as our children are so sensitive to RF Microwave Radiation that we are unable to use cell phones or wireless technology of any kind in our home. We avoid long exposures in town and cannot even attend church because of their sensitivities.

In the presence of RF Microwave Radiation our children experience severe symptoms that cause them great harm such as oozing rashes, joint pain, irritability, menstrual difficulties, flushing, excessive sweating, headache, muscle cramps, hyperactivity, nose bleeds, depression, lethargy and more. The RF Microwave Radiation emitting smart meter that Meriwether Lewis wants to install on our property bursts, in modulated pulse waves, these harmful frequencies 24/7.

In addition to the health complications caused by RF Microwave Radiation emitting smart meters. These same meters are a proven, documented fire hazard as they lack the surge protection that the former electromechanical analog meters provided. And the RF Microwave Radiation emitting smart meter do collect the personal, private data of the People which is then sold without our knowledge or consent. These facts are in violation of our rights to safety and privacy as reserved to the People in our Constitutions. Many groups across our great country have worked tirelessly to affirm our rights and keep the utility companies in check. Because of their efforts several states have opt out measures and some regions have entirely banned the smart meter/ smart grid rollout. 

Because Meriwether Lewis terminated our electricity, we are struggling to keep our family and farm afloat. We lost an entire freezer of food. We have a small gasoline powered generator that we keep on long enough each day to keep our other freezers from thawing. We are spending a minimum of $50 a day in gasoline. 

We are cooking for 9 and canning our garden veggies on a camp stove on the porch. We fill buckets with water to flush toilets and use for dish washing. We use kerosene lamps and flashlights at night to see our way around. We work and sleep with no A/C even while summer temperatures top 100 degrees. We wash a minimum of 4 loads of laundry a day to stay up with the demands of a large family and farm. Now, we must do all our washing during the few hours the generator is on. Our generator frequently trips the breaker so that we are forced to adjust our usage by deciding what to forego during those precious hours of electricity. 

We are in the process of writing Notices to our government servants regarding this egregious violation of our rights. While we seek remedy for ourselves and our fellow Americans for safe utilities we are grateful for help from our community to make this process less painful. We ask our Heavenly Father to bless you in the name of Jesus Christ for your help with the following:

Our Needs:


-Larger tri-fuel generator to reduce costs and have more power.

-Sine Tamer to reduce electric fluctuations inherent in generator power so our appliances stop breaking. 

-Natural Gas Heater in preparation for winter.

-Help with gasoline and or natural gas costs

-In Line Filters to make solar power safe

Photo Credit: 

Watch/ Read our story here:

Learn about the danger of smart meters here:

Recent Donations
Marsha Henry
$ 60.00 USD
3 months ago

May thoughtful, caring, reasonable and FAIR minds prevail. I am sorry for your difficult circumstance and pray for a resolution.

Mason Evans
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Thank you for paving the way!

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 60.00 USD
4 months ago

God bless you . Jesus is King .

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
4 months ago

Stand firm in the Lord!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Are you getting enough money to acquire a natural gas powered generator? How about a wind mill? will that work? or solar array? Who know perhaps you can start a new business....

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

Mary Jo Leaver
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

My prayers are with you - you are a courageous family!

Sarah Barz
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Pam and Mark
$ 200.00 USD
6 months ago

Bless you for fighting. We are praying for you.

Jim and Sheila Keen
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

From our (New England) Keen family to yours. God bless you all in Jesus name! Praying for you! Well done! Stay strong!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

Chris and Sharon Harmon
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

So proud of you for taking a stand for something so important. Sending prayers to you all.

Donn Curran
$ 40.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

Sacrifice breeds strength. Stay strong and courageous!

Kay Dee
$ 500.00 USD
6 months ago

What an awful thing you're going through - your fight is all of ours. God bless.

Linda from Vonore
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Thank you for your courage to take a stand to preserve FREEDOM. It is honor to help you with a financial gift and our prayer for your endurance until MLEC will provide you a medical exemption. God's blessings to each of you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

So sorry to hear you're going through this, and in Tennessee of all places. We can't give much, but please count this as a small token of our support for you all.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

October 31st, 2024

The new generator came early! It wasn't supposed to be here until December, but Praise God we received it yesterday. Judson hooked it up to natural gas, and we haven't had a power outage since. We are grateful beyond measure. We could never thank ya'll enough. I trust the Lord to repay you for your kindness. Truly may the blessings of our God be upon you all. We are honored to live in a country where folks love one another. 


October 29th, 2024

Hello from the Keen Family! We are alive and well. We have been through the ringer these past months, but we have been cared for by our Lord and our fellow Americans (and beyond). Without your help, I don't know how we could have got through this time. The Lord knew we needed you and he sent each and every one of you to our aid. Your kindness will never be forgotten. We pray that the Lord repay you all 30 fold!

We have increased our goal in order to have the funds to purchase 2 filters to make our small solar array safe for our family. We have been unable to use any solar because of the Dirty Electricity inherent in the solar inverter. However, we learned that the DE can be mitigated using specific filters designed for that purpose. We look forward to having power to flush our toilets and keep our fridge and freezers on at night. 

Also, with these filters we can begin the process of adding to our solar to create more energy for our family and farm, and perhaps one day be off generator power. We do look forward to having the quiet back as generators are so loud. Thank you for your support. Without you we would not have withstood this trial. With you we are made strong. May the Lord bless us all with SAFE POWER!

Live Tonight 7pm CST

October 14th, 2024

Please join us for our latest interview on The Tennessee Informer with Dave Vance. We will be discussing what life has been like for us since Meriwether Lewis Electric Corporation terminated our power for refusing a smart meter. We are working hard to bring light to this growing concern. Corporations are forcing dangerous technology on Americans without their consent and many times without their knowledge. These tyrants must be stopped.

97 days on generator power

October 14th, 2024

On this 97th day since MLEC terminated our electricity, we are happy to say that we have not conceded to their microwave radiation emitting, trespassing technology "smart" meter. Instead, we feel our resolve growing as we find that life without the power company is life with less tyranny and that hardships don't crush us, but instead make us stronger.

We were not expecting to have our power turned off. We really didn't think Meriwether Lewis would be that aggressive. We were not prepared to live life without electricity. Our fellow freedom loving Americans have reached out to us in our time of need. Because of your willingness to help our family we have been able to purchase a new, larger generator (arrives in December), upgrade our current generator to natural gas, purchase several solar fence chargers for our livestock, purchase a sine tamer to help with dirty electricity made by the generator, and replace our appliances that fried under the fluctuations. 

And we now have very good news to share about Solar Power! We currently have a small solar array that could power our freezers, refrigerator and well pump. But we are not able to use our solar as it makes us all sick with extreme dirty electricity levels inherent in solar inverters. However, my husband learned at a recent training seminar with the Building Biology Institute that we can make solar power perfectly clean!

The process requires 4 filters. We already own 2 of them. The other 2 filters required are very expensive. They cost $6,600 together. We are asking for help to purchase these filters as it would make everything so much better. We will be able to use our solar to keep our freezers and refrigerator and our well pump working, even at night. We would love to be able to flush toilets at night! With 9 people, toilets have become a focus :)

With all the terrible suffering around our country, it is hard to ask for help. But we do not have the ability to buy these filters ourselves. We truly appreciate your taking interest in our family at this time. We need each other. We need the Lord. Blessed be his Holy name.  

Your Prayers Are Working!

September 2nd, 2024

Hello Fellow Freedom Lovers! We are so happy to announce that our story is gaining traction. It's your story too! We all share the same desire to experience in our daily lives the freedoms we were given by God and reserved to ourselves in our constitutions. We are in this fight together. The Lord has provided the opportunity for our family to be the "poster child" for UTILITY TYRANNY, but it's your voices he's using to bring remedy to all of us!

We have 2 new interviews to share with you! Please watch, LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT.

1) Scott Armstrong on Info Wars

2) Texas Boys

We have a few updates...

Unfortunately, we have yet to purchase a new generator, as they are still out of stock. But we're on every list we could find to be notified when they come in stock. And we are grateful that our little gasoline generator is still kicking! Because of your generosity, we are able to run our electricity for more hours during the day. We still turn it off all night and when we can during the day to preserve its life, but it is an amazing improvement to our lives to have the freedom to keep it on longer. Thank you!

We have begun the process of sending out notices to our government servants. Your donations are paying for this process too. Each notice costs over $10 and we expect to send more than 100 notices and affidavits. Also, Judson is the mastermind behind writing the notices, which requires much time and study. He is the provider in our family and your generosity has helped relieve some of his burden.

The Lord has helped us so much to understand the fundamental law and be in touch with the right people at the right time. We truly believe we will have the victory and all Tennesseans will walk in the freedom that is already ours. Daddy's and Mama's need to make decisions for their families, not corporations. 

We ask the Lord's blessing over you all for helping us in our time of need. 

Whenever there is any potential for harm, choice is the only option for a free people! -Christy 


Update #2

August 26th, 2024

I spoke to Christy and Judson tonight. They are weary. They are sweaty. They are tired. BUT they feel the love of all of you with them! Praise God. 

Here is a list of why we need to raise the campaign goal...

• Gasoline, Natural Gas, Propane - $1,000.

• Replace 2 Freezers - $2,000.

• Livestock Fencing Chargers - $800. The Keen's electric fence was previously charged with electricity from the power company. Since they terminated their power, they have to use solar. This is for the new chargers.

• Replace Ceiling Fan - $200

• Notices and affidavits to the Supreme Court, county, state and federal legislators, MLEC & TVA board members, etc. They have to send them all certified mail with return receipt. They have sent a total of 85+ notices so far. - $1,500.

What has happened to the Keen’s can happen to ANY of us.

Praise God for their determination to keep going and pave a new path for all of us!

And praise God for all of you!

We are so very grateful for you all!

August 25th, 2024

We cannot adequately communicate the encouragement we feel having received such an outpouring of love and support from our friends and neighbors. We have been so hot and overwhelmed by troubles since this whole situation happened to us and your gifts have lifted us up. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

Our situation has not changed as much as we would hope. We are waiting for generators to come back in stock as they are sold out due to the hurricanes this season. We have our names on several websites to notify us when they come back in stock. 

Because you all have chosen to be so generous, we are able to buy a larger tri fuel generator than we first thought. This will allow us to keep more circuits running without tripping our generator breaker. Thank you!

We have been trying for weeks to get the proper fittings to convert our current gasoline generator into a natural gas generator. But again, because of the hurricanes and storms things are on backorder. We are expecting the final parts this week. 

We are still spending a minimum of $50 a day on gasoline and we're not sure how much natural gas will cost us, but we assume it to be less. Unfortunately, we have now lost 2 freezers and a ceiling fan due to power fluctuations from the generator messing with the circuitry. When we have a bigger generator that has constant fuel (from the natural gas line) we expect the strain on our appliances to be much less. 

We have had many caring people recommend solar power to us. Please understand we do have a little solar power. Unfortunately, we are unable to use it as the inverters used in solar create Microsurge Electrical Pollution (aka Dirty Electricity) which makes me and my kids sick. I wish we could use solar, but it's not an option for us. 

We are confident that our Lord will give us remedy as we seek alternative power sources as well as seeking an analog meter from the power company, MLEC. We are working very hard to create Notices and Affidavits to present to the servants of our great country. We are following the lead of others who have gone before us in this arena and have proven results. Should the Lord give us victory over the Power Tyrants, we all will benefit. 

Whenever there is any risk of harm, choice is the only option for a free People.

With Love and Thanks,

Christy Keen

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Please pray for the funds to purchase the filters needed to make solar power safe for our family. Thank you so much!